Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 548 Immortal man-made ladder, take me to the sky!

Chapter 548 Immortal man-made ladder, take me to the sky!
Luo Xuewei on the side was a little surprised and said:

"What is the cloud and thunder sky moat?"

When Bai Yunqing heard Luo Xuewei's question, he immediately puffed up his chest, and said as if he had read a lot of poetry and books:

"The so-called Yunlei Heavenly Moat is the most dangerous moat on the Bachong Tianlu Mountain."

"This moat is said to be a hole made by the great god Pangu with a Pangu axe when he created the world in the ancient times."

"The profound strength in the heavenly moat has reached an unimaginable level, but there is absolutely no possibility of crossing over with a cultivation below the innate level! Even if it is the innate level, if you want to cross it safely, there is only a [-] to [-]% certainty."

He paused and continued:

"Furthermore, this moat is not only rich in profound strength, but also bursts out lightning calamities from time to time. Once struck by thunder calamities, even if you don't die, you will lose your skin."

"So this Yunlei Heavenly Moat has always been the most dangerous and difficult level in the legend of Yachong Tianlu Mountain."

He originally thought that Luo Xuewei would show a hesitant look after hearing Yunlei Tianzhu's ominous name.

However, Luo Xuewei hummed lightly, and said to Ye Yun:

"I'll try it."

Ye Yun nodded slightly again.

Bai Yunqing couldn't stand it any longer, frowned and said:

"You are a big man anyway, why do you let girls take such risks?"

"The sky moat just now wasn't too dangerous. You can just let her try it. This cloud and thunder sky moat is extremely dangerous. Do you have the nerve to stand there and watch?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Fu and Xiao An behind him couldn't help but sneered and said:
"My lord, his cultivation is at most the peak of internal strength. If you let him deal with the Yunlei Heavenly Moat, wouldn't you kill yourself with an egg hitting a rock?"

After Baiyun listened lightly, he laughed loudly, and said contemptuously:
"Yes! I forgot that he is just a mortal!"

He stepped forward, stood in front of Luo Xuewei and said:
"Miss Luo, this natural moat is extremely dangerous, let me explore it to the bottom!"

After speaking, he released all his true energy, and in an instant, the true energy within a thousand kilometers was as crazy as a mountain roaring and a tsunami.

"Sacred Dragon Art, Level [-]!"

A bright golden light emerged from his body, turning into a giant dragon hovering above his head.


Bai Yun stomped his feet lightly and flew towards Yunlei Heavenly Moat.

"not good!"

As soon as he reached the sky above Tianzhu, he exclaimed.

I saw his body falling rapidly under a terrifying profound force.

In the air, dozens of thunderbolts were faintly gathering, and it seemed that once formed, they were about to strike him.

"Sacred Dragon Art, second level!"

"Sacred Dragon Art, Triple Level!"

"Sacred Dragon Art, quadruple!"

Bai Yunqing roared desperately, trying to break free from the shackles of profound strength, and retreated to the shore.

However, when Xiao Fu and Xiao An saw this, they were all so frightened that their eyes burst into tears, and their foreheads were dripping with sweat:

"Sacred Dragon Jue is the supreme skill of our Bai family. This skill has only six levels in total. I didn't expect you to upgrade to the fourth level in one go, but you still can't get rid of the control of profound strength!"

"This is really terrible!"

Seeing that Bai Yunqing was about to fall, Luo Xuewei shook her head, pinched her fingers, and used her magical powers.


A layer of ice appeared under Bai Yunqing's feet, and Bai Yunqing took advantage of his strength to jump to the shore.

"God, it's really terrible!"

"As expected of the moat carved out by the Great God Pangu, it can be called the tomb of an immortal!"

Bai Yunqing collapsed on the ground, thinking of the thrilling scene just now, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he felt lingering fear.


There was a thunder.

The ice layer conjured by Luo Xuewei's supernatural power was actually smashed into powder by a thunderbolt from the Yunlei Heavenly Moat.

Luo Xuewei couldn't help covering her small mouth, watching the ice layer shatter instantly in surprise:

"There is profound strength below, and thunder calamity above. This moat is truly terrifying."

Bai Yun nodded lightly and said:
"Looking at the current situation, we can only turn around and return."

"There is only one cloud and thunder catastrophe, let's bypass it and go on the other roads."

After speaking, he stood up and prepared to lead Xiao Fu and Xiao An down the mountain.

Luo Xuewei stared closely at Ye Yun with her beautiful eyes, and said with a slight smile:

"My skill is still too shallow, come on."

Ye Yun nodded, and as soon as he shook his hand, a white light covered the cloud and thunder sky.

The loud sound attracted Bai Yunqing and the three of them to stop.

I see.

White clouds rise from the Tianshan Mountains and fly to cover the sky.

A huge white cloud appeared above the sky moat, and immediately changed into a cloud ladder.

Soaring upwards, straight to the other side of the moat.

When the ladder appeared, the profound power in the moat burst out suddenly, and the rich golden light continuously hit the ladder.

At the same time, hundreds of thunder catastrophes slammed down towards the ladder.

However, the ladder has remained motionless and has not been affected in the slightest.

"Wow, Papa is so tired!"

Yaya was the first to clap and cheer.

Luo Xuewei covered her mouth and smiled lightly, her beautiful eyes shone with an incomparably dazzling brilliance under the sunlight.

If you love someone, you can measure it with light.

At this moment, the brilliance in her eyes has surpassed that of the sun.

As for Bai Yunqing and the others, they had long been stunned and stood there like idiots.

Ye Yun said lightly:
"Let's go."

Afterwards, holding Yaya in his arms, he and Luo Xuewei boarded the ladder and walked away.

The fairy made a ladder and took me to the blue sky.

Looking at the beautiful backs of Ye Yun and Luo Xuewei, Bai Yun could not help feeling ashamed when he came back to his senses, he lowered his head and sighed:
"I thought he was a useless mortal, but I didn't expect him to have such great supernatural powers just by raising his hand."

"This kind of ability, I am afraid that only my father can compare with him!"

Gritting his teeth, he cheekily followed, and said flatteringly:

"Young Master, I really learned a lot today. I don't know your surname Gao, and which famous family does he come from?"

Ye Yun ignored him, and walked forward on his own with Yaya in his arms.

Luo Xuewei said proudly:

"His name is Ye Yun."

Bai Yunqing hastily cupped his hands and said with a smile:
"So it's Brother Ye, I've been looking forward to it for a long time!"

"I don't think you two are from southern Xinjiang, why don't you let me lead the way today."

Although, it is also the first time for him to come to Yachongtianlu Mountain to participate in the pill exchange conference.

But what does that matter?
He just wanted to have a relationship with Ye Yun and please him.

As for Luo Xuewei, his tone became respectful.

Just kidding, such a woman of great god, even if he had ten guts, he wouldn't dare to covet her anymore!

A group of people then came to the top of the mountain. At this time, hundreds of people had gathered in the huge courtyard.

According to Bai Yunqing's introduction, more than half of the people here are from southern Xinjiang.

The person who presided over the meeting was the most famous family of alchemy kings, the Long family, among the four hermit families in southern Xinjiang.

As for the other people, Bai Yunqing didn't know him either, and Ye Yun didn't bother to know much about them.

He and Luo Xuewei took Yaya and walked around the yard to see where there were suitable herbs.

They then came to a larger booth.

Ye Yun took a cursory glance, pointed to a grass root-like medicinal plant on the booth and said:

"This thing is good, you can buy more."

Luo Xuewei was about to speak when the stall owner narrowed his eyes and smiled like a layman:

"This is the worst thing I have here, are you sure you want to buy more?"

(End of this chapter)

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