Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 401 I am the Shenlong!

Chapter 401 I am the Shenlong!

Nets from all over the world, Jiangbei Provincial Headquarters, Commander-in-Chief's Office.

"Commander, the magnetic field detector has detected abnormal data!"

Xia Jin walked into Wang Gan's office.

Wang Gan sat upright, glanced at the computer screen, and said:
"You're talking about the situation where Kowloon covered the sun just now?"

Xia Jin nodded:


"According to the data displayed by the magnetic field detector, after the appearance of the Nine Dragons just now, the energy released by them in the sky has reached 50 billion."


Hearing this, Wang Gan, who had a calm face just now, couldn't help but gasped in shock.

"How can it be so high?"

"Last time, the ancient ferocious beast was Qiongqi, and the peak value when it attacked was only 20 billion."

"These nine dragons can release 50 billion energy before launching any attack. This is really..."

Wang Gan stood up, took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it with a sad face, and took a deep puff.

After a while, he continued:

"It's no wonder. After all, Nine Dragons Blanket the Sun is an even older legend than Qiongqi."

"If they really appeared, they would definitely be more unimaginable than Qiongqi."

He looked at Xia Jin and said:

"Have you heard of the legend of the Nine Dragons covering the sun?"

Xia Jin nodded and smiled:
"Of course, I have seen this legend in "Strange Tales from Mountains and Seas" before."

"The book says that in ancient times, ten suns appeared in the sky, causing the earth to dry up, trees to die, and human beings to suffer unspeakably."

"In order to save the common people on the earth, Hou Yi shot down nine suns with his bow and arrows. However, the nine arrows he shot were actually nine black dragons. Get back together and rekindle the ashes."

"They gathered together and summoned powerful dark clouds and hurricanes in the sky, blocking the sun's brilliance and blowing away the heat of the sun. Over time, the hope of resurrecting the nine suns was completely cut off."

"This is the origin of Kowloon covering the sun."

Wang Gan nodded and smiled, very satisfied with Xia Jin's answer:

"That's right, even I don't remember it so clearly."

Xia Jin clasped her hands together and smiled, like a little girl praised by her elders, with a smug look on her face.

Wang Gan then asked:

"Have you found out the reason for the appearance of these nine dragons?"

Xia Jin shook her head and said:
"Not yet, but we found that the nine dragons disappeared over the Shui family. It seems that they are inseparable from the Shui family."

After hearing this, Wang Gan frowned:
"You mean, these nine dragons are probably going for Shui Jianyu and the others?"

Xia Jin nodded and said:
"Yes. We calculated the location of Jiulong through GPS positioning, which is exactly 1 kilometers vertically above Shuijia."

"Later, they also disappeared in this direction."

Wang Gan frowned even deeper:
"According to this, Jiulong is likely to be related to Shui Jianyu and the others. If this Jiulong was summoned by Shui Jianyu, then this person is absolutely amazing now!"

Xia Jin nodded, and continued:

"There is another important clue. Li Mandong, the daughter of the Li family in Xinjiang City who was engaged to the Shui family before, had a conflict with Ye Yun's cousin Chu Wenyan during the Baihua Fairy's talent show. Later, she let her brother Li Junchen kidnap her. Liao Chu Wenyan and them."

"After Ye Yun found it, he killed Li Junchen and formed an indissoluble hatred with the Li family. However, just this afternoon, Li Renhua, the head of the Li family, went to the Shui family."

After hearing this, Wang Gan took a deep puff of cigarette, and his eyes became more dignified:

"Combining these two clues together, I think that this Nine Dragons is probably aimed at Ye Yun."

"And the person who summoned the Nine Dragons is probably Shui Jianyu."

Xia Jin nodded and said:
"Yes, I think so too."

Wang Gan punched and hit the table heavily.

"Damn it, such a powerful dragon will appear, you don't need to guess, you know that Shui Jianyu is going to attack Ye Yun!"

"Hurry up and send more people to closely monitor all the developments of the Shui family. If you have any news, please let me know as soon as possible!"

Xia Jin nodded, and asked again:

"Commander, do you have no confidence in Ye Yun?"

Wang Gan smiled wryly:
"I can no longer judge which of them is strong or weak. Ye Yun is already in the realm of an extraordinary person, and these dragons are even more legendary."

"This kind of fairy war, once it is fought, no one can say for sure."

"Let's just wait and see what happens."

Xia Jin didn't say anything more, logically speaking, the important people in Zhonghai must have known the news immediately after such a big movement in Nine Dragons Blinding the Sun.

However, judging from Wang Gan's reaction, Zhong Hai has not given any instructions so far.

This probably shows that even the general and the others haven't found any effective way to deal with Kowloon.

To put it bluntly, it is because the Nine Dragons are too terrifying, and with such a powerful force as Huaxia, there is no way to deal with them.

It's no wonder Wang Gan is so at a loss, not because he is weak, but because they are too strong!

It is different from the silence of the net.

The courtyard of the Shui family was very lively at this time.

Shui Jianyu is out!

At this time, his body was thinner than before, and he looked more energetic and full of vitality.

When he walked towards the crowd, from time to time, a golden light would be emitted from his body.

In the light, there are vaguely nine dragons flying in the air, the momentum is extremely astonishing.

"Dad, was it you who made the Kowloon block the sun just now?"

Seeing Shui Jianyu for the first time, Shui Xinjie asked quickly.


Shui Jianyu only nodded slightly.

The air around is buzzing!There was a sound of boiling, and the aura of the mountain roared like a tsunami, which shocked everyone's hearts.

Shui Ruohua's eyes trembled:
"Dad, those nine dragons are ancient divine dragons. How did you manage to summon them?"

Shui Jianyu gave his daughter a loving look, shook his head and said:
"I didn't call them."

"What's the matter?"

"They are me! I am them!"

When Shui Jianyu said this, the audience was shocked.

"Dad, Jianyu, have you really become a dragon?"

Shui Xinjie, Shui Ruohua and Li Renhua all exclaimed in surprise.

Shui Jianyu nodded and smiled.

Since that day, when he got a technique called "Lingtian Shenlong Jue" from Zhong Yunzhou, the messenger of the Family Association, he has been devoting himself to retreat and practice.

Originally, Zhong Yunzhou told him that if he practiced this exercise to the limit, he could become a master infinitely close to innate.

Unexpectedly, not long ago, he inadvertently deduced a new cultivation method, which raised this cultivation method to an inconceivable level.

Even, you can communicate with the ancient dragons.

Later, with the continuous improvement of his cultivation, he found that his body had undergone tremendous changes, and he could release the images of nine dragons at the same time.

Only then did he realize that he had merged with the nine dragons and was no longer a mortal!

Now, he conservatively estimates that he is at least a congenital late-stage master.

If he released all nine divine dragons like just now, he couldn't even imagine how strong it would be!

Seeing Shui Jianyu nodded, Li Renhua nodded heavily and said:
"It's really great! Judging by your aura just now, there are very few people in this world who can match you!"

"That being the case, then..."

Shui Jianyu glanced at him lightly and said:
"I also heard your conversation just now, so Ye Yun must die!"

He glanced at the butler and said:

"Let's talk, just say that I, Shui Jianyu, is the incarnation of Nine Dragons. This time, I want to do justice for the heavens and kill Ye Yun, the thief!"

"Give him seven days to come and die by himself, otherwise, Murong Villa will be lost!"

(End of this chapter)

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