Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 453 The first person in Zhouyi! 【1】

Chapter 453 Zhouyi No.1! 【310】

"Papa, call!"

Early in the morning, Yaya saw Ye Yun's cell phone on the table ringing, and hurried to the kitchen door and said.

Ye Yun wiped his hands, led Yaya to the living room, picked up the phone and checked, it was Tong Xinyi calling.

"Cousin-in-law, there is a grand piano concert in our city this afternoon. The performer is the world-renowned pianist Hua Erjin."

"It is said that his concert this time has a lot of children's repertoire, which is especially helpful to improve children's music appreciation level. Do you want to come and see it?"

On the phone, Tong Xinyi's voice was crisp and sweet. After she finished speaking, she giggled twice, and then said:

"And I miss Yaya very much recently, take this opportunity to bring her to play, my dad also misses her very much!"

Ye Yun put down the phone and said to Yaya:
"Baby, Aunt Xinyi invited you to attend a piano recital in Zijiang, shall we go there in the afternoon?"

Yaya nodded without thinking:
"Okay! Zijiang is quite fun, I'm going!"

Ye Yun picked up the phone again and said:

"Then we'll set off later."

Tong Xinyi said excitedly:

"Then it's settled!"

After hanging up the phone, Chu Wenyan walked in with an original English version of Hemingway's "The Old Man and the Sea".

Putting the book on the table, she asked with a smile:

"Big cousin, are you going to Zijiang to play today?"

She is wearing a retro French dress today, with a round neck and lace design, reflecting her slender neck like a swan, and the deep collarbones under the shoulders on both sides.

When she raised her hand, under the medium-sized lantern sleeves were a pair of small arms as white as jade, and a golden watch on her right wrist, which perfectly highlighted her exquisite and fashionable taste.

When she talked to Ye Yun, it was like a younger sister to her elder brother, with a natural sense of intimacy in her eyes.

Ye Yun replied:

"Yes, take Yaya to watch a piano recital."

Yaya pulled Chu Wenyan with a smile and said:
"Aunt Yan, are you going with us? Zijiang is so much fun!"

A hint of surprise flashed in Chu Wenyan's eyes:
"Big cousin, can I go too?"

She is a character who likes to be lively, so she naturally doesn't want to miss such fun things.

Ye Yun nodded: "Yes."

Chu Wenyan and Murong Yan have been called sisters for a long time, and it is appropriate to take her to meet Murong Yan's aunt and family members, so that they can get closer to each other.

Chu Wenyan laughed happily, hugged Yaya in his arms, and snapped his fingers excitedly:

"Then let's go now!"

Three and a half hours later, Chu Wenyan drove and brought Ye Yun and Yaya directly to Tong's compound.

"Big cousin, is this the home of my sister's aunt?"

As soon as he got off the car, Chu Wenyan looked around.

She saw that although the Tong family was not as big as Murong Villa, it was still more powerful than her own family, so she felt that the Tong family was very powerful.

Ye Yun nodded and said:
"Yes, the Tong family is also a big family in Zijiang."

"Since last year, the development has been even more rapid, and it is already very close to the four old big families in this city."

Since the project of Shuiyue Lanwan City was successfully completed, the pressure on the Tong Group has been greatly relieved.

In addition, Murong Yan discussed project development experience with Tong Ruichang from time to time, and Tong Ruichang got a lot of inspiration from her, which brought the entire Tong Group to a high level.

Now that the Tong family is in Zijiang City, its true strength can already be compared with any of the four major families.

Chu Wenyan nodded with a smile and said:
"Sure enough!"

Between the words, the three of them had already arrived at the door of the living room, and Tong Xinyi came out to greet her, raised her little hand and waved at Ye Yun with a smile:

"Hi, cousin-in-law!"

Then she picked up Yaya and kissed her. When her eyes fell on Chu Wenyan's body, her eyes couldn't help but brighten up:
"so beautiful!"

"Cousin-in-law, is this your cousin named Chu Wenyan?"

She had heard of Chu Wenyan's name when she was on the phone with Murong Yan before, and immediately remembered it.

Chu Wenyan stepped forward and shook hands with her:

"Yes, I'm here to play with my big cousin today, so don't bother you?"

Tong Xinyi shook her head and said:

"No! I have long wanted to meet you, a beautiful woman!"

Between the words, Tong Xinyi led them into the door, asked the nanny to pour a glass of water for Ye Yun and Chu Wenyan, and then said:
"Cousin-in-law, my mother has been abroad recently, and my father has been very busy recently, and I won't come back until evening. I will take you out to eat at noon. How about you drink with your father at night?"

Ye Yun nodded indifferently:
"Guest as you wish."

After drinking a cup of tea, it was already lunch time, and Tong Xinyi took the three of them out together to a newly opened high-end restaurant.

"Master Lu, please come inside!"

Ye Yun, Chu Wenyan, Tong Xinyi, and Yaya just sat down when they heard two people walking in from the door.

The one in front of him was wide and fat, wearing a black suit and combing his hair back. He looked like a manager.

Behind him was an old man in a white gown.

He has gray hair, long curly beard, and wears a pair of round sunglasses.

Walking like a tiger with his hands behind his back, he has the demeanor of a master.

As soon as this person entered the door, he attracted the attention of the audience, causing a burst of exclamation.

"Isn't that the No.1 Lu Rongtian of Zijiang's Book of Changes, Master Lu?"

"Hey, it's really Master Lu! I wish the boss could invite him here, this time it will definitely cost a lot of money!"

Everyone spoke in awe, and some of them even showed a look of fanatical admiration for Lu Rongtian.

However, the man who brought Lu Rongtian in was Zhu Wuhua, the owner of this restaurant.

Hearing everyone's praise and amazement, he couldn't help but nodded slightly.

His restaurant had just opened, and he spent millions of dollars to invite Lu Rongtian to take a look at Feng Shui.

Therefore, everyone's admiration for Lu Rongtian also gave him the confidence to spend the money.

"Master Lu, what do you think of the decoration pattern of my restaurant?"

Zhu Wuhua took out a pack of soft Zhonghua and handed him a cigarette.

Lu Rongtian waved his hand, pushed the cigarette away, then turned around with his hands behind his back, and said:

"There is no problem with the decoration, but the layout of the cash register and the rest area is not very proper, which may affect your business."

Zhu Wuhua was surprised when he heard that, and said quickly:
"Please clarify, Master!"

Lu Rongtian said slowly:
"The way of heaven and earth, all pay attention to the harmony of yin and yang, the harmony between movement and stillness, follow the trend, and coincide with the way in all directions."

"Your cash register is diagonally opposite the main entrance, so it's easy to block the money coming in from outside the door."

"The so-called entry is always a guest, you block the way of the guests, do you still expect to make a good fortune?"

He pointed to the tables and chairs in the rest area and said:

"In addition, the location of your tables and chairs is the feng shui center of the entire living room. This place should be clean and not noisy."

"You should raise some feng shui fish there, decorate with some ivy, and bless your wealth, instead of letting people sit there and rest, forcibly disturbing the feng shui of the entire restaurant."

Upon hearing this, Zhu Wuhua slapped his forehead heavily, cupped his hands and exclaimed:
"As expected of Master Lu, Immortal Lu, it really awakened the dreamer!"

"I'll have someone change it now!"

After speaking, he smiled and called the decoration company.

After hearing Lu Rongtian's words, all the people present gave their thumbs up one after another, expressing their admiration and admiration for him.

Lu Rongtian saw that everyone worshiped him so much, so he proudly raised his head and scanned the audience.

After his eyes fell on Tong Xinyi's face, his expression couldn't help but change slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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