Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 539: Shocking Thousand Miles Like a Tiger!

Chapter 539: Shocking Thousand Miles Like a Tiger!

The Esoteric Divine Sect of the Western Regions belongs to the Mahayana ancient religion, and is currently the most powerful ancient religious organization in the Western Regions.

It is rumored that they have nearly 5 registered disciples.

Compared with the number of Lamaism, the largest religion ten years ago, it has doubled the number of people.

There are countless masters in the Tantric Sect, there are as many as hundreds of Buddhist masters, and more than 30 Vajra Arhats.

However, the three Great Dharma Gods are the masters of the entire Secret Divine Sect.

They are at the top of the Divine Secret Sect, overlooking the entire Divine Secret Sect and the Western Regions.

The God of the Sky Wheel, the God of the Earth Wheel, and the God of the Golden Wheel!

The three Dharma gods, the Dharma is unprecedentedly superb, and their cultivation base is unparalleled.

In the land of millions of square kilometers in the Western Regions, he is revered as a god by countless people.

Among them, Tianlun Fashen has the strongest skill, and he regards himself as a god.

With just one hand, great fortune can be created, turning one's hands into clouds, turning one's hands into rain, and being respected as the number one master in the Western Regions for thousands of years.

Sweep everything.


Everyone did not expect that the three powerful gods in the Western Regions would appear together with Zhou Renhao, the Patriarch of the Zhou family, tonight.

Moreover, it seemed that they were still supporting Zhou Renhao.

Compared with these three Dharma gods, the few martial arts masters standing behind them, although they seem to have a good level of cultivation, their aura is much weaker.

Can't be compared.

When Zhou Renhao finished speaking, a group of people had already come to Ye Yun.

Seeing Zhou Kaijie being stepped on by Ye Yun like a dead dog, Zhou Renhao was even more angry:

"Boy, did you hear what I asked you just now?"

The Zhou family now has more than 20 grandmasters and three Dharma gods, whose strength is unprecedented.

In Zhou Renhao's eyes, there was no room for a grain of sand.

By humiliating Zhou Kaijie in public, Ye Yun is humiliating the face of the entire Zhou family.


It’s tolerable, it’s unbearable!

How can I give up easily!

Ye Yun looked at the report indifferently. At this moment, there is nothing more important than helping Murong Yan share the work.

It was his calm attitude that made Zhou Renhao so angry that his eyes burst into tears.

The Zhou family was in the magic capital, how had they ever been ignored and humiliated like this?
"I'll give you three seconds, let go of my son, kneel down and kowtow to apologize!"

"Otherwise, I will definitely make you regret it!"

Killing intent suddenly appeared in Zhou Renhao's eyes, staring at Ye Yun like a hungry wolf.

Barthes frowned and scolded:

"My boss is looking at the report, please keep quiet!"


Zhou Renhao was speechless for a while.

This kid turned out to be the boss of a dignified little stock god?

He stared at Bart, and found that he didn't appear to be lying, and couldn't help being shocked.


"so what?"

"Balter, don't blame me for not giving you face. He humiliated our Zhou family today. This matter must never end!"

Zhou Renhao pointed at Ye Yun and said angrily:

"Three seconds are up, don't blame me, Zhou Renhao, for being ruthless!"


Ye Yun frowned, and cast a cold glance at Zhou Renhao.

Then, Zhou Renhao's legs trembled, and he fell to his knees suddenly.


Seeing this, the audience couldn't help but exclaimed.

Even the head of the Zhou family was beaten to the ground, this man is really too cruel!

His attitude made it clear that he wanted to fight the Zhou family to the end!

Everyone couldn't help but look at Ye Yun with concern.

Although, he is Bart's boss, and his strength is quite strong.

However, a strong dragon does not overwhelm a local snake, and Zhou Jiaben is a real dragon on the land of the demon city.

If you really want to anger them, the consequences will be disastrous!
Not to mention, now behind the Patriarch of the Zhou family, there are three Dharma Gods from the Western Regions Tantric Sect.

If this is done, can this young man be the opponent of the three of them?

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help shaking their heads secretly, feeling that Ye Yun was too impulsive and shouldn't attack Zhou Renhao.

"Mr. Ye, this matter is too much trouble, please stop quickly."

Kong Yanguo, who was sitting next to him, quickly reminded Ye Yun.

He felt that Ye Yun's status was so prominent that if he could please him, he had to find a way to please him.

Jiang Feiqing also showed a very worried look, and said to Yaya:
"Yaya, quickly ask your father to let them go, otherwise, he will suffer!"

Yaya blinked her big eyes and asked:
"For God's horse?"

Jiang Feiqing glanced at Tianlun Fashen and the three of them in awe, and said in a low voice:
"Those three uncles are very, very powerful masters, as powerful as gods. Your father is no match for them."

Yaya quickly shook her head and said:
"Will not!"

"My daddy is the number one baby in the universe, and the earth is also a part of the universe, so on the earth, my daddy is the biggest baby!"

Jiang Feiqing was speechless for a while when the little girl said:
"Yaya, sister Xiaoqing is not joking, those three uncles are really scary!"

Yaya said firmly:
"I'm not joking either, Papa is really the number one lover in the universe!"

Jiang Feiqing patted his forehead, seeing that Ye Yun was not moved at all, so he shut up and stopped trying to persuade him.

"You guys, abolish him for me!"

Kneeling on the ground, Zhou Renhao felt humiliated, and with his eyes reddened, he gave the order to kill.

"Let me teach this kid a lesson!"

Behind the three Dharma gods, an old man with white hair came out.

Seeing this person appear, everyone couldn't help but exclaimed:
"It turned out to be Pang Jinlin, the third-ranked Pang Jinlin in our demon city, Master Pang!"

"Master Da Da is a great person. He is the first dual master in China who combines metaphysics and internal exercises."

"It is said that in the past two years, Master Pang created a set of mysterious cultivation secrets. His cultivation has soared all the way, and he will soon be promoted to a congenital master!"

Amid the admiration of the crowd, Pang Jinlin squinted his eyes, and a bluish-gray light appeared in his right hand.

"Dare to insult the Patriarch, the crime is unforgivable!"

"I, Pang Jinlin, will lose your arm today!"

What kind of aura is it for the first master of the Xuan sect in China to get angry?

Everyone felt that the entire auditorium was shaken suddenly, as if a mountain roared and a tsunami rushed towards them.

However, before Pang Jinlin could make a move, everyone was surprised to see that with just a wave of Ye Yun's hand, a white light hit his chest.

Immediately afterwards, Pang Jinlin flew up at a high speed, smashed through the ceiling of the auditorium, and disappeared!

Everyone looked up, and through the big hole in the ceiling, they could already see the bright moon in the sky, and they couldn't help being speechless for a while.

The third person in the majestic Demon City, the number one mysterious master in China, was killed just like this?

What the hell, it's easier than killing a mosquito!

"Amitabha, I didn't expect there to be such a master in the Central Plains!"

"Looking at the hand of the donor, at least it is already at the innate level."

Tianlun Fashen, who had been holding back all this time, finally folded his palms together and said a word.

The Earth Wheel Fashen nodded and said:
"What brother said is true."

The conversation between the two of them made the masters standing behind them all silent.

The person who wanted to rush forward to teach Ye Yun a lesson was like a deflated ball in an instant, not daring to move.

When faced with masters above innate, the Grandmaster simply hits a stone with an egg.

Whoever's head is showing off will go up and challenge Ye Yun!
Jinlun Fashen smiled disdainfully and said:

"Only by stepping into innate ability can we have the qualifications for our brothers to do it."

"That being the case, let me meet this benefactor first!"

He stepped forward.

A golden light exploded from the bottom of his feet.

The entire auditorium shook violently like a hurricane.

If someone was outside, they could see the sea water within a mile below the cruise ship suddenly boiled over it.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but shrink their pupils sharply.

With one step, the air is as shocking as a tiger!

As expected of the top master in the Western Regions, the ability of Jinlun Fashen is truly terrifying.

Unexpectedly, facing such a master, Ye Yun kept his eyes fixed on the report and said casually:

"If you want to go to three together, don't waste time."

(End of this chapter)

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