Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 410 Yaya, one word, four horses are hard to chase!

Chapter 410 One word from Yaya, four horses are hard to follow!
Seeing Song Qi fall, the spaceship band he invited and the pilot of the helicopter carried him back to the helicopter immediately.

Ye Yun followed suit and made Song Qi unable to wake up completely. Even if he returned to the United States and tried to treat him, he would never open his eyes.

After this farce was completely over, Luo Xuewei's birthday party started again.

Faced with Song Qi's repeated provocations just now, she angrily killed George. Looking back now, she feels a little embarrassed.

As a girl, she was too impatient just now, and she didn't know if it would affect her image in his heart.

She sat down with a flushed face, and lowered her head shyly.

On the contrary, He Jingyao and the others looked at Luo Xuewei enviously:
"Xuewei, this is the first time we've seen you make a move, it's really amazing!"

Luo Xuewei smiled shyly:
"That's because the master is amazing, and I've only scratched the surface!"

He Jingyao and the others looked at Ye Yun adoringly, and they were too embarrassed to say anything more because Murong Yan was here.

However, the three girls have already decided to let Luo Xuewei teach them martial arts.

In this way, even if you can't be Ye Yun's apprentice, you can still be his grandson!

Just when the three girls were secretly happy, He Jingyao's cell phone rang suddenly.

After answering the phone, her face changed drastically, and her bright eyes were full of horror.

Luo Xuewei asked with concern:

"Jingyao, why are you so scared, what happened?"

He Jingyao said with trembling lips:

"My uncle called me and said... said... there are ghosts in my house!"

When it came to the end, she was frightened to tears.

Since ancient times, Chinese people have always turned pale when they heard ghosts, but now He Jingyao suddenly heard that there were ghosts at home. As a girl who has been pampered all the year round, how could she bear such a thing?
Luo Xuewei hugged her gently, and then asked:

"Then did your family think of a way to deal with it?"

He Jingyao stood up abruptly and said:
"Not yet, my uncle said that the ghost is very powerful! Now it is attached to my grandfather, I want to go back and have a look!"

Luo Xuewei also stood up, nodded and said:

"Then I'll go with you too!"

She felt that she was already a master at the peak of the transformation realm, and she might be able to help He Jingyao deal with that ghost.

Both Liu Yina and Dong Manli are He Jingyao's best friends, even though they were terrified, they wanted to follow her to have a look.

Yaya took a piece of cake, stood up and said:

"Papa, I want to see ghosts too!"

The little girl always thought ghosts were cute.

After seeing the two ghosts raised by Yang Zhong in Jincheng Square last time, the little girl wanted Ye Yun to help her raise two.

Helplessly, Ye Yun said that it was a dirty thing and could not be kept on her body, so she had no choice but to give up this idea.

But, it can't be raised, it's always okay to see, the little girl wanted Ye Yun to accompany her to see the cute ghost.

Ye Yun smiled, pulled Murong Yan to stand up, and said:

"Okay, then we have agreed, we can only watch it, not keep it on our body."

Yaya stretched out her tender little fingers to hook Ye Yun's hand, nodded and said with a smile:
"One word from Yaya, it's hard to chase after a horse!"

"Little girl, you are really getting smarter!"

Ye Yun held her in his arms, held Murong Yan's hand, and smiled softly: "Let's go!"

Seeing that Ye Yun was also willing to go, He Jingyao felt more confident and less afraid.

A group of people soon arrived at He Jingyao's home, which was located in a single-family villa in the Xiangjiang villa area of ​​Jiangcheng.

As soon as they entered the gate of the courtyard, everyone felt a chill hit.

In the sky, there was a faint wind blowing back and forth, which made people feel a little creepy.

"Jingyao, have you called your father yet?"

Walking through the door, He Jingyao's uncle, He Wenrui, hurried over.

He Jingyao shook her head:
"Not yet, I heard that Dad is going to have a business talk with someone tonight, so I probably pressed the mute button!"

He Wenrui sighed and said:
"Forget it! Anyway, he won't be of much help when he comes back, so let him go."

He Jingyao hurriedly asked:
"Uncle, what happened to grandpa? Why do you say he was bent over by a ghost?"

As soon as she finished speaking, there was a sound of howling ghosts and wolves upstairs.

Just like a living person being cut open with a saw, it sounds very miserable, and it makes people's hairs stand on end.

He Wenrui's eyes revealed horror:
"When I called your grandpa for dinner tonight, I suddenly found him lying on the wall, his body seemed to be broken, his hands and feet were all turned upside down against the wall."

"What's even more frightening is that he was able to turn his neck around, looking back at me, and kept telling me that he was hungry and wanted to eat human brains."

"I was so scared at the time that I thought he was insane, so I locked him in the room and found a doctor to treat him. Unexpectedly..."

Having said that, he swallowed sharply, his eyes were bloodshot, and he seemed to be extremely terrified.

He Jingyao said anxiously:

"What happened after that?"

He Wenrui's voice trembled violently:
"Unexpectedly, he really ate up that doctor's brains..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Murong Yan, Luo Xuewei, He Jingyao, and Dong Manli all frowned, woo!Covering his mouth, he almost spit it out.

Ye Yun frowned slightly, it seemed that this ghost was quite capable.

You know, no matter how vicious ordinary ghosts are, most of them rely on illusions to frighten people.

There are definitely very few people who can attach to the human body and can eat people so ferociously.

He held Murong Yan in his arms, and gently stroked her back with his right hand to help her relieve the feeling of wanting to vomit.

Under his comfort, Murong Yan quickly recovered, smiled softly at him, and asked:
"Ye Yun, can you help Jingyao's grandfather?"

Ye Yun nodded: "Yes."

He Jingyao hurried forward, looked at him expectantly and said:

"Ye Yun, please save my grandfather!"

He Wenrui glanced at Ye Yun and asked:

"This gentleman, is it some kind of psychic master, or a master ghost hunter?"

He Jingyao shook her head and said:

"No, Ye Yun is a very powerful martial artist."

He Wenrui immediately looked away from Ye Yun, and said to He Jingyao:
"I just invited the three most powerful ghost masters in our Jiangbei Province. They should be here soon. Let them handle it!"

He looked at Ye Yun just now and found that there was nothing special about him.

Unlike some martial arts masters and psychic masters he had seen, he didn't have the kind of awe-inspiring feeling.

Therefore, it was concluded that he was just a martial arts master with some ability, that is, he had a better appearance, which made He Jingyao show a look of admiration.

It is impossible for such a person to deal with such a ferocious ghost!
"People are coming!"

He Jingyao still wanted to explain Ye Yun's detailed identity when she heard the butler shout.

He Wenrui hurried forward, bowed respectfully to the three people in front of him and said:

"Master Liu, Master Fu, Master Zhuo, thank you!"

(End of this chapter)

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