Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 565 Amazing little girl!

Chapter 565 Amazing little girl!

The reason why Chen Junqian suddenly asked Yaya for help was because he had a premonition that this little girl was definitely not someone to wait for.

You know, neither he nor Jiang Ruobo could tell that there would be jadeite in the piece of wool that the little girl picked just now.

However, the result is that there is not only green in it, but a lot of it.

If he and Jiang Ruobo guessed differently, and the little girl guessed right, then it might be said that the little girl was lucky.

However, neither of them could tell, but the little girl firmly insisted that the piece of wool was green.

He felt that he might be able to rely on the little girl to fight.

Furthermore, there is a saying in the stone betting world that betting on stones is like betting on life.

Since it's all gambling, why not let this little fairy-like girl help me?

The little girl looked full of aura at first glance, even if she was guessing wildly, maybe luck was always on her side.

The most important thing is that Chen Junqian has been in the jewelry industry for more than [-] years, and has never made a mistake in making major decisions.

He had a bad start in the first game today, which gave him a bad feeling.

Maybe luck is not on my side today, if I persist, I may lose.

So if someone else came to gamble with Jiang Ruobo, there might be unexpected results.

And this little girl, he likes it no matter how he looks at it.

For this kind of child, she gives people the feeling that she will never fall behind.

Chen Junqian firmly believed in his ability to recognize people, so he made a decisive decision and asked Yaya for help.

Yaya was always warm-hearted, and she didn't care about Chen Junqian and Jiang Ruobo's grievances, so she nodded and said:

"Okay! But if you guess wrong, don't blame me, Shushu!"

Since Chen Junqian had already spoken on his own initiative, he naturally wouldn't force Yaya in any way, so he laughed out loud:
"Don't worry, uncle, I don't need to be suspicious of people, and I don't need to be suspicious of people, so you can guess with confidence!"

"Guess is right, uncle will give you a reward! If you guess wrong, uncle will accept everything!"

Ye Yun and Murong Yan saw the gentleman's agreement between Yaya and Chen Junqian, so they didn't say much.

As long as Yaya is happy, anything is fine.

On the other hand, Jiang Ruobo couldn't help showing a very contemptuous smile when he saw Chen Junqian asking Yaya for help:
"I said Chen Junqian, I didn't expect you to be so unaffected by losing, and you only lost the first round, so you dare not compare yourself."

"Do you think that the little doll can guess right the second time if she guessed it right once?"

"You are so naive!"

The onlookers could not help shaking their heads secretly when they saw that the majestic jewelry tycoon on Hong Kong Island had pinned their hope of making a comeback on a little girl.

"This Chen Junqian wouldn't know that he was going to lose, so he pulled the little girl out to block the gun, would he?"

"With his identity and status, if he loses, he will lose face. If he lets the little girl out, someone will take the blame for him if he loses."

The more people thought about it, the more they felt that this speculation was very possible.

As for whether Yaya can help Chen Junqian win two rounds in a row, everyone knows that it is absolutely impossible without even thinking about it!

"let's start!"

Chen Junqian could also see everyone's doubts, and he didn't want to explain too much, so he urged.

The wool of the second cart was all dumped on the ground.

Jiang Ruobo glanced at Yaya contemptuously, then scanned the wool pile, pointed to one of them and said:

"That's it!"

Yaya then pointed to another piece and said:
"I choose that one!"

When Jiang Ruobo saw that Yaya was just pointing, he couldn't help but secretly shook his head and smiled.

This little girl really chose blindly!

I didn't even carefully observe the woolen materials, just pointing at them casually, can I choose the right one?
Thinking of this, Jiang Ruobo couldn't help showing a hint of color, glanced at Chen Junqian and said:

"Don't be suspicious of people, don't be suspicious of people, I will tell you this time, you have misjudged the person!"

"Of course, you were just looking for someone at random, so that you won't be so embarrassed about losing!"


Seeing Jiang Ruobo's determined expression, the crowd watching said in a low voice:

"Looking at Boss Jiang's demeanor, this one is pretty much the same."

"That's right! I don't even need to compete in the third set. Boss Jiang will definitely win the second set!"

"I don't know if Boss Chen will be embarrassed when he thinks of his phrase 'you don't have to worry about employing people, but don't use people you suspect' after losing?"

A few of them had a good relationship with Jiang Ruobo, and even sneered in a low voice.

"Boss Jiang's wool has no green in it!"

Amidst the noise of the crowd, the voice of Master Jieshi sounded.

"Damn it, Boss Jiang didn't guess right this time!"

"It's just a normal operation. Betting on stones is a thing that makes you poor and rich. Occasionally, it's understandable for you to stumble."

"That's right, the next thing is to look at the little girl's wool."

Although, Jiang Ruobo didn't guess right.

However, everyone thinks this is normal, betting on stones is like betting on life, and the chance is too great.

Jiang Ruobo's defeat this time did not affect his prestige in the hearts of everyone.

As for the little girl Yaya, even Jiang Ruobo and Chen Junqian would guess wrong, can she always be right?

"In this part of the little girl, I saw green!"

Master Shijie's voice exploded in the crowd like a bombshell.

When they saw the emerald cut out of the piece of wool Yaya specified, everyone was speechless.

"My God, is this little girl clairvoyant? You got it right twice!"

"One time is luck, two times is definitely strength! It's scary! It's really scary! Her ability is amazing!"

Everyone looked at Yaya with fiery eyes.

If it is said that Yaya's first guess was just luck.

But now, she and Jiang Ruobo are competing on the same stage, this one is the embodiment of strength.

However, how could a four or five year old girl have such a powerful ability to defeat an old Jianghu who has been in the stone gambling world for many years?

Chen Junqian raised his head and laughed three times. As expected, he was right. This little girl is really amazing!

This time, it was his turn to look at Jiang Ruobo proudly and said:

"One to one tie, there is a third one, let's continue!"

The muscles on Jiang Ruobo's face trembled, he raised his hand and said:

"This last bet, I also invite someone to gamble!"

Chen Junqian immediately nodded and said:


Gambling is about fairness, and Jiang Ruobo agreed to let Yaya gamble on his behalf, so he naturally has no reason to stop Jiang Ruobo from inviting someone.

Seeing that Chen Junqian agreed, Jiang Ruobo couldn't help but narrowed his eyes, and said with a sneer:

"Since everyone has hired people, let's increase the bet a little bit for the last hand, how about?"

Chen Junqian asked:
"How much do you want to add?"

Jiang Ruobo raised a finger and said:
"1 million!"

"There is one more store!"

Now that the matter has come to this point, Chen Junqian has no reason to back down, and immediately said:
"Just do it like this, I'm afraid you won't succeed!"

(End of this chapter)

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