Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 411 Ghost Master 3 giants!

Chapter 411 The Big Three Ghost Masters!
I saw three people walking in the door.

The one on the left is wearing a red and yellow robe, a pearl hat on his head, and holding a dust whisk in his hand.

The one in the middle is wearing a bluish-white robe with his hands behind his back. He has white beard and hair, but he looks very young, at most 40 years old.

The person on the right is wearing a Tai Chi gossip suit, also holding a dust whisk, wearing a Taoist hat, and wearing a pair of large-frame sunglasses on his face.

There was a gloomy aura on the three of them, and when they stepped through the door, they couldn't help but feel a chill in their bodies.

He Wenrui turned around and said to He Jingyao:

"Jingyao, these three masters are the top three ghost masters in Jiangbei Province!"

"The one in the middle is the number one Master Liu Zhengying. Before last year, he was ranked No. 2 among ghost masters in our Jiangbei Province. Since the number one Oujiu disappeared, he has naturally become our Jiangbei ghost master. Provincial Ghost Master No.1!"

"Master Liu's skills are superb, and he learned from the Maoshan lineage. He has very powerful psychic skills. He has helped hundreds of high-ranking officials and nobles in our Jiangbei Province to solve various spiritual events at home."

He Wenrui looked in awe, and after introducing Liu Zhengying, he looked at the other two and said:

"These two are masters Fu Shenghong and Zhuo Youfan who are behind Master Liu."

"They are also masters of psychics, dipping in altars, sermons, talismans, forbidden spells, divination, praying for rain, dream fulfillment, body disease, worshiping gods, almost omnipotent!"

After finishing speaking, he bowed again to Liu Zhengying and the three of them, and said:
"Three masters, today's matter is urgent, so I invited the three together, I hope the three will not blame you!"

Liu Zhengying nodded slightly and said:

"It's okay, I heard you said that this ghost is more powerful, and I intend to come over and have a look, but it may not be qualified for me to do it myself!"

His tone was quite arrogant, and what he said clearly showed that he was the most powerful person, and the other two were inferior to him.

But Fu Shenghong and Zhuo Youfan did not express any displeasure.

After all, he is the No. 1 ghost master in Jiangbei province today, so he is qualified to say such a thing.

He Wenrui nodded and smiled quickly:
"That's good! Please come with me!"

He glanced at He Jingyao and said:

"Jingyao, you are here to greet your friends, don't let them make noise, just affect the master's way of doing it!"

He Jingyao glanced at Ye Yun, shook her head and said:
"No, I invited Ye Yun to help Grandpa."

She had seen Ye Yun's extraordinary means twice, and felt that she must be better than these three masters.

No matter what, Ye Yun had to watch from the side.

He Wenrui frowned and said:

"Jingyao, why are you so ignorant? Do the three masters still need help from others?"

Liu Zhengying and the others looked at Ye Yun contemptuously. Seeing that he did not look like a fellow in terms of appearance or temperament, the disdain on the faces of the three of them was even worse.

Liu Zhengying waved his hand casually and said:
"I think this little brother is just here to see the fun, so it's okay to let him go and see it."

"As long as the time comes, don't be scared and yell, and it will affect us to recover the ghosts!"

Fu Shenghong and Zhuo Youfan nodded at the same time, quite agreeing:

"Okay, let's take them to see and see!"

After finishing speaking, the two followed Liu Zhengying, raised their heads proudly, and followed He Wenrui upstairs.

Ye Yun then said to Murong Yan and Yaya:
"Let's go too."

Murong Yan grabbed his hand nervously and asked:

"The doctor whose brain was he still there?"

Thinking of that horrible scene, her little heart beat with fright.

Ye Yun shook his head and smiled:

"It should be gone, otherwise, He Jingyao's uncle wouldn't dare to go up like this."

When Murong Yan heard what he said, she felt relieved.

Anyway, following Ye Yun doesn't have to be afraid of anything, she also wants to see what that ghost looks like.

He Jingyao then took Ye Yun and the others upstairs together.

The door of the room on the third floor.

Liu Zhengying, Fu Shenghong and Zhuo Youfan stood there calmly.

He Wenrui glanced nervously at the door of the room, and asked tremblingly:
"Three masters, can you open the door now?"

Liu Zhengying nodded slightly:
"It's okay, just drive."

Seeing that they were indifferent, He Wenrui took courage and opened the door.

A cloudy wind blows towards the face.

The entire corridor on the third floor was shrouded in icy cold wind.

Ghosts crying and wolves howling, miserable.

Everyone could only feel the screams in their heads, and their scalps went numb.

Ye Yun quickly made a small formation to protect Murong Yan, Yaya, and Luo Xuewei, the four girls.

"Let me come first!"

The eldest and second child did not move, and Zhuo Youfan, who was ranked third, came out.

Just after his voice fell, a black figure rushed out of the room and stuck tightly to the ceiling of the corridor.

He is the grandfather of He Jingyao who was possessed by a ghost, He Xianqing.

At this time, the bones of his whole body have been extremely twisted, his head turned behind him, from top to bottom, looking at everyone ferociously, and said with a sinister smile:
"Brains, I want to eat brains! So many brains! Wahahaha!"

Zhuo Youfan snorted angrily, and shook the dust with his right hand:
"You little brat, you dare to act presumptuously in front of me, let's see how I accept you!"

"Northern Emperor ordered my paper, the book talisman to fight evil spirits, anyone who dares to disobey, will be escorted to the capital as soon as the law orders!"

When the whisk was flying, a white light rushed towards He Xianqing.

Seeing this, Liu Zhengying and Fu Shenghong nodded slightly.

The white light emitted by Zhuo Youfan is called Beidi Suppressing Ghost Talisman, which can suppress all the ghosts under the ghost king, and has a great restraint effect on these ghosts.

According to common sense, when this talisman is typed out, the ghost attached to He Xianqing's body will instantly turn into a message of Yin Qi.

However, what surprised them was that when the Beidi Zhengui Talisman touched He Xianqing's body, it was burned to ashes in an instant.


"Even the Beidi Town Ghost Talisman can't suppress it!"

Seeing this, Zhuo Youfan suddenly sucked in a breath of cold air.

The Beidi Town Ghost Talisman can instantly kill more than 90.00% of ghosts. Unexpectedly, it was instantly killed by this ghost!
This kind of thing, for him, is the first time in his life!
Seeing that there were so many people watching, he gritted his teeth, made a cut on his index finger, and shouted:
"Little devil, let's see if you can stand my next move!"

"Heavenly Garden, there are nine chapters of laws and decrees, I am writing now, ten thousand ghosts treasure treasures, as urgent as laws and regulations!"

He waved his finger in the air, drawing a blood talisman the size of a palm.

In an instant, thunder and lightning flashed in the entire corridor, and a blood-red light rose into the sky, with an astonishing momentum.

"Little devil, die!"

The blood talisman expanded more than ten times in an instant, and rushed towards He Xianqing at an extremely fast speed.

"Jie Jie!"

Facing such a powerful blood talisman, He Xianqing not only did not dodge or evade, but gave a strange laugh and jumped down.


The blood talisman was torn into pieces by him, a black light rushed through the blood light, and slammed into Zhuo Youfan's chest.


Zhuo Youfan let out a muffled snort, and slammed into the wall heavily, unconscious.

Seeing this, Liu Zhengying and Fu Shenghong couldn't help frowning.

Fu Shenghong gritted his teeth and said:

"This ghost, it seems that it is not easy!"

(End of this chapter)

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