Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 480 Sword Master, Ye Xue!

Chapter 480 Kendo Giant, Chiba Snow!

Japan, Mount Fuji.

If there are martial arts masters here, you can see that in the cherry blossom forest at the foot of Mount Fuji, the air is like a wave of water, sending out a slight shock.

Passing through this wave, a huge courtyard will appear in front of you.

The green bricks and green tiles are antique, and it looks very quiet in the embrace of a huge bamboo forest.

This is the location of the Chiba family, one of the three major ancient martial arts families in Japan.

Generation after generation of powerful sword masters came out of this courtyard.

Chiba Haruya and Chiba Kurosawa set off from here, all the way to the Japanese Budokan, and participated in this session of the martial arts conference.

At this moment, there are three middle-aged men sitting in front of a tea table in the main room.

Behind them, stood two young men around 20 years old, all holding long swords and looking imposing.

There was also a beautiful woman in a kimono who looked no older than 20 years old.

All her hair was pulled up and held in three butterfly-shaped clips behind her head.

A purple hairpin inlaid with crystals passed through the blue silk, and the crystal beads hanging below shone brightly.

Her forehead is smooth and full, with a bright red cherry blossom painted in the middle of her forehead.

His eyebrows are like emerald feathers, and under the thick black eyelashes, there is a pair of big sparkling eyes.

Under the tall Qiong's nose, a pair of delicate lips are not tinged with red.

Just this jade-like face can captivate all living beings.

She stretched out her arms like lotus roots, gently picked up the tea stove, and poured a cup of tea for each of the three middle-aged men.

The movement is light and elegant, very aesthetically pleasing.

Immediately, the room was filled with fragrance and the fragrance of tea was intoxicating.

The three middle-aged men all nodded and smiled at the woman.

The woman stood up slowly, put her hands on her lower abdomen, and stood aside respectfully.

The two young men quickly looked away, not daring to look at her again.

These six people.

The three middle-aged men are Chiba Koshi, the current head of the Chiba family, his second brother Chiba Toyoshi, and his third brother Chiba Yuhide.

Two young men, the sons of Chiba Toyoshiro and Chiba Yuxiu, Chiba Binyi and Chiba Xuan.

As for the girl, it was Chiba Koshi's daughter.

Today, the Chiba family has the strongest talent, and is also the most prestigious kendo giant in the Japanese martial arts world.

Great Sword Immortal, Chiba Snow!
At the age of twenty, Qianye Xue has already surpassed her father and uncle, and has become the most talented new generation of sword immortals in the Qianye family for thousands of years.

At the age of eight, she entered Taoism with a sword and entered the realm of a master of swordsmanship.

At the age of 11, he broke through as a master of swordsmanship and became a sword master beyond the reach of countless swordsmen.

At the age of 16, he surpassed the sword master and became a sword spirit unique among millions of people.

At the age of 19, he immediately became an immortal, becoming the youngest sword immortal in the Chiba family and in the history of Japanese martial arts.

Now that she is just 20 years old, she has already become the strongest among the sword immortals, the Great Sword Immortal!

Although she has always been gentle and courteous, on the surface she is just a gentle and pleasant beauty.

However, in the entire Chiba family, including the Japanese martial arts world, no one has ever dared to disrespect and despise her.

Even her father and uncles treated her with courtesy all the time.

It's really because her talent is so strong that it has reached a world-shocking state.

Chiba Toyoshiro took a sip of tea slowly and said:
"Brother, I didn't expect you to send someone to participate in the worldly martial arts conference this time."

The Qianye family has lived in seclusion for thousands of years, and they have long since ceased to regard themselves as mortals.

Before Chiba Haruya and Chiba Kurosawa set off, almost no one thought that Chiba Koshi would send them to participate in the martial arts conference.

Chiba Gangzhi nodded and said:

"Although our Qianye family regards ourselves as a fairy clan, we don't want to get involved in these trivial matters in the world."

"But, in recent years, China's martial arts world has become more and more unscrupulous in Japan."

"In the final analysis, we are also the blood of the Japanese. How can we sit and watch the Chinese dominate our territory?"

Chiba Toyoshi agreed:
"You are right in saying that. Now that the other two families have been hidden from the world, and the martial arts world in Japan is gradually declining, someone needs to come forward to take charge of the overall situation."

Chiba Yuxiu laughed twice and said:

"But big brother, you are really ruthless. You immediately dispatched two strong fighters, Kurosawa and Zhiya. In my opinion, the sword spirit of Zhiye alone is enough to beat the Tianmenghui in China."

Chiba Gangzhi shook his head and said:
"That's a bad word."

"I heard that in the Tianmenghui, there is a Chinese man named Wei Yaoxian, who is already in the realm of transcendence and holiness."

"Although Chiba Zhiya is a sword spirit, he may not be completely sure of defeating him. But, as long as Chiba Kurosawa makes a move, Huaxia will not be a concern."

"Although he is the weakest sword fairy in our Qianye family, he is still much stronger than those Chinese people!"

He took a sip of tea and said with a hint of color:

"I came to China 30 years ago and competed with their peerless masters."

"At that time, I singled out three Chinese innate masters, and I was able to handle them with ease."

"Qianye Kurosawa's cultivation level is similar to that of me 30 years ago. To deal with Wei Yaoxian is simply as easy as pie."

"As for Huaxia, I don't think anyone will be stronger than Wei Yaoxian."

"So this time the title of Martial King must belong to our Qianye family!"

Chiba Toyoshi shook his head and said with a smile:

"Actually, our Qianye family doesn't care about such a false name at all. If it wasn't for teaching those Chinese people a lesson and suppressing their limelight, we wouldn't bother fighting them at all!"

Chiba Yuxiu nodded and agreed:
"Of course!"

"It's not an exaggeration to say that as long as our Chiba family is dispatched, it will not be a problem to sweep the entire Chinese martial arts world!"

"Don't talk about Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in China. It has a history of 5000 years. Those things are worthless in front of our Chiba family!"

He drank the tea in the cup and said decisively:

"I think, since our Chiba family has stepped forward, we can simply take this opportunity to completely suppress the Chinese in our country, as well as the Chinese martial arts world!"

"How can we, the Great Japanese Empire, tolerate the Chinese people running wild on their heads?"

Chiba Toyoshi nodded and said:
"Although your thinking is a bit extreme, it's not impossible."

Turning his head, he looked at Chiba Gangzhi and asked:

"Brother, what do you think?"

Chiba Gangzhi thought for a while and said:
"Let's take a look at the situation of the martial arts conference first. According to the time, the results of this conference should come out."

As soon as he finished speaking, a white light flashed in from outside the door.

"Patriarch, it's not good! Something serious happened!"

A clansman who was in charge of going to investigate the situation said with a look of horror.

Chiba Koshi frowned:
"What happened?"

The tribe said:

"Qianyezhi was also defeated by the leader of the Tianmenghui, Wei Yaoxian."

The three Chiba Gangzhi brothers showed a clear expression at the same time, and said indifferently:

"What's the big deal?"

The tribe said anxiously:

"The point is, Qianye Kurosawa made a move later, although he defeated Wei Yaoxian, but...but..."

Having said that, he swallowed sharply. Obviously, the previous scene had greatly shocked him.

Chiba Gangzhi stood up and asked anxiously:

"What happened next?"

The clansman shivered for a while, and finally said:
"But Chiba Kurosawa was beaten to the ground by a Chinese man who was holding a child in his arms."

"You can't see people alive, and you can't see corpses in death!"


As soon as he finished speaking, the three Chiba Gangzhi brothers trembled violently, smashing all the quilts on the table.

"You... what did you say?!"

(End of this chapter)

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