Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 454 Sorry, You Messed Up With The Wrong Person! 【410】

Chapter 454 Sorry, You Messed Up With The Wrong Person! 【410】

"It's so similar!"

Lu Rongtian said something in a low voice.

Even through the sunglasses, if you are a careful person, you can still feel a strange brilliance in his eyes.

"Master Lu, can you help my girlfriend see her fortune?"

Just when Lu Rongtian lost his mind at Tong Xinyi, a young couple walked up.

They are all dressed in luxury brands, and they look like they are from very good families.

Lu Rongtian looked at the young man carefully, with a smile on his face and said:

"So it's Mr. Wu's family. You go and sit down next to me. I'll help your girlfriend take a look."

The young man in front of him is Wu Tongwei, son of Wu family, one of the four major families in Zijiang.

Lu Rongtian was invited to the Wu family last year to help them look at Feng Shui, so he met Wu Tongwei once.

For people like Lu Rongtian who like to hang out in the upper class, remembering every rich and powerful person they have dealt with is an essential skill for them.

This is related to whether they can gain a firm foothold in the circle of high society and go further in the future.

Therefore, he could recognize at a glance that the handsome man in front of him was Wu Tongwei, the son of the Wu family.

And quite enthusiastically stretched out his hand, asking him and his girlfriend Qian Yimei to come aside.

Wu Tongwei and Qian Yimei followed Lu Rongtian and turned around. Qian Yimei noticed Tong Xinyi sitting on the right, and couldn't help saying in surprise:

"Xinyi, so you're here too!"

Tong Xinyi looked at Qian Yimei carefully, and then showed a hint of surprise and smiled:

"Yi Mei, it turned out to be you!"

"You have changed so much in the past few years when you went abroad, I almost didn't recognize you!"

Tong Xinyi and Qian Yimei were classmates in high school. At that time, Qian Yimei was not as fashionable and beautiful as she is now.

Especially after returning from abroad, the whole personality is so foreign that I really can't recognize it at first glance.

Wu Tongwei greeted Tong Xinyi with a smile:
"Tong Xinyi, are you bringing friends for dinner?"

Tong Xinyi smiled and shook her head and said:
"Not friends, they are my cousin-in-law, my little niece, and my cousin-in-law's sister."

Wu Tongwei smiled at Ye Yun and Chu Wenyan, and sat down with Qian Yimei.

Lu Rongtian has been watching from the side, and smiled at Wu Tongwei:
"Since they are all your friends, later I can help them calculate their fortunes for free and talk about their lives."

Qian Yimei glanced at Tong Xinyi, turned her head and said with a smile:

"Then we have to see if your master Lu is accurate."

Lu Rongtian chuckled and said:

"Sure, God will tell you."

"Tell me your birth date first."

After Qian Yimei said it, he took out a handful of round copper coins with square holes from his pocket, and scattered them all on the table.


After all the copper coins fell down, he pointed to the table with his right hand, squeezed his left hand together and said:
"This hexagram is separated from the top and the bottom, and the fire and sky are abundant. Nine three, shared by the emperor, and the villain Fuke. On the nine, it is blessed by God, auspicious, and there will be no disadvantages."

"According to my calculations, your life will definitely be auspicious and prosperous. Although you have been studying abroad for four years and suffered three disasters abroad, in the end you were never in danger."

"When you return to China in the spring of this year, your luck will change. You will meet the person you love in your life and get his blessing. From then on, your life will be smooth sailing."

Qian Yimei was surprised when she heard this:
"Can you also guess the three times I was in danger abroad?"

When she was studying abroad, she did encounter three thrilling moments, and finally saved herself from danger.

Unexpectedly, Lu Rongtian suddenly realized what happened to her.

Lu Rongtian shook his head and smiled:
"It's not guessing, it's counting!"

Qian Yimei nodded excitedly and said with a smile:

"Yes yes yes! The master is the master, amazing!"

Wu Tongwei also showed a very happy smile when he heard Lu Rongtian say that Qian Yimei had a good life, and he handed over a gold card and said:

"Master Lu, this is my intention, please accept it!"

Lu Rongtian pushed the card back, shook his head and said:

"Since I said it would be free, I won't charge you a penny today."

"If you are still interested, I can do the math for your friends."

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone in the restaurant looked at Ye Yun and the others enviously.

Being able to get Master Lu to tell fortunes for free, this luck is so good!

You know, if you want him to make a good calculation, there is no 50 million yuan that can't be negotiated.

Getting him to say it's free is even more difficult than winning the lottery.

If you don't envy, how is it possible?

Qian Yimei quickly got up and took Tong Xinyi's arm, and said with a smile:
"Xinyi, since the master has spoken, you all come to figure it out!"

Seeing that her classmates were so enthusiastic, and Lu Rongtian's calculations were quite accurate, Tong Xinyi did not refuse, and sat in front of Lu Rongtian with Qian Yimei.

After Tong Xinyi said her birth date, the corners of Lu Rongtian's mouth curled up slightly, and he picked up the copper coin on the table and threw it down again.

This time, the copper coins kept turning and did not fall down.


Lu Rongtian slapped the table with his right hand, and all the copper coins immediately flew up, one after another, becoming a straight line.

"This move looks so powerful. Is it so difficult to calculate your favorite fortune?"

Qian Yimei and Wu Tongwei couldn't help being amazed when they saw Lu Rongtian's extraordinary shot this time.

Even the onlookers felt that Lu Rongtian's ability was astonishing.

At this time, Tong Xinyi only felt dizzy in her head, as if a force was rapidly engulfing her consciousness.

Suddenly a crisp sound woke her up instantly.

The copper coins that were spinning in front of her were suddenly broken up and fell on the table.

Lu Rongtian frowned, and together with everyone else, his eyes fell on Ye Yun.

"what are you doing?"

Lu Rongtian asked very annoyed.

Just now, it was Ye Yun who threw a chopstick and knocked down all the copper coins.

Ye Yun frowned and looked at him and said:

"If you tell fortunes to fool people, I won't care about you."

"But if you want to have bad intentions against my family, I'm sorry, you messed with the wrong person!"

Ye Yun's words caused a sensation in the audience.

Everyone cast doubtful glances at him.

"Is this buddy crazy? He even said that Master Lu was fooling people, and that he had something wrong with that little girl?"

"Master Lu is a magician recognized by many people in Zijiang. He is highly respected. If he has that kind of thought, finding a few young and beautiful girls is a piece of cake. How could he plot against a little girl here? "

No one believed Ye Yun's words.

Except for Tong Xinyi who was ignorant and Chu Wenyan who firmly believed in Ye Yun, everyone frowned at Ye Yun.

After all, slandering a well-known master in public can easily arouse hostility from everyone.

Tong Xinyi rubbed her temples, frowned and asked:

"Brother-in-law, what do you mean? Why can't I understand?"

Ye Yun smiled slightly and said:

"You'll understand later, I'll let you see his real face first."

After the words fell, he waved his right hand lightly.

A gust of wind blew past Lu Rongtian.

After the wind disappeared, everyone was dumbfounded for an instant.

I saw that Lu Rongtian's white hair and beard all fell off.

Originally, he was an old man in his 60s, with a sense of immortality.

In an instant, he became a middle-aged man in his 40s with a large mole on his chin.

It looks rather obscene.

(End of this chapter)

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