Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 428 Who is afraid of whom!

Chapter 428 Who is afraid of whom!

Ye Yun nodded with a smile and said:
"Some people can do it."

Yaya rolled her big eyes and asked again:
"Then if you don't want them to predict the future, is it okay?"

Ye Yun nodded:


Murong Ranran blinked her big beautiful eyes and asked:

"Brother-in-law, if you say that, you can predict the future, right?"

Ye Yun smiled:
"If you want to predict, that's totally fine."

Ran moved towards Ye Yun excitedly, looked at him eagerly and said:

"Then help me predict who my future husband will be. If you are not satisfied, I will replace him as soon as possible!"

Ye Yun glared at her angrily:
"The way of heaven is to make up for what's not enough, even if I can predict the future, I can even change it."

"However, this is very likely to cause harm to you. Let everything take its course and don't try to change it forcibly."

Ran ran pouted and said:
"But, I must choose my future husband according to my own will!"

Ye Yun said with a smile:
"There is no need to predict this matter. Whoever you like, you will naturally be with him."

"If you don't like that person, no one can force you."

Ran Ran showed a very happy smile, nodded heavily with her little head and said:

"You're right! Thank you, brother-in-law Wood!"

As if she was encouraged, her eyes became very hot.

Zhong Qing glanced at Ranran and Ye Yun meaningfully, and couldn't help but shook his head and smiled secretly.

Ran then pulled Yaya to stand up, and said to Ye Yun:

"Brother-in-law, you don't predict my future husband, but you predict how many prizes I will get next, is that okay?"

Yaya nodded and said:
"Yeah, Papa, it looks really fun!"

"Just let us play once, shall we?"

Since Ye Yun said it could be predicted, Ranran and Yaya decided not to go to the prophet.

Ye Yun smiled helplessly, nodded and said:

"Yes, if you touch it three times, you will get the second prize and two fourth prizes."

"Wow, so tired!"

Yaya danced happily.

However, I am also very excited. It is so exciting to be able to meet the future!
But the men sitting next to Ye Yun couldn't help showing doubting eyes, and said loudly:

"Brother, can you also predict the future?"

They had heard all the conversations between Ye Yun and Ranran just now, and they had long been suspicious, so they couldn't help asking at this moment.

This question directly attracted the attention of the audience.

Everyone looked at Ye Yun with burning eyes.

"This young man can also predict the future. Could it be that he is here to compete with the prophet?"

"I don't think so! But listening to what he said just now, it seems that he can prevent others from predicting the future. The implication is that he can even prevent prophets!"

"Hiss, can't it! Can the prophet stop it? How much ability does it take?"

Because everyone worshiped the prophet extremely, what Ye Yun said to Yaya just now could easily cause everyone to be unconvinced.

After all, the Prophet has accumulated power in their hearts for a long time.

Moreover, many people have seen it with their own eyes. The ability of the prophet to predict the future can be called a hundred shots without any mistakes!
At one point, he even named someone's behavior for the next hour.

Even how many sips of rice to eat and how many sips of water to drink can be predicted clearly, not a single bit is wrong!

This kind of ability, for the people present, is no different from a god.

However, Ye Yun not only said that he can predict the future, but also prevent others from doing so.

This kind of remark sounds like playing a game.

Yaya nodded seriously at those men and said:

"My dad said yes, so it will be done!"

Ran ran pulled Yaya and walked forward:

"Yaya, let's try it now!"

Xiao Nizi couldn't wait to pull Yaya and ran towards the prize pool, reaching out to catch the prize ball.


The prophet's entourage suddenly raised his hand and shouted loudly.

Ranran and Yaya turned around at the same time, wondering:

"What are you doing?"

In the eyes of the prophet's entourage, two sharp rays of light burst out, and he said in a deep voice:
"You have blasphemed my master, I Zaka, I want you to know how powerful my master is!"

Ran Ran showed a look of vigilance:

"What the hell are you going to do?"

Zhaka smiled coldly, pointed at Ye Yun and said:

"Don't you admire that man very much, do you believe what he just said?"

"I want to prove to you that compared with my great master, he is nothing!"

"I want you to know that even if I make a move, it can prove that he was talking nonsense just now!"

However, he raised his chin unconvinced, smiled and said:
"You want to compete with my brother-in-law? I advise you to wash up and sleep!"

She pulled Yaya and continued to walk towards the prize pool: "Yaya, let's draw the prize together!"

Xhaka put his hands on his chest and said coldly:
"You guys will get three fifth prizes!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a commotion in the bar.

"It turns out that the followers of the Prophet can also predict the future. As expected, a famous teacher gave birth to a high-ranking apprentice, and they immediately told them how many prizes they will get!"

"The Prophet is so powerful, his followers must be good! Now, that handsome guy is going to be slapped in the face!"

Everyone looked at Ye Yun jokingly.

The prophet has accumulated power for a long time and is extremely prestigious.

Being able to become his follower must require extraordinary ability.

Now Zhaka is pointing the finger at Ye Yun, apparently to hit him in the face in public.

However, this handsome man, no one even knows who he is until now.

It seems that what he said just now was just casual talk, just to coax children and beautiful women, without much convincing force.

In such a comparison, which one is better than the other is simply a matter of no need to think about it!

Even Zhong Qing looked at Ye Yun with some doubts:

"Can you really predict the future?"

She heard from Ranran that Ye Yun is a very powerful martial artist.

However, this ability to predict the future is too mysterious, and only people like wizards can think of it.

No matter how Ye Yun looked at it, he didn't look like this kind of person.

It was the Prophet and Zhaka, who were mysterious and had the aura of a wizard.

It seems that the prophets are better at predicting the future.

Ye Yun picked up an orange, peeled it off, took out a piece and put it in his mouth, and said with a faint smile:
"There is nothing in this world that I can't do."

Zhong Qing smiled, it was not offensive to say this from a handsome guy like him.

But she still felt that Ye Yun's words were too convincing and not convincing.

While the two were talking, Ranran and Yaya had already drawn three free balls in the prize pool.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on them.

"I guess, it must be three fifth prizes! Xhaka said so firmly, there must be no mistakes!"

"That is necessary. He is the follower of the Prophet. He has been exposed to it all day long. Even if he learns some superficial knowledge, it is enough for a lifetime! How could there be a mistake?"

Zhaka smiled coldly:
"Hurry up and open it, since you dare to question my master, you must have the courage to bear the consequences of being slapped in the face!"

Ran Ran glanced at him unhappily and said:

"Open it, open it, who is afraid of whom!"

After finishing speaking, He Yaya opened the ball in his hand, took out the note and took a look.

Excitement immediately appeared on the faces of the two girls:
"It's really a second prize, and two fourth prizes!"


The sneer on Zhaka's face froze instantly, leaving only deep surprise in his eyes.

 Thanks to the book friend EPDCGKHK for the 5964 book coin reward~

(End of this chapter)

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