Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 481 Seven Illusory Butterfly Feather Stones!

Chapter 481 Seven Illusory Butterfly Feather Stones!
"If you can't make a move, you will drive Chiba Kurosawa into the ground. Is this... are you joking?"

"That's right! This thing is too absurd! You treat Chiba Kurosawa as a piece of wood, and you can hit it as you like?"

"Even if he's a piece of wood, there's no way he can't fail in one move, so beat him until he's alive and dead!"

Chiba Gangzhi and his three brothers, after being horrified, all looked in disbelief.

Although Chiba Kurosawa is in the family, he is not the strongest sword fairy.

But, after all, he is no longer a mortal.

In this world, who can beat him so badly without a move?

The most important thing is that throughout the ages, whether it is a duel between experts or ordinary people, if anyone wants to attack the opponent, he must make a move.

How can you attack others if you don't move?

By eyes?
Or spray through the nostrils?
He's just joking, right?

Seeing that the three of them didn't believe it, the clansman quickly knelt on the ground and kowtowed:
"Patriarch, I'm not talking nonsense at all!"

"The Chinese man who was holding the child really didn't even make a move, just stood there and said a word, and beat Chiba Kurosawa!"

"Absurd! It's absolutely absurd!"

Even though the clansmen swear by it, Chiba Gangzhi and the others still don't believe it at all.

Qianye Xue took a few small steps forward, and said in a soft voice:

"Father, this matter is really strange, why don't you let me investigate it carefully."

Chiba Gangzhi thought for a while, nodded and said:
"Okay, but you have to be careful."

Chiba Toyoshi waved his hands indifferently and said:
"Brother, with Xue'er's ability, what kind of person can't handle it?"

"You don't have to worry!"

Qianye Binyi and Qianye Xuan also stepped forward and said:

"Uncle, let's go with Xue'er too."

Both sisters volunteered, and the two of them were too embarrassed to stand by.

Chiba Koshi nodded and said:
"Okay! I'll send you another ten masters, make sure to find out what's going on!"



Sky League Headquarters.

"Senior, please!"

Wei Yao stretched out his hand in awe, and led Ye Yun into his secret room.

"I discovered this artifact 30 years ago. At that time, I felt that its spiritual power was very strong. It is definitely a peerless treasure that is rarely seen on the entire earth."

"Unfortunately, sometimes even if I try my best, I can't break through its defenses and find a way to control it."

"And over the years, I have visited the surviving super masters from all over the world, and discussed with them countless times, but I still haven't been able to find the slightest solution."

"It's really frustrating!"

Wei Yaoxian said helplessly while walking.

For so many years, I watched a super artifact placed there, but I couldn't use it for myself.

That feeling is really bad!
"I hope you, senior, can find a way to crack its defense."

Wei Yaoxian was not sure that Ye Yun would be able to control this artifact, so there was inevitably some uncertainty in his words.

Ye Yun just nodded lightly and didn't say anything.

At this time, Wei Yaoxian had brought him to the innermost part of the secret room. After opening a mechanism, he took out a brown-red box from the wall.

A powerful tidal wave of spiritual power surged out, and the entire secret room was covered with ample spiritual energy, making one feel like being in the waves of the sea.

"Senior, please look."

When the box was opened, a red light shot into the sky.

Three crystal-clear octagonal diamonds are connected together, like a string of candied haws, first glowing red, then turning yellow, and so on.

Ye Yun's eyes brightened slightly:
"It turned out to be the Seven Illusory Butterfly Feather Stone."

Wei Yao raised his eyebrows:
"Senior, do you recognize this artifact?"

Ye Yun nodded, took out four identically shaped diamonds from the infinite space, glanced at Wei Yaoxian and said:
"The Seven Illusory Butterfly Feather Stones are indeed a supreme-level artifact. I got four of them by accident before, but the scattered three have never been found."

"I didn't expect it to be here."

Wei Yao first showed a joyful expression and said:
"Then please accept it, senior!"

He was worried that there would be no good things to win Ye Yun over, and the three Seven Illusory Butterfly Feather Stones were exactly what he wanted.

Ye Yun took out the three and connected them with the four in his hand.

Suddenly there was an indescribable spiritual power, boom!It spurted out with a loud sound.

The huge spiritual pressure made Wei Yaoxian, who is an innate master, tremble in both legs, and he staggered and fell to the ground.

"So strong! Too strong!"

Wei Yaoxian's eyes trembled.

Such a powerful artifact, even if it was given to him, he wouldn't be able to use it!

However, he was surprised to see afterwards that Ye Yun suppressed all the divine power of the Seven Fantasy Butterfly Ling Stone with just a wave of his hand.

Ye Yun showed a gentle smile, looked at Yaya and said:
"This jewelry is very beautiful, and now it is finally perfect. When we go back, I will send it to Mama, okay?"


Yaya laughed happily, hugged Ye Yun's arm and said coquettishly:

"Papa, when I grow up, I want such beautiful jewelry."

Ye Yun smiled dotingly and said:
"Okay, Papa will definitely give you the most beautiful girl in the world."

Wei Yaoxian was dumbfounded when he heard it.

In the eyes of seniors, the Seven Illusory Butterfly Feather Stone Artifact of Emotion is just an ordinary jewelry!
Looking at him like this, I'm afraid he should have many more powerful artifacts on him!
Thinking of this, Wei Yaoxian almost knelt down for Ye Yun.

I couldn't even handle the fragments of the artifact, and as a result, people didn't take this artifact seriously.

This is really... It's so annoying to compare people to people!
Afterwards, Ye Yun took Yaya, and with Wei Yaoxian's respectful escort, he was about to leave Japan and return to China.

As soon as the three of them reached the door of the secret room, they saw the vice president Wang Zhenhuan rushing over:

"Senior, president, someone from the Chiba family is here!"

Wei Yao first frowned after hearing this:
"It came so fast!"

He hastily asked:
"Who are they here?"

Wang Zhenhuan said:
"The leader is Qianye Xue, the most talented sword fairy in the Qianye family, followed by her two cousins, and ten sword spirits."

"Hiss! Such a huge formation!"

After hearing this, Wei Yao couldn't help but gasp.

Chiba Snow is only [-] years old, but in the entire Japanese martial arts world, that reputation is too great!

It can be said that if those legendary old monsters are excluded, she is the number one powerhouse in today's martial arts world.

Much stronger than her father and clansmen!

Now that she has come forward in person, her intentions can be imagined.

Even though he is an innate expert, when he heard Qianyexue's name, Wei Yaoxian felt very terrified in his heart.

He hurriedly turned around and cupped his fists at Ye Yun and said:

"Senior, Qianye Xue is really too strong, if she gets angry, I'm afraid the entire Heavenly Alliance will not be able to withstand her move."

"Senior, please save us again!"

As he said that, he quickly knelt down with Wang Zhenhuan, his forehead was already dripping with sweat.

Ye Yun glanced at him lightly, and said:
"Take me to see."

(End of this chapter)

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