Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 492 He is a flower, but you are a butterfly!

Chapter 492 He is a flower, but you are a butterfly!

Liu Yuhong saw the worried look in Liu Qiyuan's eyes, and couldn't help saying angrily:

"You girl, you actually tried to subvert the family rules of our Liu family for the sake of a stinky man. It is an unforgivable crime!"

He had a high-pitched voice that sounded a bit like a woman's.

There is a very weird feeling in such a roar, which makes people feel creepy all over.

Liu Qiyuan was so frightened that her face paled after being scolded by him.

But instead of continuing to kneel, she stood beside Ye Yun and said seriously:

"I am for him, and for morality!"

"The ten obediences and ten commandments are too strict. Over the years, I don't know how many women's youth has been delayed."

"If our Liu family continues like this, I would rather not be the head of the family anymore!"

Her words shocked Liu Hanning and even Liu Junhui.

In front of the ancestor of the Liu family, he even said that he would rather not be the head of the family, but also protect this man.

Moreover, the implication is that the family rules made by Liu Yuhong are evil. tantamount to declaring war on Liu Yuhong openly!
"You stinky girl! My Liu family has a descendant like you, what a shame!"

Liu Yuhong blushed with anger, raised the orchid and pointed at Liu Qiyuan, the silver threads all over her head almost stood on end.

Liu Qiyuan smiled slightly, and glanced at Ye Yun.

She was nearly 28, but she was gorgeous and looked at least ten years younger.

She was dressed in a light blue cheongsam, which made her look like a blooming blue butterfly, with a slit hem, and a pair of straight and slender long legs.

So enchanting.

Even standing there quietly has the capital to make countless men fall in love with her.

In the beautiful peach blossom eyes, when looking at Ye Yun, there is a deep admiration.

Liu Hanning hurried forward, grabbed her arm and said:

"Sister, you are crazy! How can you say such things to the ancestor?"

She never thought that her sister, who was always calm and steady, would make such a ridiculous decision.

Liu Qiyuan shook her head and smiled:
"I'm not crazy. I'm also tired after being the head of the family all these years."

"I still don't like the constraints of these rules and regulations. I always want to be free and easy for a while."

"Today is such a good opportunity. If I can say these words, I will die without regret."

Liu Hanning glanced at Ye Yun, she could see that Ye Yun had no idea about Liu Qiyuan, so she could only sigh helplessly:
"Sister, you are still too impulsive."

Liu Junhui looked at Liu Qiyuan with a look of mourning and anger for her misfortune, then turned around and said:
"Old Ancestor, this girl is really obsessed with ghosts, please clean up this kid, and then come and teach her a lesson!"

Liu Yuhong raised her head slightly, looked at Ye Yun proudly and said:
"A younger generation dares to say that he is ashamed to abolish the family rules of my Liu family. I'm afraid you don't know how to write the word dead!"

"Today, I will take you to sacrifice the flag, and let the people in this world see it. If you dare to insult my Liu family, you will die!"

After saying that, he stretched out his right hand and patted Ye Yun with his white palm.

Liu Qiyuan, Liu Hanning, and the others were all startled. Just this hand made their hairs stand on end, and they felt a little weak all over.

An innate master 750 years ago, his ability has reached a completely unpredictable and terrifying situation!
Just when Liu Qiyuan was worried about Ye Yun, there was a muffled sound.

It was Liu Yuhong who trembled and fell heavily to the ground.

When everyone came back to their senses, Ye Yun had arrived in front of Liu Yuhong without knowing when, and stepped on Liu Yuhong's face.


Seeing this scene, everyone in the Liu family opened their mouths wide open, dumbfounded.

Who would have thought that the ancestor who was passed down as a god in the Liu family would be beaten to his knees right after he made a move.

Moreover, Ye Yun stepped on his face recklessly, making it impossible for him to even get up.

"Now, tell me, can I abolish the Liu family's family rules?"

Ye Yun asked lightly.

Liu Yuhong felt as if a mountain was pressing on her face, her eyes were about to burst, and her tongue was about to stick out on the ground.

Hastily nodded and said: "Yes!"

"Tell me again, can I keep that girl?"


"Also, do you dare to abolish Liu Qiyuan's position as Patriarch?"

"Don't dare! Liu Qiyuan will always be the head of the Liu family. As long as she is in power for a day, she will be the boss of the Liu family, and no one will dare to care about her anymore!"

Asking three questions in a row made Liu Yuhong feel ashamed.

He never imagined that he would be so humiliated by a man in the human world when he came to the human world from the realm of comprehension.

However, when Liu Qiyuan heard Ye Yun's third question, she couldn't help but smile.

This man actually thinks about himself so much. Could it be that he is moved by his sincerity and has thoughts about himself?

Ye Yun glanced at her lightly and said:

"I don't like others to block the gun for me casually, to help you stabilize the position of Patriarch, it is to repay the favor you just had."

After hearing this, Liu Qiyuan couldn't help feeling disappointed.

The charming and charming Liu Meiniang, whom countless men in the magic city dreamed of, unexpectedly showed the expression of a little girl after a broken love.

Seeing it, Liu Hanning shook her head in distress.

Ye Yun then withdrew his foot and said coldly:

Liu Yuhong immediately got up, turned into a white light and fled.

However, he hadn't gone far when he saw a strange purple fire appearing on his chest.

Before he could even shout, he was burned into gas.

As for Liu Qiyuan, after sighing in disappointment, she showed her iconic charming smile again, glanced at Ye Yun and said:

"Even if you don't like it, when someone needs to block a gun for you, I will still rush forward without hesitation!"

After finishing speaking, her delicate face flushed slightly, like a smear of red ink dripping on jade shoots, bright and moving.

Turning around, looking at Liu Junhui with cold eyes, the four said:

"You four, dare you disobey my order, and deprive you of your legal protection status from now on, and get out of Liu's house!"

After finishing speaking, in the mournful eyes of Liu Junhui and the others, they left Qian's house with Liu Hanning.

After everyone dispersed, Qian Shuhao said gratefully:
"Mr. Ye, I really don't know how to repay your great kindness to our Qian family!"

"Now please tell me what you want, as long as you can achieve it, I, Qian Shuhao, will definitely agree to it all!"

Ye Yun glanced at him lightly, shook his head and said:
"I'm just fulfilling my daughter's wish, and I don't need you to repay."

Qian Shuhao bowed respectfully to Ye Yun and said:

"Although this is the case, I still thank you. From now on, our Qian family will be your servants. As long as you give us any orders, we will definitely die!"

He then glanced at the time and said:

"Mr. Ye, no matter what, you have to let me treat you to a meal first, otherwise I will feel really sorry!"

As soon as Yaya heard that she was about to eat, she immediately touched her belly, nodded and said:
"I'm really hungry."

Qian Yarong took her little hand and said with a smile:

"Then let's go eat together, shall we?"

Yaya nodded:


Qian Shuhao and Qian Yaning smiled, Qian Shuhao said:

"Okay then, I'll invite you to the best hotel in Shanghai to have a meal!"

Ye Yun then picked up Yaya and led Qian Yarong and Qian Shuhao Qian Yaning out together.

Qian Shuhao let Ye Yun and Yaya Qian Yarong sit in the car in front, while he and Qian Yaning took the same car.

On the way, Qian Shuhao asked:

"Ning'er, how do you feel about Mr. Ye?"

Qian Yaning said softly:

"he's good."

Qian Shuhao shook his head and laughed:
"Your character is as soft as water, you are too shy."

"Let me put it this way, if you have a crush on him, you might as well pursue him."

Two blushes appeared on Qian Yaning's face, she immediately shook her head and said:
"How is this possible? He is a family man!"

Qian Shuhao sighed lightly and said with a smile:

"You child, you are so sincere."

"For a man like him, seven or eight women around him are not too many. Dad is not pushing you into the fire pit. If you really like him, you might as well give it a try."

"If you are caught by him, it will be a blessing that you can't get in a few lifetimes. If you don't succeed, you don't have to be sad, right?"

Seeing Qian Yaning silent, he smiled and said:
"When you eat later, you sit next to him, remember to be courteous."

"Remember, such a man is a flower, and you are a butterfly. You have to take the initiative to jump up to have hope, you know?"

Qian Yaning giggled at his metaphor, and said angrily:
"Dad, how can you talk like that!"

While talking, the car soon arrived at the most upscale Xingdao Hotel in Shanghai.

Ye Yun held Yaya with one hand and Qian Yarong with the other, and followed behind Qian Shuhao with a smile.

Qian Yaning was behind Ye Yun, seeing him with the two little girls, she felt warm in her heart.

Just after the group entered the hall, a petite girl in overalls waved to Ye Yun and Yaya with joy.

"Ye Yun, Yaya, why are you here?"

The girl is none other than An Mengfan, the campus belle of Shanghai Normal University.

(End of this chapter)

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