Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 479 I will protect you and never fall on the land of Japan!

Chapter 479 I will protect you and never fall on the land of Japan!
The three most famous ancient martial arts families in Japan, the sword fairy of the Chiba family, were unexpectedly...

Hit the ground, no one can be seen deep!
And from the beginning to the end, he didn't even have a chance to make a move.

Completely crushed!
This is simply brutal and inhumane ravages!
Who would have imagined that the majestic sword fairy Chiba Kurosawa just now was completely defeated when the Chinese man's voice fell.

Even, if that man wanted to, he would be beaten to the ground before he even had time to snort.

This... He just subverted everyone's worldview!
"Hiss! This man is not human... oh no, he is not a mortal!"

"To be able to beat the Sword Immortal so badly, he must be the Da Luo Jinxian that the Chinese people call him, the kind of real immortal from the universe!"

Everyone in Japan's eyes trembled at this moment, and some people became awkward in speaking.

It was because it shocked them too much.

"From today onwards, the world of martial arts in Japan will completely change because of the appearance of this man!"

Some nimble Japanese warriors immediately made such inferences.

However, on the Tianmenghui side, Wei Yaoxian, Jin Chunhai and Gao Wenqi still kept their mouths open.

There was a gurgling sound in his throat, and he just didn't know what to say to express his shock.

They originally thought that the man holding the child was just a melon-eating crowd who came to the Budokan to watch the battle.

Who would have thought that it would be him in the end, beating the majestic Sword Immortal to the point where he couldn't find his way.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't believe it even if they were killed!
"Our Huaxia, when did such a young evildoer appear?"

"With him here, China's martial arts world will dominate the world, just around the corner!"

Wei Yaoxian didn't care about the pain in his body, he quickly gritted his teeth and got up, and rushed towards Ye Yun.

He knelt down suddenly, bowed his head to Ye Yun and said:
"Thank you senior for your help and saving the face of our Huaxia people!"

"It is my fortune to have a senior here!"

Wei Yao raised Ye Yun to the level of the country with one sentence first.

However, no one present felt that what he said was too exaggerated.

Being able to defeat a sword fairy in this way, Ye Yun is a very important existence for any country.

It can be said that such a master is a mobile nuclear weapons arsenal.

If he is willing, subverting a country with a raise of his hands is simply a piece of cake.

Such a person is worthy of praise and admiration in any word!

As for Jin Chunhai and Gao Wenqi, one was completely frightened and the other was completely shocked.

Jin Chunhai only felt a burning sensation on his face.

Thinking of how he repeatedly belittled Ye Yun, saying that he was not worthy of the title of master, he was so ashamed that he wanted to find a crack in the ground to sneak in.

"Senior, I was the one who had blind eyes before, and said some unpleasant words intentionally or unintentionally, please punish me, senior!"

He quickly knelt down and kowtowed to Ye Yun continuously.

Wei Yao first glanced at him angrily, waved his hands and said:
"A small character like you deserves to be punished by seniors?"

"I will remove your qualifications as an elite disciple of this association right now, and from now on, you will never be hired!"

When Jin Chunhai heard this, his face turned pale.

Over the past few years, with the protection of the Tianmenghui, he has hurt many people, some of whom are Japanese.

Now that the backer is gone, if those people want to take revenge on him, the consequences will be disastrous!

But at this moment, how dare he say one more word.

I had no choice but to escape from under the eyes of everyone.

Wei Yaoxian then motioned to all the disciples of the Tianmenghui to kneel down to Ye Yun and said:

"Senior, our Tianmenghui has been established in Japan for dozens of years, and it has grown to the scale it is today. It is not easy."

"Thanks to senior's action today, we saved the face of our Tianmenghui, allowing us to stay here."

"I am willing to lead the entire Tianmeng from now on, to give seniors the benefit of the doubt."

"As long as the senior gives an order, we will follow to the death!"

After his words fell, all the more than 3000 disciples of the Tianmenghui shouted loudly.

"Senior, please complete it!"

"Senior, please complete it!"


The sound is like a bell, resounding through heaven and earth.

Even the Japanese warriors on the side were concerned, and many of them knelt down to Ye Yun and shouted loudly:
"We are willing to join the Tianmenghui and be led by the Huaxia people from now on!"

Even Wei Yaoxian didn't expect that the Japanese warriors who were originally at odds with the Tianmeng would surrender at this moment.

He looked at Ye Yun with burning eyes.

If it weren't for this person, the Japanese would voluntarily accept the leadership of the Chinese, and this would not have happened in 1 years!

Yaya looked at the crowd in the audience with a smile in her arms, and asked sweetly:
"Papa, are those Japanese worshiping you?"

Ye Yun nodded slightly and smiled:
"A little bit."

Yaya happily kissed him:
"Then let's let people all over the world worship you, shall we?"

Ye Yun laughed loudly:
"Okay! As long as you like it, Papa will show you in the future that everyone in the universe worships Papa!"

Yaya showed a very satisfied and happy smile:
"I'm looking forward to it!"

Ye Yun moved his gentle and doting eyes away from her face, looked at Wei Yaoxian faintly and said:

"You are not qualified to be my saddle, but you are also Chinese, I can guarantee that your Tianmeng will never fall on the land of Japan!"

Never fall.

These four words are not only a promise to the Tianmenghui, but also a warning to the Japanese martial arts world.

Hearing what Ye Yun said, not only Wei Yaoxian and the others, but even the Japanese warriors showed a look of awe.

At this moment, the man who is as beautiful as jade is standing on the ring, holding the child.

It is as majestic as a mountain in front, and as vast as the sea.

People can only look up and worship!
He is not a myth, but more dazzling than a myth!
Tens of thousands of celebrities in the Budokan silently kowtowed to him before they dared to get up slowly.

Wei Yaoxian then stepped forward and said:
"Senior, our Tianmenghui has collected a peerless artifact. No one has been able to find a way to use it all this time."

"I don't know if senior can give me the face to take a look. If I like it, I am willing to give it to senior."

Ye Yun said without interest:
"I'm not interested in artifacts."

All kinds of top artifacts from the entire universe are stored in his infinite space, and he has long regarded these artifacts as nothing.

On the contrary, Yaya said with great interest:
"Papa, go and have a look, what if it's really good?"

Children are particularly sensitive to words like peerless and artifact.

Especially the clever Yaya, who is always full of curiosity about unknown things.

She blinked her beautiful big eyes and looked at Ye Yun expectantly.

Ye Yun could only nod his head with a smile and said:

"Okay, then Papa will go and see what kind of baby is so good."

(End of this chapter)

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