Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 549: Pill King of Southern Border!

Chapter 549: Pill King of Southern Border!

Luo Xuewei turned her head to look at Ye Yun, seeing his calm expression, she nodded and said:
"Of course! As much as you want!"

The stall owner showed a look of surprise and asked:
"Girl, can you tell me, what do you plan to use when you buy medicinal materials here?"

Luo Xuewei replied:
"Practice the elixir and give it to the disciples under the sect to improve their cultivation."


As soon as she finished speaking, the stall owner couldn't help but raised his head and laughed a few times, shaking his head again and again and saying:

"Do you know that this thing is called stump root grass, and its purpose is to grind it into powder and mix it into gold wound medicine to improve the speed of wound healing."

"It has nothing to do with improving cultivation and refining pills, okay?"

After finishing speaking, the stall owner looked at Ye Yun contemptuously, and said:
"Little brother, you must have some ability to come here. But you absolutely don't know anything about pills!"

As he said, he took out a golden-red flower from the booth and said:

"This flower is called Golden Butterfly, and it is the top grade in refining elixirs. Ten flowers can equal the cultivation of a warrior with peak internal energy."

"If you really want to buy it, I can sell you everything I have here!"

Luo Xuewei shook her head and said:

"I want stumps."

She believed in Ye Yun, so no matter what the stall owner said, she would not be moved at all.

"Girl, I think you look like a fairy, why are you so stubborn!"

"I, Zhang Sankui, do business like a fool, and I want to help you today. I've said it all. This golden butterfly is a good thing for alchemy!"

Seeing that Luo Xuewei didn't listen to him at all, Zhang Sankui couldn't help but get serious.

I think he has been in the medicinal material business in southern Xinjiang for a full 35 years, and he knows the efficacy of all medicinal materials in this world like the palm of his hand.

He had never met someone who refused to listen to his persuasion like this, and even looked at him with a trace of suspicion.

This... is a question of his professionalism!
However, even if he talked about this, Luo Xuewei still insisted:

"I just want the stumps. If you don't sell them, I'll go and have a look at other places."


Zhang Sankui jumped anxiously.

"Girl, since you don't believe me so much, I will prove to you that the little brother next to you is wrong!"

He clapped his hands, called a small follower over, and said:

"Go and invite King Pill."

The little follower nodded, and immediately ran away to call someone.

Bai Yun who was standing behind Ye Yun and Luo Xuewei heard the words lightly, and asked in surprise:

"Boss Zhang, the alchemy king you are talking about is from the Long family?"

Zhang Sankui nodded and said:

"Of course!"

"This Southern Border Alchemy King, besides Long Jinxian, the eldest son of the Long family, who else can bear this name?"

Bai Yunqing couldn't help but gasped, turned to look at Ye Yun and said:
"Brother Ye, this Alchemy King Long Jinxian is currently the pillar of the Long family. He claims to be the descendant of Shennong. He has tasted all kinds of herbs and is proficient in all medicinal herbs."

"Every elixir he refines is a treasure-level good thing. We don't know how many rich and powerful people in China, capable people and strangers worship him like a god."

"So, if Miss Luo wants to buy medicinal materials later, it's best to ask him to confirm."

He knew that Ye Yun had extraordinary abilities, and he could use great supernatural powers with a single gesture.

But there are specialties in the art industry, and Long Jinxian is the No. 1 in the Chinese alchemy world, and his words are authoritative.

If you want to buy the right medicinal materials for alchemy, it is safer to ask Long Jinxian first.

However, Ye Yun shook his head slightly and said:

Seeing Ye Yun's resolute refusal, Zhang Sankui couldn't help but snorted coldly.

You don't even pay attention to King Pill, I really don't know where your confidence comes from?

Between the words, a middle-aged man in a white robe strolled over with his hands behind his back.

As soon as he appeared in front of everyone, he caused a sensation.

"Pill King is here!"

"Pill King, the elixir you gave me last time not only restored my son's extraordinary meridians, but also allowed his cultivation to soar overnight to the early stages of transformation. You are the great benefactor of my Zhao family!"

"Pill King, I have now successfully broken through to the peak of the Transformation Realm, and I am only a short distance away from Xiantian. I, Zhang Yonglin, will never forget my great kindness!"


Pill King Long Jinxian is well-known in southern Xinjiang and Southwest China, and I don't know how many people have received his favor.

Seeing him come forward at this time, those who had received his elixir all looked grateful.

There were even a few masters who were at the peak of the Transformation Realm and knelt down directly for him, their eyes full of awe, as if facing a true god descending.

Under the scorching eyes of everyone, Long Jinxian came to Zhang Sankui's stall, glanced at Ye Yun and Luo Xuewei indifferently, and asked:

"Boss Zhang, what do you want from me?"

Zhang Sankui immediately bowed and said:
"Dan Wang, I, Zhang Sankui, have been running the medicinal material business in southern Xinjiang for 35 years, and I have never made a mistake."

"Today, there is a little brother who insists on buying my remnant grass root to make alchemy. I would like to ask the alchemy king, can the remnant grass root be used for alchemy?"

As he spoke, he handed the stumped grass from the booth to Long Jinxian.

Long Jinxian only glanced at it, then snorted coldly and said:

"This herb is called Remnant Root Grass. It tastes bitter and pungent, and it calms the Liver and Spleen Meridian."

"It is recorded in "Compendium of Materia Medica" that this herb is effective for rheumatism flow injection, calendar joints, numbness, itching, injury and sores, and it can be used with Jinchuang medicine to get twice the result with half the effort."

"As for alchemy... Hehe, have you ever seen weeds used to make a banquet for the Han Dynasty?"

As soon as he said this, everyone burst into laughter.

"The Pill King metaphor is really good! This is the real authority, and only the words can be spoken!"

"Little brother, there are some things that cannot be taken for granted, you should ask seniors for advice!"

After everyone praised Long Jinxian, they all turned their attention to Ye Yun.

Using medicinal herbs to treat bruises to make alchemy is definitely the biggest joke in the elixir exchange conference in a century!

Zhang Sankui looked at Ye Yun grimly and said:
"Did you hear that? Even the alchemy king said that this is a stump, and it has nothing to do with alchemy!"

Ye Yun smiled faintly:

"What he said may not be correct."

"You can't practice, but it doesn't mean I can't."

As soon as he said this, not only Long Jinxian and Zhang Sankui, but also many people present frowned at the same time.

"How dare you say this in front of the Pill King, you are really crazy!"

"Pill King has debuted for 40 years and has never made any mistakes. He actually said that Pill King was wrong, and that he is better than Pill King. This is simply too arrogant!"

"Hmph! I think he just wants to gain fame at the conference, so he made such wild remarks. If you really want to let him try, I guarantee that he will reveal his truth immediately!"

Since many people present had received the favor of Long Jinxian, the way they looked at Ye Yun at this moment was very unkind.

Long Jinxian sneered twice and said:
"Since you are so confident, then show me how to make alchemy with remnant grass."

"If you can refine it successfully, I will call you senior in public!"

"But the point is, do you dare?"

A provocative sentence, but it seems to express everyone's thoughts.

Zhang Sankui and the others immediately looked at Ye Yun provocatively.

Zhang Sankui said jokingly:

"If you can succeed in alchemy, I will give you all the stumps for free!"

Seeing how they were fighting each other, Ye Yun smiled slightly and said:

"Then it's a word."

Luo Xuewei smiled at him, she knew that this man would definitely do it.

Afterwards, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Ye Yun asked for a jar from Zhang Sankui, and then took a few stumps of grass and put it in.

After adding water, a ball of innate spiritual fire popped up, burning continuously under the jar.

Seeing this, Long Jinxian couldn't help shaking his head and sneering:

"I thought you had some profound means, but it turned out that you just burned it with the innate spiritual fire."

"It should be noted that even the innate spirit fire cannot change the performance of the root grass. Your method is not only crude, but also wrong!"

As soon as Long Jinxian said this, many people present nodded in agreement.

"Pill King is right, even if I am not very proficient in alchemy, I can see that doing so is of no avail!"

"Don't talk about alchemy, in the end you can see the dregs of the medicine or not!"

The more people talked, the more disdainful they became. Dare to make such a fool in front of Alchemy King, it's just self-inflicted humiliation!

In the eyes of everyone or disdain, or doubt, or ridicule.

Ye Yun took out the small pink bottle called Butterfly, and dropped a drop of the root essence of Jiuzhuan Jinguo into the jar.

Then, the innate spirit fire suddenly increased.

Boom!With a bang, the jar exploded, and a white smoke rose into the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a strange fragrance filled the entire yard in an instant.

Everyone smelled it, their eyes trembled, and they exclaimed:
"It smells so good! Just by smelling it, I feel that the true energy in my body has more than doubled!"

"Me too! It's unbelievable. Just smelling it can increase your cultivation, which is too strong!"

Everyone looked intently, only to see a small pure white pill appearing in front of the smoke.

The fragrance on the pill was strong, and a trace of white smoke floated into everyone's nostrils, which shocked people's spirits, and the real energy in their bodies was surging.

"Senior, you are truly amazing!"

pat!one sound.

Long Jinxian, who had a sneer and arrogance a few seconds ago, suddenly kneeled down with his legs limp, and bowed his head deeply to Ye Yun.

(End of this chapter)

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