Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 506 The happiness of a family of three!

Chapter 506 The happiness of a family of three!

Wen Caixuan looked at Ye Yun, and found that his expression was indifferent, shook his head and said:
"No way, I don't think Ye Yun is guessing."

Although Wu Hanhong was very powerful, her intuition told her that Ye Yun was also very powerful.

You can't distrust Ye Yun just because Wu Wei said a few doubtful words.

Wu Wei clasped his hands on his chest, sneered and said:
"If you don't believe me, try it next time, he will definitely reveal himself!"

Seeing his disdainful expression, Yaya said unconvinced:

"Shu Shu, you can't underestimate people like this!"

"You don't know how annoying my papa is!"

The little girl hated others to sneer at Ye Yun the most, she held her head high and said proudly.

Wu Wei shook his head and sneered:
"Just talk and don't practice fake moves, let's talk about it in the next game!"

In a word, the winner has already been decided in the arena.

Sure enough, the red team KO'd the blue team in the first round to win.

"Wow, Master Wu is right again, it's really amazing!"

"Accurate! Really accurate! If you say the first round, it won't be the second round. Wu Tianshi is really a god-like existence!"

Wu Hanhong's prediction made Chang Rongyuan and the others win again, and the four of them admired Wu Hanhong extremely.

However, Wen Caixuan also won nearly 300 million with this one.

On Ye Yun's side, Murong Yan and Yaya glanced at each other and laughed at the same time.

"Baby, Mama, we all lost!"

Ye Yun's gaze swept between them, both faces were so beautiful that they were beyond compare.

Murong Yan's face is as delicate and beautiful as a flower in early spring, as bright as the sun in three or nine days.

As if holding her face in the palm of your hand, it would turn into water.

The tender and elastic skin is more attractive than a peeled egg, making people want to take a bite on it.

And Yaya's face looks like freshly cooked glutinous rice balls.

It is white and tender, exuding a fairy air, and also has a bit of tenderness and cuteness like a newborn baby.

The big twinkling eyes on a childish little face make people have no doubt that when she grows up, she will definitely be a gorgeous beauty.

With such two faces in front of him, it was difficult for Ye Yun to choose.

If possible, he would like to kiss both of them.

"Papa, what are you thinking?"

Seeing Ye Yun's eyes turning back and forth, Yaya asked curiously.

Ye Yun smiled wickedly and said:
"Papa is thinking, both of you should give me a kiss."

Yaya shook her head like a rattle:
"Papa, you are too greedy! The rule of the game is that you can only kiss once!"

"You should still kiss Mama!"

A cunning flashed in the little girl's eyes, she pointed at Murong Yan and said.

"it is good!"

Without saying a word, Ye Yun held Murong Yan's face and kissed it.

"Wow, how embarrassing!"

Yaya laughed out loud.

Murong Yan's pretty face flushed slightly, she glanced at Ye Yun shyly and happily, and said angrily:

"Why are you in such a hurry? I'm not ready yet!"

Ye Yun smiled indifferently and said:

"Our children are four years old, so we don't need to prepare for these things."

Murong Yan said anxiously:

"Of course we have to prepare! Although the child is four years old, we are only..."

She blinked her big eyes, and suddenly saw Wen Caixuan, Chang Rongyuan and the others were staring at her, she couldn't help but blush, and quickly changed the subject:

"Don't talk about this, anyway, you are a big villain!"

Ye Yun laughed, one of the great joys in life is to tease this little girl when you have nothing to do.

Yaya poked Ye Yun with her small hand and said:

"Papa, you can come and kiss me now."

Ye Yun asked curiously:
"Didn't you say you can only kiss one person?"

Yaya proudly said:
"That was in the game, now we don't play games, I will give you a kiss as a daughter!"

Ye Yun scratched her little nose pamperingly, and exclaimed:

"Little girl, you are getting more and more cunning now, but well, Papa likes it very much!"

Yaya giggled, closed her eyes, and waited for Ye Yun to kiss her.

She felt kisses on both cheeks at the same time.

Opening her eyes, it turned out that Ye Yun and Murong Yan kissed her at the same time.

"Papa, Mama, you are also very cunning!"

Yaya had a happy and sweet smile on her face.

Ye Yun and Murong Yan smiled at each other, the happiness of a family of three is like honey, it is delicious no matter how you eat it.

"The next game has already begun. Now that my master is silent, why don't you let your father guess!"

Wu Wei coughed, interrupting the happy atmosphere of the family of three.

He looked straight at Ye Yun, still with disdain on his face.

Wen Caixuan, Chang Rongyuan, and her friends all set their eyes on Ye Yun at the same time.

Yaya raised her head and looked at Ye Yun:

"Papa, let's guess again!"

Ye Yun nodded and said:
"it is good!"

"I think the blue team will be in the middle of the second round, and the red team will win by KO."

Wu Wei narrowed his eyes:

"It's pretty decent, I don't know if it's true!"

Chang Rongyuan and the others also looked at Ye Yun curiously.

Speaking so accurately, does he have the same ability as Wu Tianshi?
Everyone then turned their attention to the ring, and after the second round, the blue team indeed knocked out the red team in the middle of the second round.

"You're right! Ye Yun can do it!"

Wen Caixuan laughed happily. Ever since she saw Ye Yun make the Si family like that, she felt that Ye Yun was omnipotent.

"It's really powerful, I didn't expect his ability to be the same as Wu Tianshi!"

Chang Rongyuan and the others also looked at Ye Yun in astonishment.

Seeing Chang Rongyuan and others who originally worshiped Wu Hanhong looked at Ye Yun with admiration, Wu Wei snorted angrily:

"What's the point of guessing one game correctly, try guessing a few more games if you have the ability!"

Wen Caixuan rolled his eyes at him, then took out five gold cards from his bag, and said:

"Ye Yun, I will buy five according to the result you said, and if I lose, it will be mine!"

Chang Rongyuan quickly pulled Wen Caixuan:
"Caixuan, you're crazy! He's only guessed correctly twice, and you've given away so much money, what if you lose?"

Although she admired Ye Yun a lot just now, it doesn't mean that she trusts him very much.

After all, in her eyes, Ye Yun hadn't shown Wu Hanhong's ability to make accurate guesses.

Therefore, she felt that it was too risky for Wen Caixuan to spend so much money to support Ye Yun!

Wen Caixuan smiled indifferently and said:

"It doesn't matter, anyway, I won 300 million just now, at worst, I'll put some more money in!"

Chang Rongyuan saw that she insisted on seeing, so she had no choice but to let go:
"That's up to you."

Then, Wen Caixuan began to bet according to Ye Yun's guess.

As a result, Ye Yun won all five strikes, and Wen Caixuan made a total of nearly 5000 million.

"Wow, Caixuan, you really made the right bet, and Ye Yun is too good!"

Chang Rongyuan finally couldn't help admiring.

Seeing Wen Caixuan win big money one after another, she just felt extremely restless.

So he took out all the bank cards and put them in front of him, and said:

"Ye Yun, please guess for me, we will share the money if we win!"

Seeing Chang Rongyuan's crazy behavior, Wu Hanhong, who had been sitting there all this time, finally got up.

He stared at Ye Yun and said:

"Since you can tell the outcome of every match, you must be a master of martial arts. How about you fight with me and let's guess who will win in the end?"

His eyes were sharp and his words were extremely provocative.

Everyone couldn't help being startled, why did Wu Tianshi suddenly challenge Ye Yun?

They immediately turned their heads.


It must be because everyone admired Ye Yun so much that Wu Tianshi felt that he had been refuted.

Such an absurd move was made only when she became angry from embarrassment!
Chang Rongyuan quickly said:
"Wu Tianshi, everyone is just playing for fun, please don't get angry."

"It's really not good, I just don't let him guess for me!"

After all, Wu Hanhong was her father, a master hired at a high price, and she didn't want to offend him just like this.

Unexpectedly, Wu Hanhong was not moved at all, but insisted:

"I've made up my mind! Stop talking!"

"This person can see the strengths and weaknesses of each player, and accurately judge who wins and who loses, which proves that he is also a martial arts master."

"Since that's the case, let me, Wu Hanhong, show me how capable he is. He dares to fight in front of me!"

He pointed to Ye Yun and said:

"Do you dare to fight with me and guess the outcome of the two of us?"

Ye Yun nodded and smiled playfully:

"I guess you, just kneel when you go on stage."

(End of this chapter)

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