Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 427 The Prophet!

Chapter 427 The Prophet!

At night, Zhong Hai Ye Se Bar.

Murong ran drove and brought Ye Yun and Yaya here to play.

The person who invited them was naturally Zhong Qing, the boss of Star Silk Road.

Bai Tianran's photo shoot for Pepsi's advertisement was quite perfect, so Zhong Qing strongly invited her and Ye Yun to enjoy their faces at night and get together at the Night Bar.

However, she agreed without even thinking about it. After Yaya knew she was coming, she also wanted to follow, so Ye Yun didn't object.

After the three of them got out of the car, they saw a beautiful woman with a tall and perfect figure and supermodel temperament approaching.

After Zhongqing greeted Ranran, she smiled at Ye Yun again.

As a woman who owns one-third of China's entertainment industry, her bearing is naturally not comparable to ordinary people.

Although the scene in the office during the day made her a little shy, she was able to hide it well.

For Ye Yun, after so many years of survival, he has experienced many temptations.

It's no surprise that Zhong Qing's direct teasing has long been familiar.

So his expression was calm, as if nothing happened.

Zhong Qing saw his expression completely in his eyes, and couldn't help sighing secretly, Ye Yun's broad-mindedness and insight are definitely a bit higher than those big shots in Zhong Hai.

You know, once a certain national famous person, when they met for the first time, almost fell under her pomegranate skirt.

Ye Yun, on the other hand, was indifferent to her enthusiastic call.

This ambition is really extraordinary!
After Zhongqing greeted Yaya, she led the three of them inside and introduced:
"Although the name of this bar is a bit ambiguous, it is similar to an ordinary Qing bar."

"The most distinctive project here is the big giveaway event held every night. It is very interesting, even children can play!"

She turned her head and smiled at Yaya:
"Baby, you can try your luck later, it's fun!"

Yaya made an OK gesture: "Okay!"

As soon as a few people sat down in the booth, the waiter came up. After ordering a good wine and fruit plate, the waiter said:

"Everyone, as long as you spend over [-], you can participate in our bar's prize giving event."

"It is said that the prophet will appear tonight, are you interested in participating?"

Ran Ran asked curiously:
"What is a prophet?"

The waiter smiled and said:
"The Prophet is a mysterious person who will appear in our bar every other week."

"He has an extraordinary ability and can predict the future. Someone asked him how many prizes he could win, and the prophet said he was right!"

"Not only that, some people even paid a high price to ask him to predict the future, and the prophet can accurately say it!"

Ran Ran covered her mouth in surprise:
"Is it really that amazing?"

As soon as she finished speaking, the men sitting next to her all said in an adoring tone:

"The prophet is really omnipotent! It is said that not only can he predict what will happen in the future, but he can also be accurate to the minute and the second."

"We are here today specifically for his name. It is rumored that as long as 1000 million is spent, he will be able to predict major events in the next three years, avoiding disasters and turning good fortune, without any error!"

"Even as long as you pay enough, let him predict for a lifetime!"

However, seeing their mysterious expressions, she couldn't help being curious, and said to the waiter:
"Okay, you add some more, we're going to play tonight!"

Yaya happily raised her hand and said with a smile:
"Auntie, let me play!"

Ran Ran pampered her little head, nodded and said:
"Don't worry, I promise to let you have a good time!"

Zhongqing sat there gracefully, smiling at Ranran and Yaya's playful faces.

Xian Xianyu pointed to a plate of oranges and brought them in front of Ye Yun.

If anyone who is familiar with her sees this scene, her jaw will drop in shock.

This queen-like woman has never peeled an orange for others.

Even if others want to serve her, they have to see if they are qualified enough!
"The Prophet is here!"

Suddenly there was an exclamation from the door, and everyone turned their eyes at the same time.

I saw two men in long cloth clothes walking in at the same time.

The current one is short and fat, and his pace is not slow or hurried, which has the air of an unworldly master.

Immediately behind him was a tall and mighty man.

Since both of them covered their faces with cloth, and only their eyes were exposed, no one could see their faces clearly.

However, anyone who has seen them must know that the person in front is a prophet who is said to be a god like a god!

"It turns out that he is a prophet, and his aura is really different!"

"I have already prepared enough money tonight. I must ask the prophet to tell me my fortune in the next few years. As long as I can get the advice of the prophet, I will make a lot of money!"

Everyone's eyes were burning, and their expressions were full of awe and worship.

As for some people with little capital, they can only show expressions of hopelessness.

However, being able to see the Prophet in person, feasting their eyes, is enough to make them excited.

Under the gaze of everyone, the prophet and his entourage calmly walked to the dedicated booth and sat down.

The manager of the bar personally delivered two bottles of wine to his table and said respectfully:

"Prophet, this is the wine that has just been made for you, please taste it slowly."

The prophet's entourage opened the wine cork and filled a glass of wine for the prophet, and the prophet slowly tasted it.


In the crowd, a man in a suit stepped out and went straight to the Prophet.

"I really want to ask you to predict the future, but I don't know if you are really as magical as the legends say."

"If yes, I will give you 30 million to predict my fate for the next [-] years."

A black card was thrown on the table in front of the Prophet.

Although most of the people present had heard the name of the Prophet and believed in him.

However, there are always a few people who are skeptical.

Especially when it comes to future fate, some people think it's better to be cautious.

The man who spoke was Chen Fuda, a successful businessman.

Although he came here because of the reputation, he has been in the business world for so many years and has a very cautious personality.

The Prophet did not speak, but took out a pen and a piece of paper from his entourage, and wrote a few words on it.

The entourage stood up, pointed to the prize pool in the bar and said:
"My master, I have written the rewards you will receive on this piece of paper."

"Go there and grab three balls at random, and see what the prize is."

Chen Fuda couldn't help being a little surprised when he saw the Prophet's calm look:

"Is it really that accurate?"

As he spoke, he walked towards the prize pool.

Everyone also raised their heads one after another, wanting to witness the miracle of the Prophet with their own eyes.

Chen Fuda reached into the prize pool, grabbed three balls at random, opened them, and took out the small note inside.

On these three small notes, it was written how many prizes he would win.

The Prophet's entourage opened the note and said:
"You won one sixth prize and two fifth prizes respectively."

Chen Fuda quickly spread out the three pieces of paper in his hand, and was shocked:
"It's really a sixth prize and two fifth prizes! The Prophet is amazing!"

The doubts on his face were swept away, leaving only deep shock and admiration.

"As expected of a prophet, I am completely convinced now!"

"I only hate that I don't have enough money, otherwise, no matter what tonight, I will ask the prophet to help me predict the future!"

The crowd exclaimed, worshiped and annoyed one after another, all deeply shocked by the prophet's prediction just now.

Seeing how everyone was crazily worshiping, Yaya couldn't help but turned her head and asked Ye Yun:
"Papa, can people really predict the future?"

(End of this chapter)

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