Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 538 Secret God Patriarchal God!

Chapter 538 Secret God Patriarchal God!
Jay Chou.

The Zhou family is the only one that can stand shoulder to shoulder with the Wang family in the comprehensive strength of the Demon City, and the only son of the head of the family, Zhou Renhao.

Ever since Zhou Yukun was killed by Ye Yun with a blade of grass, his elder brother Zhou Renhao has become the leader of the Zhou family.

In just over half a year, Zhou Renhao recruited heroes from all directions, gathered martial arts masters from all over the world, and raised the Zhou family's strength to another level.

From the weaker one of the original four major families, he jumped up and firmly suppressed the Liu family, becoming a super existence comparable to the Wang family.

As a result, people in Modu all showed expressions of extreme awe when they mentioned the Zhou family.

Even if Zhou Renhao didn't show up, wherever Zhou Jiekai went, no one would dare to be slighted or disrespected.

Under everyone's awe-inspiring gaze, Zhou Kaijie came to Barter, raised his chin slightly, and said with a hint of arrogance:
"Mr. Balter, please!"

He turned slightly and made a gesture of invitation.

He came here tonight because Zhou Renhao made an appointment with Barthes to discuss the plan of a group company under the Zhou family name to invest and go public in the United States.

Seeing that the time was approaching, he brought people over to show his sincerity.

Balter shook his head quickly and said:

"Sorry, I don't have time right now, I can't leave here."

Zhou Kaijie frowned slightly and said:

"What do you mean? Do you think that the agreement with our Zhou family can be rejected casually?"

"Do you know that, in order to wait for you to come, my dad rushed back from other places half an hour earlier."

Barthes clasped his hands together and said:

"Sorry, I'll be there later, but not now."

Zhou Kaijie frowned tightly, with a trace of anger in his eyes, he said:
"Give me an explanation!"

Balter glanced at Ye Yun and said:

"I'm going to report to my boss now about the work situation."

"If he doesn't speak, I can't leave here!"


Zhou Kaijie followed Bart's gaze and looked at Ye Yun, with a disdainful smile on his lips.

"Bart, I know that you are a world-renowned god of small stocks, and you are very popular everywhere."

"But, don't think that because you are famous, you can fool our Zhou family like this!"

"This kid is obviously the trustee you hired. If you want to find someone to be an actor, you should also find a decent one!"

He stepped forward, sat opposite Ye Yun, tapped Erlang's leg and said:
"Boy, our Zhou family, this time, invite Barthes over to talk about investment."

"You have to know that our business started with billions of dollars. You little bastard, you better get out of here as soon as possible!"

Seeing him aiming his gun at Ye Yun, Balter couldn't help being startled, and quickly said:

"Don't talk nonsense! He is really my boss!"

Seeing Barter's frightened expression, Zhou Kaijie couldn't help but raised his head and laughed a few times, angrily said:

"Bart, it's no wonder that our Zhou family respects you as a god of small stocks. I didn't expect you to like to play these dirty tricks!"

"I know that you brought this kid here and deliberately delayed the time, just to let us increase your salary."

"Okay, now you say, I will add another 1 million US dollars, will you follow me?"

Balter looked at Zhou Kaijie with a foolish look on his face, shook his head and said:
"If the boss doesn't speak, I can't leave!"

As soon as Hua Hua said it, Zhou Kaijie started to shoot the case.

"Bart, don't go too far!"

"Those who want to play dirty with our Zhou family, you are still young!"

The Zhou family became more and more famous in Shanghai. As the eldest son of the Zhou family, Zhou Kaijie was naturally full of hostility.

He thought that Balter was using Ye Yun as a cover to force the Zhou family to make concessions on the contract, and the anger burst out of his heart.

Instantly cast all the anger on Ye Yun, roaring:
"Boy, I'll give you three seconds, get out of here quickly!"

"Otherwise, I will destroy you!"

Ye Yun couldn't help frowning when he heard the words. Since there was some doubt in the report, he temporarily ignored Zhou Kaijie, turned around and said to Bart:
"There is a problem with this fund, what is going on?"

Before Balter answered, Zhou Kaijie sneered:

"Still fucking pretending!"

"I'll throw you out now, let's see how long you can pretend!"

With a wave of his hand, he ordered the bodyguards to drag Ye Yun away.

Ye Yun frowned, put the report on the table, looked at Zhou Kaijie coldly and said:

"Your Majesty!"

Just as he was speaking, Zhou Kaijie felt a pressure like a mountain, his legs softened, and he knelt heavily on the ground.

" dare to do something to me?"

The Zhou family supports hundreds of martial arts masters, many of whom are terrifying existences at the grandmaster level.

Zhou Kaijie could tell at a glance that Ye Yun's move was by no means someone to be taken lightly.

However, the Zhou family looked down on the magic city, and martial arts wizards flooded in like a tide, so there was absolutely no reason to be afraid of a young man who was similar to himself.

In Zhou Kaijie's eyes, a murderous look immediately appeared, and he said angrily:

"If you dare to insult me, you are making the entire Zhou family an enemy, and you will definitely regret it!"

Ye Yun smiled disdainfully, and when he moved his fingers, Zhou Kaijie fell heavily on the ground.

Then from under the belly of the table, he was pulled in front of Ye Yun by a strange force.

Ye Yun raised his foot and stepped on Zhou Kaijie's face, causing Zhou Kaijie's eyes to tear from the pain.

Ye Yun said coldly:
"What is the Zhou family? If you want to do something, just let the horse come over!"

"It's you, if you dare to disturb me to read the report, I will stomp on your head!"

Zhou Kaijie was startled by his words, shut his mouth quickly, and his heart constricted.

Tuk Tuk!

Ye Yun then tapped the report on the table with his fingers.

Barter was startled, quickly picked up the report and said:

"Boss, this fund is invested in accordance with the requirements of the president."

"Because I don't quite understand the president's intentions, the report is not very accurate."

"However, I can assure you that there is absolutely no problem with it! You can call the president right now!"

Ye Yun nodded after listening, he believed what Barter said was true.

Guessing that Murong Yan might be having a meeting in the group now, he said:

"Okay, I will confirm this later."

Barthes hurriedly bowed and said:

"Yes, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!"

Zhou Kaijie, who was under the table, couldn't help being surprised to see Barter's awe of Ye Yun.

"This kid, can't he really be Bart's boss?"

"But, Barter is as famous as Buffett, with his fame and status, how can he make a little boy a subordinate?"

Zhou Kaijie vaguely concluded that Balter really didn't lie to himself.

However, he couldn't figure out why a young man in his early twenties would become the boss of a small stock god far away in the United States.

But, for now, these are secondary.

This little boy dared to force himself to kneel down, and even stepped on his own face, so shameful and humiliating, he could not share the sky!

It doesn't matter if he was hired by Balter.

Or Balter's boss!

This revenge must be avenged!
"Boy, are you going to live forever with my Zhou family?"

Just as Zhou Kaijie was lying like a dead dog, suddenly a majestic voice came from outside the door.

I see.

A middle-aged man in a black tunic suit led a dozen people in a file.

When, the moment they saw the man, the audience exclaimed:

"The head of the Zhou family is here!"

However, when they saw the three monks wearing red cassocks and thousand Buddha crowns behind Zhou Renhao, everyone's pupils shrank.

"Oh my god, the three Dharma Gods from the Western Regions Secret Sect are here too!"

(End of this chapter)

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