Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 498 Flower Goddess!

Chapter 498 Goddess of Hundred Flowers!

After Ye Yun took Yaya back to Murong Villa, he took out the poster and laid it flat on the table.

After PS processing, Yaya on the poster is more bright and moving.

That thick fairy air is very conspicuous under the interlacing of light and shadow.

No matter from which angle you look at it, it is so perfect.

Ye Yun said with a smile:

"Baby, Papa will make two frames for you, so that they can be preserved forever."

Yaya raised her small fist and said:
"Come on, Papa!"

Then he moved a chair, knelt on the chair, lay down on the table and looked at his poster carefully.

Ye Yun came to the front yard, moved a small stool and sat down.

From the tool box next to it, take out a lot of tools such as saws, pliers, screwdrivers, etc.

Then, he took out a pile of innate spirit wood from the infinite space and threw it on the ground.

Since he had already kept the size of the poster in mind, he took out a measuring tape, marked the required length on the Innate Spirit Wood, and started cutting.

Chu Wenyan came to the front yard at this time, looked at Ye Yun in surprise and asked:

"Big cousin, what are you doing?"

Today, she is wearing a gray sports T-shirt with a stand-up collar on her upper body. The open cuffs expose her small arms, which are as white and delicate as lotus roots.

She was wearing a black high-waist pleated skirt on her lower body. The slim design made her slender waist look like a weak willow, making her even more unbearable.

Under the hem of the skirt, a pair of smooth and straight long legs that were shiny white were like works of art carved from ivory, full of beauty.

Then she squatted in front of Ye Yun, looking curiously at the busy cousin.

Sensing the tangy gardenia-like body fragrance, Ye Yun said without raising his head:

"I'm making two frames for Yaya's poster."

Chu Wenyan laughed after hearing this:
"You can even carpentry, you are really an all-rounder!"

She took out a piece of tissue from her pocket, grabbed a piece of innate spirit wood and said:
"I'll help you wipe off the sawdust on it."


After wiping it a few times, she felt a tingling pain in her fingertips, and her right index finger was pricked by a wooden thorn.

Ye Yun chuckled and said:
"You are as good as Ranran in terms of work!"

Chu Wenyan could see that his eyes were full of ridicule, so he couldn't help but coquettishly said:

"Sister Ranran and I are both smart, just because we are not familiar with these jobs!"

After speaking, she was ready to put her fingers in her mouth and suck a few times.



She was surprised to see that the wooden thorn melted in the blood, and then flowed back into her finger with the blood.

The small hole that was pierced just now completely healed up in an instant.

"what happened?"

Feeling a strange warm current flowing around his body, Chu Wenyan couldn't help but groaned in a low voice, and asked Ye Yun with a blushing face.

Ye Yun glanced at it and jokingly said:
"Congratulations on successfully activating the Yimu spirit body, you will be a master from now on."

Chu Wenyan covered his mouth in shock:

"real or fake?"

Seeing her confused face, Ye Yun explained:

"Of course it is true. My wood is all supreme treasures, and there is an unimaginable innate aura inside a single piece of wood."

"You were pierced by wood chips just now, and the blood can fuse with the spirit wood, which shows that you are a rare Otoki spirit body, and an unworldly genius who manipulates wood-type magic."

"Now that your body has successfully fused with the spirit wood, you have already achieved a very powerful cultivation."

Chu Wenyan opened his mouth wide, and was taken aback by Ye Yun's words.

Can a grain of sawdust make a person a master?

Moreover, he was such a coincidence that he was still a rare Otoki spirit body?

Why do these words of the big cousin sound so unreliable?
He must be kidding himself!

Nasty big cousin!

However, feeling that there was indeed an unusual warm current in her body, she got up and said:

"Big cousin, can I fly now?"

Ye Yun nodded:


"I'd better try jumping first."

Chu Wenyan said suspiciously.

Then, bending her legs, she jumped upwards with a little force.

A gust of wind blew, and Chu Wenyan jumped up to a height of more than ten meters.

"This, too crazy!"

"In this way, you will become a master. Those who have spent a lifetime of cultivation will be pissed to death!"

After Chu Wenyan landed, she covered her mouth with an expression of disbelief.

"However, it feels so good to fly! I want to jump!"

Chu Wenyan danced several times with a smile on her face, her face flushed with excitement.

"Aunt Yan, are you learning how to fly a bird?"

Yaya came out of the house at this time and asked curiously.

Chu Wenyan nodded and said happily:

"That's right! Aunt Yan, I'm an expert now!"

Yaya snorted, she was not interested in things in martial arts, but she was very interested in something about Chu Wenyan.

So he pointed at Chu Wenyan's waist and asked:

"Aunt Yan, you are already an adult, can you still wear Mickey Mouse underwear?"

"Mickey Mouse?"

Chu Wenyan looked puzzled.

It suddenly occurred to me that if I kept jumping around in a short skirt and didn't wear safety pants, I would definitely lose my body easily!
And the big cousin has been sitting there...

Her fair face immediately turned hot red like water with rouge on it.

"Big cousin, I, I, I..."

Chu Wenyan felt that he was going to die of embarrassment, why he was always so clumsy in front of his big cousin.

Ye Yun raised his head and smiled faintly:
"Don't worry, I kept my head down just now."


Chu Wenyan knew that Ye Yun would not lie to him, so the stone in his heart fell down.

She squatted down with a smile and said:
"Big cousin, although I'm an expert, I don't want to fight, can you teach me some fun skills?"

Ye Yun asked:

"what do you want to learn?"

Chu Wenyan thought for a while and said:
"For example, with a wave of my hand, I can conjure up a lot of flowers and plants. I think this is more fun."

Ye Yun nodded and said:
"Okay, I'll teach you the "Yimu Lingxin Jue" later."

"Okay! Thank you, big cousin!"

Chu Wenyan didn't know that "Yimu Lingxinjue" was the most powerful wood-type spell in the universe, as long as she could conjure flowers and plants, she would be very happy.

She didn't expect that one day, she would become the master of all the flowers and trees in the universe by virtue of this technique.

Goddess of Hundred Flowers!


"Kid, who are you looking for?"

Modu, outside the Yuan family compound.

Two bearded men were looking down at the Zijin Dragon Emperor in front of them.

Xiao Huang put his hands in his pockets, tilted his head and looked at the two big men arrogantly and said:
"I'm here to teach the Yuan family how to behave!"


As soon as Xiao Huang finished speaking, the two big men uttered a foul language at the same time.

A little boy ran to the door of the Yuan family, one of the four great families in the magic capital, and said that he wanted to teach the Yuan family how to behave.

Is this he...

Your head has been kicked by a donkey!
I'm still tired of living, I think my life is too long, and I'm looking for death!

"Little Chi, hurry up! Otherwise, I will destroy you!"

A big man on the left slapped Xiao Huang in the face.


Xiao Huang just raised his hand lightly, grabbed his huge palm, and twisted it casually, smashing his right hand to pieces.


When the big man on the right saw this, his legs trembled in fright, and he sat down heavily on the ground.

Xiao Huang glanced at him impatiently and said:

"Go in and make an announcement, tell Yuan Dezhou that his grandpa Huang is here!"

(End of this chapter)

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