Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 520 For the snack baby, nothing is impossible!

Chapter 520 For the snack baby, nothing is impossible!

He never expected that Master Lei Yinlei, a god-man from the Great Wilderness of the East China Sea, would be counterattacked by this little boy!
Moreover, Lei Yin has no power to fight back.

I was blown away by my own lightning!


"How is it possible? How could he be so strong!"

Dai Weibo's eyes trembled, and he shook his head desperately.

You know, as the head of the Dai family's Cao Gang, Wang Gangzhu has been in power for more than 21 years.

He traveled all over the world and met countless masters.

Even he admires Lei Yin so much, which shows that Lei Yin's ability is indeed the best in China.

How could such a terrifying person lose so easily?
Moreover, he still lost so thoroughly that he didn't even have time to hum!
However, at this moment, Gang Leader Wang, Zhang Kaixiang, Wu Tong and the others also looked shocked and bewildered.

Just a few seconds ago, who of them put Ye Yun in their eyes?
But, in the blink of an eye, Lei Yin, who was blown into a fairy by himself, was scorched by a thunderbolt.

This slap was really too loud!

The three of them felt a burning sensation on their faces, and lowered their heads in shame.

Yao Fangling shook her head and looked at Dai Weibo.

At this moment, she finally realized that she still didn't fully understand Dai Weibo's character.

He is too narrow, too impulsive.

The two were childhood sweethearts, and he didn't trust their relationship for so many years.

So, what future is there?

"Weibo, I feel that we lacked basic trust before."

"For the next few days, we should keep in touch less and calm down first!"

Yao Fangling said disappointedly.

When Dai Weibo heard this, the muscles on his face twitched violently, and he roared angrily:
"Are you breaking up with me?"

"After you've said that, how dare you say that you have nothing to do with him?"

"Could it be that my Dai family can't compare to the Murong family in Jiangbei?"

Hoarse, hysterical.

The gentle and elegant temperament at the beginning has disappeared.

All that's left is irritability and resignation.

Yao Fangling sighed and said:
"I want to separate from you temporarily, it has nothing to do with what you said."

"I can assure you that I didn't do anything to apologize to you."

"Furthermore, we can't afford a person like him!"

Can't climb high.

Those four words, like four sharp knives, pierced Dai Weibo's heart.

The Dai family is one of the four dignified families in Tingzhou.

The family property is tens of billions, and he is in charge of a team of tens of thousands of people.

Even the senior officials from Zhong Hai did not dare to say these four words to the Dai family.

However, Yao Fangling said so in public knowing the strength of the Dai family.

This not only underestimated Dai Weibo, but also underestimated the entire Dai family!
"Good good!"

Dai Weibo laughed back in anger, the veins on his forehead popped up, his eyes were tearing open and he said:

"Our Dai family can't afford to provoke him, can we?"

"Well, I'll let you see now, how capable our Dai family is!"

As he spoke, he picked up the phone and was about to call the head of the Dai family, Dai Shujie.

"I'll tell my dad right now that there is a man from Jincheng, Jiangbei who not only robbed my fiancée, but also killed our great protector of the Dai family."

"I want to ask him if this person can stay in this world!"

Just when he was about to dial, an angry voice suddenly sounded:

"Enough! You bastard, you don't deserve to have anything to do with my daughter!"

Yao Kairui snatched Dai Weibo's cell phone and dropped it heavily on the ground.

The phone is torn apart.

Yao Kairui scolded angrily:
"Dai Weibo, listen carefully to me, don't think that you can do whatever you want because the Dai family has a great career!"

"Mr. Ye, you are a true celestial being, not to mention you, even the entire Dai family can't compare to a single hair of his!"

"Also, my daughter has nothing to do with you from now on!"

"I have put up with you several times, and I have repeatedly advised you to respect Mr. Ye. You don't even listen to what I say, and you still want to marry my daughter?"

"Go to you!"

Yao Kairui swears directly.

He was also tempted for a moment, wanting to marry Yao Fangling to Ye Yun.

But, he knew that was impossible.

So in my heart, I still value Dai Weibo, the future son-in-law.

Unexpectedly, this son repeatedly ignored his advice and poured dirty water on his daughter.

It is tolerable and unbearable.

If you let your daughter associate with this kind of person again, you will be out of your mind!
When Dai Weibo saw his father-in-law-to-be, who had always been easy-going, throw a tantrum today, he couldn't help but bewildered.

He opened his mouth and looked at Ye Yun, feeling his head was a mess.

At this moment, Lei Yin, who fell on the ground, shrank and turned into a scorched black lizard.

When everyone saw it, their pupils shrank involuntarily.

Lei Yin, this is showing his own body.

This also proves that he is indeed an extraordinary existence.

It's just a pity that even such a powerful existence like him was killed by Ye Yun with one move.

It is really awe-inspiring!

Everyone looked at Ye Yun with scorching eyes, only feeling that at this moment, they felt as if they were facing...


Different from everyone's awe at the moment, Yaya saw the black smoke constantly rising from the lizard's body, and asked whimsically:

"Papa, do you think it would be a good time to use lightning to roast meat?"

"Lightning barbecue?"

Ye Yun was surprised by the little girl's question.

"I haven't tried this."

Ye Yun chuckled twice, and secretly sighed, even though he is the supreme god of death in the universe, when it comes to the thoughts of these ghosts and spirits, he is still no match for this little girl!
Yaya pointed to a plate of boiled chicken on the table and said:

"Then try it, don't you know?"

Ye Yun nodded and smiled:

"Okay, I'll try it!"

He moved his finger, and in an instant, a group of fiery red lightning appeared above the private room.

Crackling!Amidst the sound, countless small electric currents are like swimming dragons, turning around inside.

Ye Yun pointed his hand towards the plate, and saw those lightning bolts falling down, hitting the chicken continuously.

Tens of seconds later, the white and tender chicken was roasted until it was burnt yellow.

The smoke was billowing and the aroma was tangy, making everyone swallow their saliva.

Ye Yun took a piece and put it in Yaya's mouth, and asked:
"what about the taste?"

" smells so good!"

Yaya's small mouth was bulging, she narrowed her eyes and said happily.

Ye Yun shook his head and smiled. The thunder and lightning he used just now was the wheel spark thunder of the supreme power of the universe.

A thunderbolt can instantly create a huge star.

Just now he weakened the lightning to one ten-billionth and used it to roast chicken for Yaya.

If other gods in the universe saw this scene, their jaws would drop in shock, and they would scold him a hundred thousand times for being violent.

But what?

Ye Yun felt that for this little snack baby, nothing was impossible!

Yao Kairui and Yao Fangling looked at Ye Yun feeding Yaya chicken in surprise.

I secretly sighed in my heart, Ye Yun spoiled Yaya to the sky, this feeling of being pampered is really enviable, jealous and hateful!

However, Dai Weibo, who knew he was not to be seen, gave Ye Yun a look of unwillingness and fear, and hurried away with Wang Bangzhu and others.

However, just as he left the hotel and was about to call Dai Shujie again, suddenly a black smoke gushed out from the top of his head.

After a while, his eyes completely lost their luster, and he lay on the back seat and didn't move anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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