Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 505 This game is fun!

Chapter 505 This game is fun!
Seeing An Xuan follow the bald man and the others away, Wen Caixuan couldn't help frowning:
"Something must have happened to An Xuan, but why hasn't she been willing to talk about it?"

Murong Yan said:
"Maybe she doesn't want everyone to get involved."

"You'd better keep in touch with her, and if she needs it, we'll help her."

Although it was only the first time meeting An Xuan, Murong Yan felt that this girl was nice.

And she promised to play the piano for Yaya, and the little girl is still looking forward to it.

If there is something, it is natural to help her.

An Xuan sighed and said:
"Okay, I'll send her a WeChat message, telling her to contact me as soon as possible if she has anything to do."

After speaking, she took out her mobile phone and left a message for An Xuan.

At this time, Wende walked over with a smile, bowed respectfully to Ye Yun, then took out a few tickets and said:

"Caixuan, on the first floor below, an international martial arts competition will be held later."

"I got a few tickets here, please ask Mr. Ye and the others to take a look."

Wen Caixuan took the ticket and looked at the introduction, and couldn't help being surprised:

"It seems that the standard of this competition is very high. There are experts from more than a dozen countries here!"

Wende nodded in agreement:
"That's right. I learned just now that several of the contestants who came to participate this time are masters and above."

"And there are rumors that this time there will be a heavyweight finale."

"His identity is very mysterious. It is said that he has been lurking for centuries and has not appeared."

Wen Caixuan covered her mouth in surprise:
"Doesn't that mean that that person is an old monster who has lived for hundreds of years?"

Wen Dekai said:

"Of course. In short, you young people like these things, so go and have a look, I have something to go first!"

After speaking, he said goodbye to Ye Yun Murong Yan and left the cruise ship.

Wen Caixuan then said to Murong Yan:
"Yanyan, let's go and have a look, I'm really looking forward to the appearance of that mysterious character!"

Murong Yan nodded and smiled:

Then she took Ye Yun's arm, led Yaya, and walked towards the first floor with Wen Caixuan.

"Caixuan, you also come to the martial arts competition!"

The four of them had just arrived at the corridor on the first floor when they heard a crisp voice.

Wen Caixuan turned around and saw four men and two women walking towards him.

The girl who called herself was her college classmate Chang Rongyuan.

"Yes, Rong Yuan!"

Wen Caixuan agreed with a smile.

She saw two men standing behind Chang Rongyuan, one of them was tall and his appearance was somewhat different from that of a Chinese man.

So asked:

"Are these your friends?"

Chang Rongyuan pointed to the two men and a woman beside her and said:
"they are my friends."

"As for the two behind me, they are big men my father only met recently."

"Tianshi Wu from Burma, and his disciples."

Wen Caixuan could tell that the Wu Tianshi Chang Rongyuan was talking about was the tall Burmese man, so he said in surprise:

"It feels great!"

Chang Rongyuan nodded and smiled:
"Of course! My father went to Myanmar to discuss business last month, and encountered a large group of pirates on the way. Fortunately, Master Wu took the initiative to save the day."

"Caixuan, you must not believe it. At that time, Tianshi Wu could roll up a flood of water and smash the entire pirate ship just by moving his fingers."

She took out her mobile phone and turned on the video for Wen Caixuan to watch.

"Did you see it? This is the video my dad recorded at that time, isn't it amazing?"

Wen Caixuan saw that in the video, there was a strong wind on the sea, and the water was like a dragon. It was extremely powerful and terrifying.

Immediately couldn't help admiring:
"Wow, it's really amazing! As expected of Master Wu!"

The Burmese man whose real name is Wu Hanhong saw Wen Caixuan and Chang Rongyuan's expressions of awe, he couldn't help but straighten his back and smile proudly.

However, his apprentice Wu Wei also had an arrogant expression when he heard the words.

Wen Caixuan then asked:

"Then you brought Master Wu here to fight in the ring?"

Chang Rongyuan shook her head and said with a smile:
"Of course not! Wu Tianshi is the number one master in Myanmar, and he can be ranked among the top ten in the world. There are not many people in this world who are qualified to let Wu Tianshi take action!"

"I brought him here because I wanted him to help me gamble. It is said that every game tonight will open. My friends and I came here just to win some money."

Wen Caixuan nodded after listening.

Although Chang Rongyuan was not a gambler by nature, Wen Caixuan had also heard that this girl liked to play cards and mahjong since she was a child, and she liked things related to gambling.

Later in college, I often bet on horse racing and lottery. Although I won less and lost more, I never got tired of it.

In addition, she has a good family background, her parents are both in the import and export business, and they have accumulated more than 20 billion yuan in property, which is enough to meet her expenses.

So over the years, she has not quit this hobby.

Chang Rongyuan then patted Wen Caixuan on the shoulder and said:

"Wu Tianshi's eyes are very poisonous, he can tell who wins and who loses with just one look."

"Wait, if you want to earn some money for fun, just bet according to Wu Tianshi's words, and I will keep you to win!"

After speaking, he dragged Wen Caixuan into the arena with her.

Ye Yun and Murong Yan took Yaya and walked in, and sat in the same row as them.

At this point, the martial arts competition has officially begun.

Chang Rongyuan asked respectfully:

"Wu Tianshi, who do you think will win this match?"

Wu Hanhong glanced at the ring and said:
"In this match, the red team will win, you pressure him to KO the opponent in the second round."

Chang Rongyuan quickly made a bet according to what he said.

The two men and one woman next to them also paid, and like Chang Rongyuan, they both chose the red side to win the second round.

After 2 minutes, the red team really KO'd the blue team.

Chang Rongyuan and the three friends looked at Wu Hanhong with fiery faces and said:

"As expected of Master Wu, his guess is really accurate!"

Chang Rongyuan quickly took out a gold card and asked:

"Na Wu Tianshi, who will win this next match?"

Wu Hanhong glanced at the two sides preparing to fight, squinted and said:

"In this match, the red side still wins. You pressure him to defeat the opponent with points in the third round."

"it is good!"

Chang Rongyuan didn't hesitate at all, and immediately made a bet according to his words.

At the end of the third round, Chang Rongyuan immediately jumped up excitedly from the chair when she saw the referee's scoring:

"Sure enough, the red team won with points! Wu Tianshi, you are really amazing!"

"Just now I voted 100 million, and this one won nearly 1000 million!"

However, her three friends also showed extremely excited expressions:

"Rong Yuan, according to this calculation, we will all be rich tonight!"

Chang Rongyuan said happily:

"Of course! As long as Master Wu is here, we will definitely win everything!"

She then pushed Wen Caixuan and said:

"Caixuan, you and your friends also come to bet!"

"With Heavenly Master Wu backing us up, let's wait to get rich tonight!"

Wen Caixuan couldn't resist her, so he took out a gold card and said:
"Okay, I'll take a gamble too."

Then she turned around and asked Murong Yan:

"Yanyan, do you want to play?"

Murong Yan shook her head:

Yaya asked curiously:
"Ma Ma, this is very fun, why don't you play it?"

Murong Yan said softly:

"Because it's gambling, Ma Ma and Baba don't like gambling."

Yaya nodded:

"It turned out to be Jiang Zi, so if we don't spend money to play, it's not gambling, right?"

Murong Yan replied:

Yaya immediately turned around, took Ye Yun's hand and said:

"Papa, let's guess together with Ma Ma, whoever wins can kiss someone else, and whoever loses has to scratch someone's nose."

Ye Yun felt that the little girl had some ideas, so he nodded and smiled:
"Okay, this game is fun!"

Yaya turned around with a smile, pointed at Hong Fang on the ring and said:

"Then let me guess first, the sorghum in the blue pants wins!"

Ye Yun said with a smile:

"I guess the red side wins."

Murong Yan covered her mouth and smiled, and said:
"I also guess that the blue team will win. The red team seems to move too slowly, and the chances of winning are very small."

Seeing Ye Yun and his family of three enjoying themselves, Wen Caixuan turned around and said to Chang Rongyuan:
"Ask Heavenly Master Wu, who will win this match."

Wu Hanhong then said to Chang Rongyuan:

"The red team won this game, and you pressured him to KO the opponent in the first round."

Upon hearing this, Wen Caixuan turned around and looked at Ye Yun in surprise:
"Ye Yun also guessed that the red side won, so he guessed too!"

Her words were heard by Wu Hanhong and Wu Wei, and they immediately revealed a look of disdain.

Wu Wei sneered and said:

"He was simply guessing, can't you see it?"

"If he were to be like my master, tell me how many rounds the red and blue teams will use to win, I'm sure he will reveal his truth immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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