Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 507 I like to respond to any battle, even if it is far away!

Chapter 507 I like to respond to any battle, even if it is far away!


"It's too crazy!"

Wu Hanhong was so angry that his beard stood on end at Ye Yun's words.

Wu Wei shook his head disdainfully, and said:

"I've seen crazy people, but I've never seen you so crazy!"

"I'm afraid you don't know yet, my master is the number one expert in Burma!"

"His technique has reached the realm of transcendence and immortality! He can communicate with the entire planet at every turn, and has the ability to be unpredictable!"

"You dare to underestimate him like this, I promise you will regret it!"

After hearing this, Chang Rongyuan's face changed slightly, and she quickly persuaded Ye Yun:
"He's right! My father said that Wu Tianshi is the number one master in Myanmar, and even in our Chinese martial arts world, there are few people who can compete with him!"

"Ye Yun, don't fight for a moment, don't go on stage, just say a few nice words to make things better!"

Chang Rongyuan had seen how powerful Wu Hanhong was, and she was very afraid of him.

Now I had no choice but to persuade the relatively weak Ye Yun to settle the matter with Wu Hanhong quickly.

Otherwise, with Wu Hanhong's ability, if the two of them fight with real knives and guns, Ye Yun will be peeled off even if he doesn't die!
Wen Caixuan blinked her big eyes, looked at Ye Yun and Wu Hanhong, and couldn't help but feel worried about Ye Yun.

Although Ye Yun made the Si family miserable just now, his ability is extraordinary.

But, Wu Hanhong is really too strong!
He is the kind of person who knows at a glance that it is not easy!
The breath is released, and the evil spirit is compelling, which is far beyond what Ye Yun can compare.

Wen Caixuan also persuaded:

"That's right, Ye Yun, it's not a big deal, don't make a fuss."

Ye Yun smiled slightly:
"I am a person who likes to respond to any battle, and to kill even if it is far away!"

"it is good!"

Wu Hanhong nodded and sneered:
"There is a saying in Huaxia, which is called a gentleman's words, and a horse is hard to follow!"

"I'll be waiting for you on stage!"


The voice fell.

He turned into a hurricane and appeared in the middle of the ring.

At this time, there are already two master-level masters on the field, ready to fight.

Seeing Wu Hanhong come out halfway, both of them had expressions of anger:

"Who are you, get out of here quickly, don't delay our game!"

Wu Hanhong glanced at the two arrogantly, and said with disdain:
"This is my stage! If you are not convinced, go on stage together!"

"You are presumptuous!"

"Before the master, there is no place for you to act wild!"

The two masters were furious instantly, bursting with true energy all over their bodies, and killed Wu Hanhong at the same time.

"The turkey dog!"

Wu Hanhong smiled disdainfully, and waved his hands in the air.

Bang bang!

Twice, the entire hall on the first floor was shaken.

Then, I saw that the bodies of the two masters all went limp, and flew more than ten meters away like fallen leaves.

They fell heavily to the ground, all of them vomited blood and fell unconscious.


"The two grandmasters were blown away so easily, this person is really terrifying!"

Seeing Wu Hanhong's attack, the crowd of onlookers understood what a real master is.

With one move, the world is shocked!

With a wave of hands, the grandmaster is defeated!
Master, this is the real dragon and phoenix among people!

Wu Wei looked at Ye Yun with a smile and said:
"You have seen my master's ability, do you dare to go to the ring now?"

Chang Rongyuan kept winking at Ye Yun, telling him to sit down quickly:

"A man can bend and stretch, it's okay to endure a moment of anger."

"Wu Tianshi is so powerful, you will suffer a loss if you go up!"

Wen Caixuan quickly pulled Murong Yan and said:

"Yan Yan, you have also seen Wu Tianshi's ability, so hurry up and persuade Ye Yun not to mess around!"

Murong Yan shook her head and smiled:
"I won't persuade him, I also believe in him, and he will definitely win."

Between husband and wife, there is nothing more precious than trust.

Murong Yan understood that no matter what happened, as long as Ye Yun said yes, she would trust him unconditionally!
Wen Caixuan patted his forehead helplessly, and said:
"The two of you, husband and wife, are really... speechless!"

In between words, Ye Yun has already stepped onto the ring in a calm manner under the attention of everyone.

Wu Hanhong sneered and said:
"I didn't expect you to dare to come up."

Ye Yun smiled slightly and said:

"Who do you think I am, why should I be afraid of you?"

Wu Hanhong narrowed his eyes and said with disdain:

"Speaking so crazy, it's better to see the real chapter under your hands!"


As soon as he finished speaking, a black light soaring into the sky fell in the middle of the ring.

The air in the hall immediately swarmed like a mountain roaring and a tsunami.

In the whirring airflow, there are countless sounds of electric currents exploding, click!The ground kept ringing.

"God, what the hell is this!"

Everyone felt their scalps tingling for a while, and the terrifying breath, like countless sharp knives, pierced everyone's skin along the pores.

I saw that the black light on the ring gathered together and turned into a huge human figure more than two meters high.

He was wearing a black cloak that covered his entire face. It was so dark that it was impossible to see what he looked like.

A huge sickle, held in his arms, kept shining with a sharp brilliance.

Around the whole person, countless tiny blue electric currents could be clearly seen, constantly rolling like tides, with an astonishing momentum.

Feeling that terrifying aura, Wu Hanhong swallowed involuntarily, and asked:
"Who are you? What do you want to do in the ring?"

Pfft! !

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt a pressure like a hundred mountains pressing down from the top of his head.

He couldn't help but his legs went weak, and he knelt on the ground.


"who are you?!"

Wu Hanhong panted heavily, his pupils shrank sharply.

He is already a congenital master of magic arts, one operation can shock the world and weep ghosts and gods, and his cultivation base is extremely powerful.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the man in black appeared, he knelt down on the ground without saying a word.

So capable, admirable and awesome!

The man in black let out a creepy gurgling sound from his throat, and said:
"I, the necromancer is also!"

"I came here to prove that I am the strongest on Earth!"

"From today onwards, I, the Supreme One, and you are all ants, and I can only surrender!"

A ray of sharpness flashed by, and Wu Hanhong, the number one expert in Burmese country, who was unparalleled in martial arts, was wiped out in an instant.

The necromancer put away his sickle and said disdainfully:

"Too brittle!"

"I have been dormant for hundreds of years. I thought that the earth would produce masters in large numbers, but I didn't expect that one generation would not be as good as one generation."

"Right now, my master is lonely!"

His few words caused a huge commotion in the arena.

"I didn't expect that the finale of this International Martial Arts Festival will be the Necromancer!"

"God, I didn't expect the legendary necromancer to really exist, and he's so strong! He killed that person with a single blow, it's so strong!"

Everyone's eyes trembled and their hearts were cold.

Two master-level masters were defeated by Wu Hanhong with one move.

However, Wu Hanhong was wiped out by the necromancer.

This gap in strength brought too much shock!
At this time, many people looked at Ye Yun worriedly.

Facing such a powerful and terrifying necromancer, this handsome man must be in danger!

Wen Caixuan and Chang Rongyuan, who were in the auditorium, were already chattering with fright.

The two of them even forgot, and told Murong Yan to call Ye Yun back quickly, not to stand with the Necromancer.

As for Wu Hanhong's disciple Wu Wei, he was deeply saddened by Wu Hanhong's death.

But at the same time, he was also waiting for a good show.

"Little boy, it's because of you that the master came to power, otherwise he wouldn't have been killed by the necromancer!"

"Now the necromancer is in front of you, you have to die!"

"You will also be buried with my master, you can't let him die alone!"

Wu Wei gritted his teeth, wishing he could kill Ye Yun for the Necromancer.

The Necromancer turned around slowly, his dark face was facing Ye Yun:

"The strongest person just now has been killed by me."

"You, surrender, or die?"

He was nearly two meters tall, looked down at Ye Yun and asked.

Ye Yun smiled slightly:
"I will neither surrender nor die."

"You have only one death!"

After speaking, he waved his right hand lightly.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the necromancer was blown into countless black light spots before he could raise his sickle.

In less than a second, it dissipated with the wind and disappeared without a trace.

(End of this chapter)

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