Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 497 The Boss Asked Me to Pretend!

Chapter 497 The Boss Asked Me to Pretend!
"Master Shi, you are not joking, are you?"

Yuan Zhelun came back to his senses and asked quickly.

The bald old man's name is Shi Qiang, he is one of the three major worshipers of the Yuan family, and he is a master of the real world.

This person has been following Yuan Zhelun, so Yuan Zhelun knows his abilities well.

Over the years, Yuan Zhelun has seen his miraculous moves countless times.

Smashing a hill with a slap, catching a bullet with an empty hand, and cutting a river with a sword, are all child's play to Shi Qiang.

Yuan Zhelun didn't believe that such a powerful person would be beaten to the ground before he could even make a move.

Shi Qiang turned his head with difficulty, looked at Yuan Zhelun's eyes full of horror, and tremblingly said:

"I'm not joking, I was really beaten up by him!"

When he said the last three words, his face was already flushed, and he was so ashamed that he wanted to get under the ground.

A dignified Transformation Realm Grandmaster was humiliated like this.

What a shame!
However, being able to beat him like this, such a terrifying strength, he couldn't help being in awe.

"Master, this person is afraid... Only Master Long can match him!"

The Master Long he was talking about was the master of the Yuan family who had stepped into the innate Long Yaoguang with one foot.

"What did you say?!"

Yuan Zhelun was taken aback by his words.

Long Yaoguang is a fairy-like figure, he never thought that this little boy in front of him is qualified to be compared with him!
"An Mengfan, you found a good helper!"

Yuan Zhelun looked at An Mengfan in surprise and anger.

I thought that relying on the power of the Yuan family, it would be easy to marry this fairy-like girl.

Unexpectedly, she found such a powerful little boy.

No wonder, she dared to refuse to marry him face to face, all because of this little boy backing him!
"Hmph! You are all waiting, this matter is endless!"

Yuan Zhelun said angrily, and let the three women drag Shi Qiang, who was already immobile, to leave Anjia.

Seeing Yuan Zhelun's desperate look, An Zhibang's face turned blue and purple, and his heart was full of mixed feelings.

Such a disturbance can be regarded as completely offending the Yuan family.

With the power of the Yuan family, it would be a piece of cake if they really wanted to deal with the whole family.

However, the little boy standing in front of him couldn't be offended either.

At such a young age, he can be compared with the top expert of the Yuan family, and the An family can't do anything about him!

An Zhibang felt like he was riding a tiger right now, he was in a dilemma, so anxious that he almost vomited blood.

"Smelly girl, look at your good deeds!"

"You're really going to piss me off!"

"I, An Zhibang, how can I have such a disobedient daughter as you, what a crime!"

An Zhibang stomped his feet heavily, turned around and walked into the house with a sigh.

Seeing his father like this, An Mengfan couldn't bear it, tears kept rolling in his eyes.

Yaya stepped forward to comfort her and said:
"Aunt Mengfan, don't worry, with my daddy here, everything will be fine."

She stood on tiptoe and held up her little hand, trying to wipe away An Mengfan's tears.

Seeing that she couldn't reach her, An Mengfan couldn't help laughing, and bent down so that she could touch his eyes.

Ye Yun picked up Yaya, glanced at An Mengfan lightly and said:
"I'll settle this matter."

An Mengfan knew Ye Yun's ability, so he nodded:
"Thank you!"

Ye Yun asked Yaya to say hello to her, and then took her away from An's house.

On the way, Ye Yun sent a voice transmission to Zijin Dragon Emperor, asking him to go to Yuan's house and settle the affairs of Yuan's family and An's family.

At this time, on the top floor of Yalong Entertainment City, in a luxurious room of over a thousand square meters.

Xiao Huang was wearing a pair of big pants, lying on the sofa enjoying the wonderful scenery in front of him.

Chen Yajing wore her hair down and a bright red lace translucent erotic dress.

Dancing to the music on TV.

Because of her beautiful appearance, slender figure, and extremely fair and tender skin, this outfit is particularly attractive when worn on her body.

Moreover, she has practiced dancing since she was a child, and has a deep dance foundation.

When the slender orchid fingers are raised and ready to dance, it shows a shocking charm.

I see.

A round of spring moon opened the palace mirror, and the woman Shu Yun held her hand in front of the mirror.

The black silk is dyed with ink, and the waist of the willow is light.

The jade muscles are innocent, compared to Fairy Lingbo.

That half wonderful, half seductive dance.

Seeing Xiao Huang's body bursting with blood, he felt that the pores all over his body were opened.


Xiao Huang felt a sudden heat in his nostrils, and when he regained consciousness, two streams of nosebleeds had already spurted out.

"Damn it! Is this okay?"

Xiao Huang quickly wiped the nosebleed with his hand, got up and pulled Chen Yajing and said:

"Baby, don't jump, I have a nosebleed! This is dragon's blood, it makes me feel so distressed!"

There were two blushes of excitement on Chen Yajing's face, and she felt a sense of accomplishment for being able to seduce the smelly dragon like this.

"Isn't it just a little nosebleed, what's the big deal?"

"As the saying goes, there are three drops of blood for one drop of jing. Could it be that this thing is more valuable than yours?"

As Chen Yajing spoke, she felt ashamed and flustered.

Xiao Huang quickly shook his head and said:
"Baby, you made a mistake, my blood is the most precious..."

"Oh no, I'll take two pieces of tissue to plug my nose first, and then I'll watch you dance!"

As soon as he stuffed his nose, he heard Ye Yun's voice transmission, and immediately said helplessly:
"Boss told me to go to Shanghai, let's wait until I come back!"

Chen Yajing asked in surprise:

"What did Big Brother ask you to do in Shanghai?"

Xiao Huang smiled and said:

"Go pretend!"

He pulled Chen Yajing to sit on the sofa, and said with a smile:
"Baby, take a rest for a while, and I'll be back as soon as I finish my work."

"You study the dance carefully, and when I come back, there will be an even more exciting dance!"

Chen Yajing rolled her cute eyes and said:

"Then aren't you afraid of nosebleeds?"

Xiao Huang laughed and said:

"The big deal is to seal my nostrils with magical skills, even if you jump all over, I won't be afraid!"

"Go to hell you!"

Chen Yajing was so ashamed that her face was about to bleed, she patted Xiao Huang's chest coquettishly.

Xiao Huang laughed twice, and disappeared into a ray of light.

Not two seconds later, she suddenly appeared in front of Chen Yajing again, and said with some embarrassment:

"Give me a set of clothes, I can't wear big pants to pretend to be aggressive!"

When Chen Yajing thought of him running out in big underpants, she almost lost her breath from laughing, and hurried to the room to get him a set of sportswear.

Xiao Huang put on her clothes, pointed to her face and said:

"Baby, give me a kiss before I leave!"

Chen Yajing smiled helplessly, feeling that sometimes Longlong was as naughty and clingy as a child.

Feeling the warm and moist lips on her cheeks, Xiao Huang nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile:

"Baby, wait for me to come back!"

After speaking, it turned into a ray of light and disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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