Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 493 Human Face and Animal Heart!

Chapter 493 Human Face and Animal Heart!

Today's An Mengfan is still wearing her signature double ponytails, looking as pure as a fourteen or fifteen year old girl.

Under the thick eyebrows, a pair of big clear eyes are full of strange surprises.

"It's Aunt Mengfan!"

Yaya happily ran forward and took An Mengfan's hand.

"Aunt Mengfan, why are you here?"

Yaya asked curiously when she saw that An Mengfan was wearing work clothes and didn't wear the same clothes as in the cartoon last time.

An Mengfan rubbed her little head and said with a smile:

"Because my aunt is working here!"

She then looked at Ye Yun and said:
"My roommate and I are here to work-study and help raise money for our Love Society."

Ye Yun nodded and smiled at her.

The last time he went to Shanghai Normal University, he heard An Mengfan's roommate say a few words, to the effect that An Mengfan's family was very well off, but she rarely spent money from the family.

So it is reasonable for her to work in a hotel.

"Meng Fan, there are customers above who have asked to deliver food, let's talk later!"

Just as he was talking, An Mengfan's three roommates Li Xinyue, Jiang Li and Shen Huiyu came over.

The three of them were also wearing the overalls of Xingdao Hotel. When they saw Ye Yun standing in front of An Mengfan, they laughed immediately:

"Oh~ I'm destined to meet you from thousands of miles away. I didn't expect the little fairy to work here and meet handsome Ye Da!"

An Mengfan was coaxed by the three girls, his face flushed with shame, he turned around and patted the three of them gently:
"What nonsense, go to work!"

Before she left, she said to Ye Yun:
"By the way, Yaya has made all the public welfare posters she shot last time. If you have time in the afternoon, I would like to invite you to take a look, is that okay?"


Ye Yun said.

He just wanted to take two back and stick them in Yaya's room.

Yaya waved her hand at An Mengfan:

"Then Aunt Mengfan will pay my respects first, and see you in the afternoon!"

An Mengfan showed her a sweet smile:

"See you in the afternoon, baby!"

Seeing An Mengfan's petite and beautiful figure bouncing away, Qian Shuhao turned his head and whispered to Qian Yaning:
"Ning'er, you see, Mr. Ye is surrounded by beautiful women, but he treats them with courtesy all the time. It's hard to find such a man."

"If you can grasp this fate, Dad will be happy for you even if he dies!"

Qian Yaning bit her lips lightly, the touching light in her eyes bloomed like a flower, and said:
"I see."


"Meng Fan, that handsome Ye Da is so handsome, I can't believe that there are such perfect men in the world!"

"Yeah, Meng Fan, find a chance to ask Handsome Ye Da, what kind of girl he likes, and I will do plastic surgery according to his request."

"You're going to die, you dare to fight with Mengfan! Mengfan hasn't written a word until now, it's too unreasonable for you to intervene!"

"What nonsense are you talking about! He is a man with a family, how could he fall in love with others?"

"What's wrong with having a family? Can't you find Xiao San Xiao Si Xiao Wu?"

"Bah, bah, bah! You are too dirty, I should really buy you a bag of decontamination powder!"

An Mengfan and Li Xinyue fought all the way to the back kitchen.

Just as the four of them were about to enter the door, a young man walked over.

He took a deep look at An Mengfan and said:
"An Mengfan, the general manager asked you to go to his office!"

An Mengfan was stunned for a moment, wondering what the general manager wanted her for.

It stands to reason that she is just a temporary worker and has nothing to do with the general manager.

However, since it was the general manager's request, she had no choice but to nod:

"Okay, I'll go now."

Seeing that An Mengfan was suddenly called away, Li Xinyue and the others looked confused.

At this time, a girl who was about the same age ran out from the side, and said with a worried face:

"It must be nothing good for such a beautiful girl to be called by the general manager."

Li Xinyue glanced at the girl and asked:

"What do you mean?"

The girl said mysteriously:
"It is said that our general manager is quite seductive. Once there are beautiful waiters here, he will be called to the office."

"As for what to do, don't I need to say it?"


Hearing the girl's words, Li Xinyue and the others were startled.

Li Xinyue hurriedly said to Jiang Li and the others:

"We can't let Mengfan be ruined, let's save her!"

After finishing speaking, the three girls hurriedly ran towards the elevator, preparing to rescue An Mengfan at the general manager's office on the top floor.

At this time, An Mengfan had been taken to the general manager's office by that man.

As soon as she entered the door, the man took the door and went out, locking the door behind her.

An Mengfan frowned slightly, feeling a little bad in his heart.

"You are An Mengfan, right?"

Just when An Mengfan was restless, a middle-aged man's voice sounded from the front.

He looked to be in his 40s, already balding, and wearing a suit.

On the chubby face, a pair of small eyes were squinting and staring at An Mengfan.

An Mengfan nodded and said:

"Yes. Does the general manager have anything to do with me?"

The general manager of Xing Tao Hotel is Hu Wenhong, and said with a smile:

"Sit down first, and I'll talk to you in detail."

An Mengfan then sat on the sofa directly in front of the desk. Hu Wenhong got up and walked over to sit beside her.

"Meng Fan, at your age, you are still in college, right?"

Hu Wenhong had a caring smile on his face.

An Mengfan nodded:
"I'm studying at Shanghai Normal University, and I'm currently a sophomore."

Hu Wenhong had a clear expression on his face, and then said:
"Our intern here is 2000 a month, the assistant to the general manager is 15000 a month, and there are five social insurances and one housing fund and hotel car distribution."

"Based on your conditions, being an assistant to the general manager is more than enough. Have you considered challenging yourself?"

An Mengfan saw that he kept leaning towards him when he was talking, so he quickly moved his buttocks, and said vigilantly:
"General manager, what do you mean?"

Hu Wenhong greedily looked at her beautiful face, and her petite and graceful body.

Even wearing work clothes, you can clearly see the small waist that is full of grip, and the graceful curves of the legs.

Swallowing, Hu Wenhong said:
"What I mean is very clear. As long as you are obedient, I can give you a salary of 15000, or even [-], no problem!"

"Also, I can let you live in a high-end apartment, drive a BMW, buy LV bags, as long as you like, I can do it for you!"

Seeing his wretched smile, An Mengfan shamelessly raised such a condition, he couldn't help standing up angrily, and angrily said:
"I don't need your things!"

"I'm resigning now, please get out of the way!"

Seeing that coaxing was useless, Hu Wenhong grabbed her arm and said with a smirk:
"Since it's useless to say good things, don't blame me for being strong!"

"To tell you the truth, you are the most beautiful little girl I have ever seen. You are like a little fairy. I fell in love with you when you came to work on the first day!"

"Now you have to agree if you don't agree!"

"Hey hey hey!"

Saying that, his fat body rushed towards An Mengfan.

An Mengfan hurriedly dodged to the side, but was knocked to the ground by him, and said with a frightened expression:

"You are committing a crime, I will call someone to arrest you!"

Hu Wenhong grabbed An Mengfan's shoes to prevent her from breaking free, and smiled triumphantly:

"Call it, it's useless to break your throat!"

"The whole hotel belongs to me, and now there are my security guards outside, even the king of heaven, I can't save you!"

When An Mengfan heard this, he was so frightened that he burst into tears.

If you are defiled by this Qin beast, you might as well die!

She suddenly thought that she could kill herself by biting off her tongue, so she tightly bit the base of her tongue with her white teeth.

As long as this Qin beast dares to mess around, let him die!
"Hey, cutie, I'm here to hurt you!"

Seeing that An Mengfan no longer struggled, Hu Wenhong was extremely proud.

The fat palm stretched out excitedly towards An Mengfan.


Before his hand fell, there was a loud noise behind him.

The gate made of mahogany was instantly smashed into powder, and then seven or eight black shadows flew in one after another.

Hu Wenhong was so frightened that he trembled all over. When he took a closer look, it turned out that his security guards had all been sent flying in.

At this time, there was an unimaginably handsome man walking in with three girls at the door.

"Ye Yun!"

The moment he saw the man, An Mengfan's body instantly went limp, and tears fell like rain.

(End of this chapter)

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