Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 494 Baba, you are the biggest here!

Chapter 494 Baba, you are the biggest here!
Li Tinglong, the two-star Lieutenant General Li Tinglong, is the commander-in-chief of the Jiangnan District.

Unexpectedly, he was so enthusiastic about this little boy, even a little groveling.

Is this... a joke?

You must know that although Hu Mingjun, as the director of the Security Department of the Shanghai Metropolis, is in charge of all the security forces in the Shanghai Metropolis, he seems to be extremely powerful.

But compared with Li Tinglong, he was still at least two levels behind.

In the officialdom, since ancient times, the first-level officials have crushed people to death.

Not to mention two levels!

Right now, Hu Mingjun, who is a senior colonel, saw Li Tinglong, a two-star lieutenant general, face Ye Yun with such an enthusiastic attitude.

The shock in his heart was absolutely no less than that of witnessing the arrival of aliens with his own eyes.

"Commander Li, are you making a mistake?"

"Is this person a certain official from Zhonghai?"

After all, Hu Mingjun holds an important position in the government, and his mood is more tenacious than ordinary people. He quickly calmed down his excitement and asked.

Li Tinglong turned around, the smile on his face disappeared instantly, and said coldly:

"No, he is a special instructor in our Tianluodiwang ** area."

Distinguished instructor?

Hu Mingjun couldn't help frowning.

He is no stranger to Tianluodiwang, and he has known for a long time that the instructors of Tianluodiwang are at most the rank of lieutenant colonel.

What ability does a specially-appointed instructor have to make a two-star lieutenant general flatter him so much?
Moreover, this instructor is from Jiangbei District.

"When you say that, I really don't understand."

Hu Mingjun smiled disdainfully.

As a two-star lieutenant general, he is not afraid of losing his life by showing such a gesture to the specially-appointed instructors in other districts!

Li Tinglong saw the disdain in his heart, raised his head and smiled, and said:

"Then what would you think if I told you that Instructor Ye is a guest of honor for all of us, including the generals of Samsung?"


As soon as he said this, Hu Mingjun took a deep breath.

Even Hu Wenhong on the side trembled with fright, his eyes full of horror.

Three-star general, that is the top heavyweight in Zhong Haidu!

Moreover, Tianluodiwang is a special military organization in China. Compared with the generals of the regular army, their generals have three stars, but their status is higher.

Such a person, even regarded this little boy in front of him as a guest of honor.


"It's over! I messed with the wrong person today!"

Hu Mingjun and Hu Wenhong came up with this idea at the same time.

However, Qian Shuhao, Qian Yaning, and An Mengfan, Li Xinyue and the others were even more horrified when they heard that Ye Yun had such a noble status.

Qian Shuhao was almost elated, feeling that he really hugged a very thick thigh.

Qian Yaning covered her small mouth, and looked at Ye Yun with admiration, admiration and admiration.

This man is so outstanding, is he really worthy of him?

An Mengfan and the others looked at Ye Yun with complicated eyes.

A group of little girls who haven't stepped out of the campus, have they ever seen such a big man with such a high status?
Unexpectedly, Yaya's father, whom they had been admiring for a long time, turned out to be such a terrifying and powerful person!

"Papa, I can see it!"

Yaya had been observing quietly, and finally spoke.

Ye Yun asked with a smile:
"What did you see?"

Yaya said proudly:
"Here you are the biggest!"

When Li Tinglong and Qian Shuhao heard this, they immediately burst out laughing.

Li Tinglong nodded and said:

"Girl, you are right, your father is indeed the biggest here!"

When Hu Mingjun and Hu Wenming heard this, their eyeballs almost fell out of shock.

If they had doubts about Ye Yun's status before, now they have no doubts.

There are not many people in China who can make a two-star lieutenant general say this in public!
Hu Mingjun quickly bowed to Ye Yun and said:
"I'm sorry, Mr. Ye! I was the one who didn't know Taishan before, please don't remember the villain!"

Hu Wenhong, like a dog, nodded and bowed to Ye Yun with a smile on his face:
"Mr. Ye, you are right, I shouldn't be so crazy!"

"Today's incident is all due to my being confused for a while, please don't care about such a small character like me!"

"I am willing to spend 50 yuan to make up for this classmate's trauma!"

As he said that, he took out the check, wrote down the amount of 50 in a panic, tore it off and handed it to An Mengfan.

Seeing this, An Mengfan angrily reprimanded:
"I don't want your money, I just want the law to punish you!"

The fat on Hu Wenhong's face trembled, and he winked and said:
"This classmate, I did not break the law!"

"What happened just now was just a moment of confusion on my part. After all, it didn't hurt you, right?"

It was another loud slap, with the sound of bones breaking.

Ye Yun frowned slightly, slapped him away, and said coldly:
"Whether you break the law or not is not up to you."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and glanced outside the door, saying:
"If you want him to be punished, now is your chance."

Brush brush!
As soon as he finished speaking, five girls walked in from the door.

They are all about 20 years old, tall and beautiful.

When the eyes of the five people fell on Hu Wenhong, they were filled with disgust and hatred.

"We testified against this bastard, and he raped us!"

"My name is Zhang Qing. I have been here for a year, and he threatened me with various reasons and forced me to have sex eleven times! Here is the date I wrote down, and what he said at the time!"

"My name is Xu Xiaoli. I have been here for half a year, and I was raped by him five times! There is a recording in my phone!"

"My name is Ma Leilei, and I have already been raped twice by him!"


With tears in their eyes, the five girls told all the incidents of coercion they had suffered in public.

When Hu Wenhong heard them tell the truth about their crimes, his legs went limp and he collapsed to the ground, his eyes full of despair.

However, the hotel staff standing outside the door watching the excitement, when they heard that Hu Wenhong had done so many Qin beast things, they all became angry and wanted to tear him to pieces.

"This beast must be shot! Don't let him live!"

"You are such a beast in clothes and clothes. You have harmed so many little girls. You will definitely be hit by thunder!"

"Commander Li, I beg you to kill him now!"


The crowd was furious, and the fire of anger erupted like magma.

Hu Wenhong was so frightened that his whole body trembled violently, and his crotch was wet.

Li Tinglong stared at Hu Wenhong and said:

"Catch this bastard for me, and after verifying the evidence, shoot him immediately!"

Hu Mingjun hurried forward to stop him:

"Commander Li, let me handle this matter!"

Li Tinglong glared at him and said:

"I want to take care of it, can you still stop it?"

"Otherwise, would you talk to Instructor Ye?"

Hu Mingjun glanced at Ye Yun, and immediately closed his mouth in fright.

Li Tinglong sneered and said:
"Hu Mingjun, I just received information that you have done a few things that are not on the table in the past few years as the director of the Shanghai Security Department."

"You just wait for me, once the evidence is verified, you can imagine your fate!"


As soon as he finished speaking, Hu Mingjun sat down heavily on the ground.

My heart felt as if it had fallen into an ice cellar, and there was only one thought at this moment...

Li Tinglong didn't even look at their brothers, but asked with a smile on his face:
"Instructor Ye, this kid won't bother you, just let me handle it."

Ye Yun nodded:

"Hurry up if you want to deal with it."

Li Tinglong nodded and said:

"Within three days, I guarantee that he will be finished!"

Seeing that Ye Yun agreed, he waved his hand and had Hu Wenhong taken away.

Hu Mingjun dragged his tired body and led the people away with a mournful expression on his face.

Qian Shuhao then stepped forward and said:
"Mr. Ye, since you and Commander Li are friends, why don't you give me thin noodles and ask him to stay for dinner?"

Ye Yun nodded indifferently:

"it is good."

Li Tinglong was overjoyed when he heard that, he was finally able to have a meal with this immortal, it was really worthwhile for him to show his favor several times!

Qian Shuhao hurriedly pushed Qian Yaning lightly, signaling that she would behave well later.

Qian Yaning's pretty face flushed, she didn't know what to do in front of such a man.

On the way back to the private room, Yaya asked Ye Yun:

"Papa, how do you know that those five aunts all want to punish that bad guy?"

(End of this chapter)

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