Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 519 Thunder from the Eastern Desolation!

Chapter 519 Thunder from the Eastern Desolation!

Yao Kairui, Zhang Kaixiang, Wu Tong and others immediately set their eyes on the man in the green cloak.

I just feel that this person is gloomy, and has an aura that makes people dare not look directly at him.

Although his face was covered by a blindfold, it always gave people a terrifying feeling.

It seems that as long as you take off the blindfold, you can scare people to death.

Dai Weibo got up quickly, stepped forward and smiled at the man:

"Master Lei, I have been admiring you for a long time!"

Master Lei nodded, looking rather arrogant.

Dai Weibo then turned around and led Master Lei to sit next to Yao Kairui.

He himself and the bearded man sat next to Master Lei respectively.

Yao Kairui is just an ordinary person. After sitting with Master Lei, he only felt a little flustered in his heart.

He hastily asked:
"Wei Bo, this Master Lei is very imposing. I don't know where he came from?"

Dai Weibo smiled, and did not answer directly, but made a fool of himself and said:

"Uncle, have you heard of the Great Wilderness in the East China Sea?"

When he asked this question, not only Yao Kairui, but also Mei Feiying, Zhang Kaixiang, Wu Tong and the others couldn't help but tremble.

The Great Wilderness of the East China Sea!

That is the most mysterious forbidden place in China since ancient times, and it is also the birthplace of one of the few myths in the world.

As a native of Tingzhou, how could he not know about this place?
Yao Kairui then replied:
"Of course I did!"

"In our Chinese ancient book "Strange Stories from Mountains and Seas", there is a clear record about the great wilderness in the East China Sea."

"This book records that there are more than a dozen countries in the Great Wilderness of the Eastern Sea, including the Ten Thousand Monsters Country, the Black Tooth Country, and the Qingqiu Country."

"Among them, the Ten Thousand Monsters Kingdom is the most prosperous. According to the book, they have become the overlords of the entire Great Wilderness."

"In this land, there are all kinds of legendary gods, men and monsters. It can be said that a hundred kingdoms are contending, and different races stand together."

He said, with a look of awe in his eyes, took a sip of tea, and then continued:
"Although few people have been able to verify what is said in the book since ancient times, there are still legends about the great wilderness in the East China Sea."

"A few years ago, it was reported that there was a special investigation team that entered the Great Wilderness of the East China Sea, trying to uncover the mystery there, but then all of them were wiped out."

"Based on this, everyone suspects that in the Great Wilderness of the Eastern Sea, there are indeed those gods and kingdoms mentioned in the book."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Master Lei and asked:

"Could it be that Master Lei is related to the Great Wilderness of the East China Sea?"

After he finished speaking, Zhang Kaixiang and Wu Tong all showed expressions of awe.

If Master Lei is really related to the Great Wilderness of the East China Sea, it would be amazing!

You know, in the minds of Tingzhou people, anyone who can be related to the Great Wilderness of the East China Sea is a fairy-like existence.

No matter whether Master Lei has been to the Great Wilderness or walked out from there, he can prove that his ability is beyond comparison!

Dai Weibo nodded triumphantly, and said:

"Master Lei, he came from the Great Wilderness of the Eastern Sea!"


As soon as he finished speaking, the audience gasped.

From the Great Wilderness of the Eastern Sea.

With these six words alone, one can walk sideways in the entire Tingzhou.

No one expected that in their lifetime, they would see with their own eyes a person from the Great Wilderness of the Eastern Sea sitting inside of them.

Although, Yao Kairui had seen the Golden Horn Immortal and the Silver Horn Immortal before.

However, they are just monsters on the nearby Niutou Ridge, and they are still far from the Great Wilderness in the East China Sea.

Now that Master Lei appeared, it was like a mythical figure suddenly appearing in front of him.

Such a shock is definitely stronger than that brought by the Golden Horn Immortal and the others!
Seeing everyone's expressions of awe, Master Lei, whose real name is Lei Yin, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and moved his fingers towards the cup in front of him.

Snapped!With a bang, a very thin bolt of lightning appeared, leading the wine in the cup to his mouth.


Then, Lei Yin drank the wine dry in one gulp.

When everyone saw this, their hearts trembled.

This Master Lei is so imposing just drinking, he is worthy of being a legend from the Great Wilderness of the East China Sea, admirable and awesome!

Zhang Kaixiang asked:
"Weibo, then you invited Master Lei out of the mountain, is there anything you need to do?"

Dai Weibo nodded, glanced at the bearded man and said:

"To tell you the truth, this person is the current head of the Dai family's Cao Gang. He is the one who met Master Lei and introduced him on his behalf."

"We, the Dai family, have decided to ask Master Lei to be the great protector, supervise the entire Cao Gang, and keep the family safe."

"Today, because my father is out of town and has not had time to come back, I will host a banquet here for Master Lei on his behalf."

Zhang Kaixiang and Wu Tong nodded after hearing this:

"It turned out to be like this. No wonder you said that there is a big happy event today."

"With Master Lei in charge, you Dai family will definitely become the overlord of Tingzhou in the future!"

Gang Leader Wang quickly echoed:

"That's a must!"

"You have never seen Master Lei's true ability. His thunder technique has reached the realm of astonishing heaven and man."

"When I met him near the South China Sea two days ago, I saw him pointing at the sky with one hand, drawing hundreds of lightning bolts more than one meter thick and kilometers long, and blasting a 300-meter-high mountain into powder."

"That scene at that time, I will never forget it in my life!"

As soon as he said this, there was another exclamation in the private room.

With just one finger, you can trigger hundreds of thunderbolts. This kind of ability is definitely at the level of a fairy!
Seeing the awe on everyone's faces, Dai Weibo was full of pride.

Suddenly, from the corner of the eye, he caught sight of Ye Yun who was diagonally opposite, and couldn't help frowning, and asked Yao Fangling contemptuously:
"By the way, you just said that this friend of yours is amazing. I wonder who is better between him and Master Lei?"

Zhang Kaixiang and Wu Tong glanced at Ye Yun one after another, showing disdain at the same time.

Is there any comparison between this little boy and Master Lei?

Yao Fangling knew that Dai Weibo intended to provoke trouble, so she said angrily:

"I do not know."

"Ha ha."

Dai Weibo sneered twice:
"If you can't tell, it means that he is not as good as Master Lei."

"Let me just say, what can a person who came out of nowhere be capable of?"

Yao Kairui quickly interrupted him and said:
"Weibo, Mr. Ye is not a mortal, you can't talk like that!"

Mei Feiying followed up and said:

"Mr. Ye is from the Murong family in Jincheng, Jiangbei Province, and he is also from a big family."

Both of them had seen Ye Yun's ability, so naturally they wouldn't let Dai Weibo belittle Ye Yun like this.

On the contrary, Dai Weibo laughed disdainfully, shook his head and said:

"The Murong family? I've never heard of it!"

"Have you heard of it?"

He asked Gang Leader Wang, Zhang Kaixiang and Wu Tong again.

The three shook their heads at the same time and said:
"Have not heard!"

Jincheng and Tingzhou are far from each other in the south and the north.

Moreover, Jincheng's water transportation is very underdeveloped, and the power of the Dai family has not developed there. Naturally, the leader of the Wang clan has never dealt with the people there.

However, Zhang Kaixiang and Wu Tong are both members of the small family in Tingzhou, and they don't know that there is a Murong family in Jincheng in the distant Jiangbei Province.

Dai Weibo laughed a few times when he heard the three people's answers, very pleased with himself.

He then stared at Ye Yun with contempt and said:
"Just now, Fangling said that I can't offend you. I want you to tell me, can I offend you?"

Ye Yun picked a piece of dragon fruit with a toothpick, put it in Yaya's mouth, and wiped the fruit stains from the corner of her mouth for her.

Lifting his eyelids slightly, he said lightly:

"Can't be bothered."

"Then, what about me?"

Lei Yin, who had been sitting there calmly, finally asked.

His voice was gloomy and creepy.

Ye Yun shook his head:

"I still can't afford it."

"Hmph! Who do you think you are, so arrogant!"

Dai Weibo immediately snorted disdainfully: "Master Lei, give him palm eyes!"

Seeing Dai Weibo pointing his gun at Ye Yun twice and three times, Yao Kairui couldn't help being annoyed:

"Enough! Wei Bo, Mr. Ye is not something you can offend, don't mess around!"

When Dai Weibo heard this, he became even more impatient, and slapped the table with his hand and said:

"Uncle, what do you mean?"

"I'm your future son-in-law, Fangling's future husband, why have you been protecting this little boy?"

"Today, I'm going to show him, he's not worthy of Dai Weibo licking my toes!"

After speaking, he waved.

"Master Lei, this kid looks down on you so much, you must give him a longer memory!"

Lei Yin nodded, sneered and said:

"Then let me give him a meeting gift first."


A thunderclap sounded from the top of the box.

A fist-thick, one-meter-long bolt of lightning suddenly appeared above everyone's heads.

The lightning flashed, and the momentum was domineering.

The terrifying electric sound made everyone's scalps tingle.

With a flick of his finger, Lei Yin grabbed the lightning in his hand and flicked it towards Ye Yun.


Electric Lightning Dragon.

Seeing this, Yao Kairui and the others all shrank their pupils.

Such a terrifying lightning, if you catch it with bare hands, you will be burnt in an instant!
But, before they had time to exclaim in the future, Ye Yun had already gently grasped the lightning.

With a flick of his finger, the lightning bounced on Lei Yin's body.


A black smoke rose into the sky.

Lei Yin was blown black all over, and his head was thrown back, plop!He fell to the ground with a loud bang and remained motionless.

However, Yao Kairui and Dai Weibo on the side were all taken aback.

Dai Weibo's eyes widened and his mouth opened wide, almost sticking out his tongue.

(End of this chapter)

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