Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 566 Eyes of the sky!

Chapter 566 Eyes of the sky!
Seeing Chen Junqian readily agree, Jiang Ruobo couldn't help laughing.

The value of a store is at least around 1 million.

Together with the 1 million bet and the counter in Causeway Bay, the combined total value is conservatively estimated at 4 million!

With so much money, he is confident that he will win all of it.

Because, the person he is going to invite is a real master, and it is absolutely impossible to lose to anyone!
"Haha, very good, just wait, I'll call someone now!"

Jiang Ruobo was so excited that he almost dropped his phone on the ground.

After finishing the phone call, he sat on a chair beside him, humming a ditty with his thighs crossed, with an extremely smug expression.

Seeing how confident he was, everyone couldn't help but whispered:
"Looking at Boss Jiang's appearance, the last one is already in his hands. I really don't know, who will he invite to help?"

"In my opinion, the one who can make Boss Jiang so confident must be a master, a real master!"

"The one who can make him so confident is not..."

Everyone suddenly thought of a thunderous name, and their eyes trembled involuntarily.

"Boss Jiang's move is brilliant! If you invite that person, you're guaranteed to win [-]%!"

"Because the two parties didn't agree on who can't be invited, now Boss Jiang is taking the lead. If he invites that person, he will surely win!"

Although Jiang Ruobo's assistant did not show up, his proud appearance had already revealed the identity of that person.

5 minute later.

While everyone was waiting, a middle-aged man with long hair came slowly.

He was wearing a white robe, walking like a dragon and walking like a tiger, with a majestic aura.

What is striking is that he has long bangs that cover his entire forehead, giving him a slightly weird look.

When they saw the man's face clearly, everyone exclaimed.

"It sure is him!"

"Huo Tianshi, one of China's top ten celestial masters! At the same time, he is the president of our Hong Kong Island Magic Association, Huo Zelei!"

"Damn it! This specification is too high, Boss Jiang is ruthless enough, no wonder he dared to raise so much!"

Huo Zelei is quite well-known on Hong Kong Island, and almost more than half of the people on Hong Kong Island know him.

He is one of the top ten celestial masters in Huaxia's list of masters, and he is the president of the Hong Kong Island Sorcerer Association. He is a master of magic arts and is revered by countless people as gods.

Although everyone had long guessed that he would go out.

However, when I saw him appearing in front of my eyes, I still couldn't hide the shock.

Jiang Ruobo got up quickly, walked forward with a smile, and said:
"President Huo, I'm sorry!"

Huo Zelei put his hands behind his back, raised his chin slightly, and nodded.

Jiang Ruobo then looked at Yaya and Chen Junqian, and said with a smug smile:

"Do you know what it means to die and live? This is it!"

"Old Chen, do you think that with this little girl helping you, you can be sure? Let me tell you, you made a mistake!"

"In front of our President Huo, any master is just a floating cloud!"

He then bowed slightly to Hozelei and said:

"President Huo, that little girl is quite capable. She guessed twice in a row. I think she may have clairvoyance."

After hearing this, Huo Zelei looked at Yaya contemptuously, raised his head and laughed wildly:
"What are clairvoyant eyes? In front of me, Huo Zelei, all clairvoyant eyes are ants!"

"Because, Laozi's penetrating eye is the ancestor of all clairvoyant eyes!"

After he finished speaking, a surge of true energy surged out.

The bangs on the forehead were all blown up, and a huge eye suddenly appeared.

Seeing this, everyone trembled, terrified and inexplicable.

"God! So Tianshi Huo, President Huo actually has a third eye!"

"This... is the legendary Eye of the Sky? It's too powerful!"

All eyes.

It can penetrate the clouds and peek into the Nine Heavens Palace.

You can go down through the earth and enjoy the underworld.

True magical skills!
Since ancient times, apart from Erlang Shen Yang Jian, Huo Zelei is the only one who has the ability to penetrate the sky, plus the legendary characters!
He, favored by the heavens, is the only person in China with such supernatural powers.

With this move, it is enough to be proud of China's magic world.

Everyone on Hong Kong Island has always known that Huo Zelei has the super power of clairvoyance.

However, until today, they didn't know that his ability to see through the sky came from his eyes.

This is really shocking!
"God, even the eyes of the sky are out, there is no need to compare!"

Someone came to a conclusion right away.

The expression on Jiang Ruobo's face was extremely smug, looking at the shocked Chen Junqian, he said:
"Old Chen, it's too late for you to regret it now, because I'm just smarter than you and more capable than you!"

"With President Huo's help, you just wait to lose money, hahaha!"

Seeing his proud expression, Chen Junqian couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said:

"I can still afford to lose with 4 million yuan, don't put on such a fucking face!"

He was also irritated by Jiang Ruobo's face, how disgusting he looks like a villain!

"Girl, don't worry about guessing, uncle doesn't blame you for losing, and I want to thank you!"

He looked at Yaya with an encouraging look on his face.

It's not easy for this little doll to help him win once.

Although this is a loser, she should be rewarded if she is a kind person.

Chen Junqian made up his mind, but he didn't care about the next fiasco in his heart.

In his opinion, even if Yaya guessed right again, she couldn't keep guessing right.

But Huo Zelei is different, he has the eyes of the sky, he can guess right every time, this gap is irreparable.

In the end, Yaya could only lose!
And if Yaya loses, it means Chen Junqian loses!
As for the fact that Yaya has clairvoyant eyes, he thinks it is impossible.

Because when Yaya chose the woolen materials, she didn't observe the woolen materials at all, and it seemed more like she was pointing at her by feeling.

So it has long been clear which one is better between her and Huo Zelei.

Everyone at the scene basically had the same idea as Chen Junqian, so at this moment, no one thought that Yaya had a hope of winning.

There is not even a glimmer of hope! !

"In order to decide the outcome as soon as possible, this time, not only is there any emerald, but also who has the bigger emerald. The outcome will be determined in one game!"

Jiang Ruobo thought about it and thought of this good idea.

Chen Junqian readily agreed:
"no problem!"

He thought, anyway, the loss is already certain, and it would be good to decide the outcome in one round, so as not to torture others.

"let's start!"

Jiang Ruobo shouted.

Then the third cart of wool fell to the ground.

Huo Zelei quickly scanned all the woolen materials, pointed to one of them confidently and said:

"That piece is the biggest, take it out for me!"

The implication is that he not only saw which piece of wool had green in it, but also saw that the green in that piece was the largest.

His confident words and victorious demeanor made everyone worship him:
"As expected of China's only sky-penetrating eye, this kind of competition is no challenge for him at all!"

Chen Junqian shook his head secretly, and said to Yaya:
"Little girl, just pick a piece at random, anyway, he has already picked the biggest one."

Yaya blinked her big eyes, shook her head and said:
"No, the biggest piece is there!"

Her finger pointed to another piece of wool.

Jiang Ruobo smiled disdainfully and said:

"You mean, you just choose that one, right?"

Yaya nodded:


Huo Zelei glanced at Yaya and said:

"I've looked at all the woolen stuff, the biggest one is mine. It seems that this little girl doesn't have clairvoyant eyes, she's just guessing wildly!"

The biggest one is already in hand, and the rest must be the small ones.

Yaya's words made Huo Zelei immediately conclude that she didn't have the ability to see through.

Chen Junqian said impatiently:
"Okay, okay, since we have already chosen our side, let Master Jieshi cut it open!"

Jiang Ruobo proudly said:

"Then let's go, let you lose heartily!"

Afterwards, in the eyes of everyone full of expectation, the two pieces of wool were sent to Master Jieshi.

This time, Master Jie Shi first opened the piece of material from Yaya.

"Seeing green!"

"Wow, what a big green!"

"Damn it, it's as big as a football, a little girl can do it!"

Seeing the emerald as big as a football, everyone couldn't help admiring it.

Both Jiang Ruobo and Huo Zelei smiled disdainfully, Jiang Ruobo sneered and said:

"No matter how big hers is, it can't compare to President Huo's! When President Huo's piece of material comes out, it will definitely catch your eyes!"

He waved his hand confidently and said:

"Master, hurry up!"

Master Jieshi nodded, and quickly and carefully started cutting.

After half a minute...

"Damn, why is there nothing!"

"My God, am I delusional? Or is it really not green?"

"It's true! President Huo, Master Huo Tianshi was wrong!"

When the wool was cut open, everyone saw that there was no green inside, and they were all dumbfounded.

However, both Jiang Ruobo and Huo Zelei were taken aback, and took two breaths of air.

Especially Huo Zelei, his body couldn't help shaking, his three eyes opened wide at the same time, and he stomped heavily:

"How is this possible? How can there be nothing at all!"

"I clearly saw that there was green, and it was the biggest green! How could there be nothing!"

He was surprised, shocked, bewildered.

Unexpectedly, I clearly saw a large piece of green, but after opening it, there was no hair at all!
However, completely opposite to his extremely shocked expression, Ye Yun on the side had a disdainful smile on his face.

If you want to win the Supreme Killing God's daughter, go ahead and dream!
(End of this chapter)

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