Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 409 Murong Yan Has Been Angered!

Chapter 409 Murong Yan Has Been Angered!

Seeing Song Qi kneeling on the ground, George quickly stepped forward to support him and said:

"Sir, are you alright?"

Song Qi stood up, glanced at the fire lotus in Yaya's hand annoyedly, shook his head and said:
"I'm fine!"

He has confirmed that this fire lotus is definitely not magic, but a real super flame!
According to his understanding, even the Compo Company can't produce a power user who can emit this kind of flame.

This means that the little boy sitting in front of him is a terrifying fire element controller.

Song Qi secretly felt lucky, fortunately, the attack was not too heavy just now, otherwise, the backlash would be even more severe, and maybe he would seriously injure himself.

Right now, I can no longer try to test it, otherwise the result will only be self-inflicted humiliation.


"I came all the way from the United States. If I return to China with this kind of humiliation, I might as well die!"

Song Qi has been in the flowers for so long, and she has long been tired of those vulgar fans in the world.

Two years ago, I accidentally ran into the pure and beautiful Luo Xuewei, and seeing how caring she was, Song Qi regarded her as the lover of his dreams.

For Luo Xuewei, he has suffered so much in the past two years and spent a huge price to build himself into a super warrior.

I thought that I could impress Luo Xuewei with superpowers and conquer this girl's heart.

He never thought that he would encounter a power user who was more powerful than himself, making himself without dignity in front of Luo Xuewei.

This is an absolutely intolerable shame!

In particular, when he saw Luo Xuewei showing admiration and admiration for Ye Yun intentionally or unintentionally, it made him even more jealous.

"You bastard, how dare you hurt me!"

Since it is impossible to restore self-esteem with soft methods, Song Qi decided to use hard methods!
At this time, he pointed the spearhead directly at Ye Yun and glared at him angrily.

"George, this man hurt me! If you can't teach him a lesson, after you go back, just wait for my father's punishment!"

George is a semi-cyborg manufactured by Compo, with a human body and a machine skeleton.

Not only is his body extremely strong, but he is also extremely powerful and painless. He is a terrifying undead warrior.

And his controller is in the hands of Song Qi's father. Once George fails to complete the task, what awaits him will be a terrible punishment.


George nodded heavily: "Young master, don't worry, I will make him cry and beg you for mercy!"

After finishing speaking, George punched Ye Yun hard.

As a semi-cyborg, all his actions are carried out according to the master's instructions.

Therefore, this punch came out without any hesitation or pity, and was completely aimed at destroying Ye Yun.

Seeing this, the five musicians of the spaceship band hurriedly dispersed, exclaiming in surprise, for fear of being accidentally injured by George's fist.

However, Luo Xuewei jumped up against the case and said coquettishly:

"Song Qi, you are going too far!"

She gently stretched out her jade hands, like willows supporting the wind, soft and weak, and looked full of beauty.

However, the moment they touched George's arm, the slender fingers burst out with unimaginable strength, tightly grasping George's arm and twisting.


George's arm made of titanium alloy was twisted off by her.

Then, another palm hit George's chest.

This behemoth with a height of 1.9 meters five and a weight of three hundred catties was beaten to pieces.


Seeing the fallen parts, Song Qi couldn't help shrinking his pupils and swallowing wildly.

"Xuewei, you... you actually... slapped George to pieces?"

Song Qi only felt a roar in his head.

Although he has roughly investigated Luo Xuewei's identity in Huaxia, and learned that she is a martial arts master and the head of the Luo family in Jiangcheng.

But Luo Xuewei's shot this time still terrified him.

You must know that two years ago, when she first met Luo Xuewei, she was still a very weak little girl.

At that time, she was helping the children clean the rooms in the orphanage, and she was sweating and panting after half a day.

Unexpectedly, in just two years, she could deal with such a terrifying monster like George with one palm.

This is really...


Luo Xuewei withdrew her hand, frowned and looked at Song Qi coldly and said:
"Your nonsense should end here!"

"Ye Yun is my benefactor and also my master. If you disrespect him again, I will not be polite!"

Her voice, with a hint of hoarseness and charm, is extremely magnetic, even when she is angry, it sounds very pleasant.

However, that angry look was as cold as ice, which made Song Qi's heart tremble uncontrollably.

"You actually defend him like this?"

The fire of jealousy in Song Qi's heart has erupted like a volcano.

Having been secretly in love with Luo Xuewei for two years, she traveled thousands of miles from the United States to China, and unexpectedly got such a result.

He doesn't agree!
Luo Xuewei nodded and said:

"Receive the kindness of others, and repay him with every drop of water. If you disrespect him, I will naturally defend him."

Song Qi said angrily:

"Then why do I have to attack him?"

Luo Xuewei raised her brows:
"Then let me deal with you first!"

Song Qi gritted his teeth loudly, he couldn't think of turning his face against Luo Xuewei completely, so he pointed the gun at Ye Yun again and said:

"Ye, if you are a man, don't let a woman come out to block the gun for you!"

"Aren't you very powerful? Then do you dare to deal with my next subordinate?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the thin man who had been standing behind walked up like a ghost.

Raising his head, a pair of falcon-like eyes stared straight at Ye Yun.

Song Qi said coldly:
"Originally, I didn't want to bring things to this point! It's because of you, a little boy, that you keep forcing me to take action!"

"The person standing next to me now is the most powerful priest of our Song family! His name is Lin Nan, and he is a master-level expert transformed by Kangbo Company through genetic technology. He beat three Chinese martial arts masters to death with one punch last month. "

"I'll ask you, do you dare to fight him?"

He lifted his chin high when he spoke, with an air of supreme pride.

However, Lin Nan on the side had a sneer on his face, and his murderous aura instantly enveloped the audience.

Except for Ye Yun, Xiao Huang and Luo Xuewei, everyone felt a bleak chill.

Murong Yan sighed softly, and said to Ye Yun:
"I didn't expect Xuewei's birthday party to be so troublesome."

"Ye Yun, since he keeps provoking, teach him a lesson."

Her own man, as tall as a mountain, was constantly provoked by such fleas, Murong Yan felt angry in her heart.

"it is good!"

Ye Yun smiled gently at Murong Yan, raised his hand, and slapped in the air.

Lin Nan, who was still angry just now, was directly drawn into the sky, and disappeared in front of everyone at an unimaginable speed.


Song Qi was also going to order Lin Nan to teach Ye Yun a lesson.

Unexpectedly, Lin Nan was sent flying before he could speak, leaving no room for reaction.


"You, you are a monster!"

Seeing the bloodthirsty light of a tyrannosaurus rex in Ye Yun's eyes, Song Qi swallowed in fright.

All over his body, a severe chill penetrated into every pore, making his hairs stand on end in fright.

However, he still refused to accept it!
Because he had seen it before, the Compo Company had newly created a terrifying Iron Warrior.

Its whole body is so hard that even missiles cannot blast it away.

And it is so powerful that it can tear a heavy truck into pieces with just one hand.

It is an invincible warrior!
A true undead warrior!
It is the most proud super killer of Compo!
He once saw with his own eyes that the Iron Warrior flew into the air and smashed a 200-meter-high mountain into powder with one punch.

He didn't believe that this little boy could compete against such a terrifying steel warrior.

So he said:
"Ye, if you have the guts, just wait for me for two more days, and I will bring the most powerful killing machine from Compo."

"I'm sure you will kneel before it and beg for mercy!"

Ye Yun thought for a while, then suddenly shook his head and smiled:

"The killing machine you're talking about, isn't it a giant steel robot?"

Song Qi frowned, suddenly felt a bad feeling in his heart, and asked quickly:
"How do you know it?"

Ye Yun smiled faintly:
"Because it was me who snapped my fingers and broke it into pieces."

As soon as he finished speaking, Song Qi was overly frightened and fell heavily to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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