Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 576 I have been invincible for 4 years!

Chapter 576 I have been invincible for 4 years!
"Hey... this!"

The moment the ancient clock was shattered, Raj was stunned.

This little boy can destroy the ancient clock with a wave of his hand. How could he be so strong?
Didn't it mean that behind Ye Wenyuan, there are only two big backers, Demon Blood Fairy Ji and Qiao Qingyu?
When will there be such a strong Chinese man?

Raj rolled his eyes, but he couldn't figure out what Ye Yun's identity was.

Since he met Ye Jingyao at the Noble School in New Delhi four months ago, he has paid close attention to her.

Moreover, they specially sent someone to inquire about her family background.

After learning that her father, Ye Wenyuan, opened a bar in Yingji Rabang in partnership with others, and had an irresistible relationship with the enchantress Qiao Qingyu.

He couldn't understand why a Chinese man suddenly appeared to help Ye Wenyuan.

And it seemed that he was much stronger than Yao Ji and Qiao Qingyu!
"No wonder Ye Wenyuan rejected me twice and three times. It turns out that the real backer behind him is this man!"

Thinking of this, Raj's eyes were full of chills, and he stared closely at Ye Yun.

"Since you want to stand in the way and stand between me and Ye Jingyao, then I, Raj, will definitely get rid of you!"

On Raj's slightly immature face, there was a trace of terrifying evil spirit.

However, on Ye Yun's side, Ye Wenyuan and Ye Jingyao both showed expressions of surprise and excitement.

"Xiaoyun, you are so amazing, every time you make a move, you can refresh my worldview!"

Ye Wenyuan couldn't help giving Ye Yun a thumbs up.

Ye Jingyao hugged Ye Yun's arm tightly, leaning her little head on it, with an expression of attachment and admiration.

Looking at Ye Yun with beautiful big eyes, he said with a smile:
"Brother Yun, you are really invincible!"

"If you are included in a novel, you must be the kind of master who has been undefeated for thousands of years!"

Ye Yun laughed and said:

"A thousand years is too short, I have been invincible for 4 years."

Ye Jingyao giggled:
"Okay, then you will be invincible for life!"

Ye Yun nodded:

"No difficulty."

Seeing Ye Yun and Ye Jingyao talking and laughing happily, Raj felt jealous and hated, and said angrily:

"He just broke a clock, does he really think he is invincible?"

"Our Sony family is one of the three major families in India, and we have seen countless masters. What is a mere Chinese man?"

Ye Yun set his eyes on Raj, and said lightly:
"Since the result of the bet is that you lose, then keep your legs."

"you dare!"

Raj immediately showed a boundless evil spirit, and looked at Ye Yun with gritted teeth.

"Do you know that I am the No.19 heir of the Sony family, and the only heir!"

"If you want to hurt me, you are making enemies of the entire Sony family. Can you bear it?"

Ye Yun didn't answer, but instead asked:
"I hear what you mean, do you want to go back on your word?"

Raj smiled disdainfully and said:

"What are you, you dare to let me keep the agreement! Are you qualified?"

"I, Raj Soni, am willing to take a gamble with you. Even if you can afford it, if you dare to let me break my own legs, I will let you die without a burial!"

Seeing Raj's extremely arrogant demeanor, Ye Yun's eyes were instantly cold:

"Jingyao, I wanted you to have a birthday without killing, but now, someone is looking for death, and I must fulfill them!"

Feeling the chill emanating from Ye Yun, Ye Wenyuan and the others were all shocked.

Ye Yun, he is already ready to kill!

Ye Jingyao held Ye Yun's hand tightly, and the girl's soft fingers were wrapped around Ye Yun's fingers as gently as cotton:

"Brother Yun, whatever you want to do, just let it go, I will always support you!"

Ye Yun smiled slightly, let go of her hand, and sneered at Raj:

"Okay then, I'll give you a death sentence!"

After the words fell, the old monk who had kept his head down suddenly took a step forward and slowly raised his head.

"If you want to attack Raj, you have to pass my level first!"

As soon as he raised his head, a terrifying aura erupted in an instant.

Like a mountain roaring a tsunami, like a hurricane sweeping, like the earth bursting.

Yao Ji and Qiao Qingyu just wanted to stare at Jia Gedi, but they were forced to bow their heads by his powerful aura.

"This old monk is too powerful! As soon as he raises his head, he is so powerful that he is already transcendent and holy!"

Yao Ji's towering chest heaved violently, she was so shocked that she couldn't speak when she just glanced at it just now.

However, Qiao Qingyu showed a look of extreme shock, and said in a trembling voice:

"Divine Monk Jia Gedi! So he is the Divine Monk Jia Gedi!"

Seeing his shocked appearance, Yao Ji couldn't help asking:

"You know him?"

Qiao Qingyu replied:
"That's right, I've heard some rumors about him!"

"It is said that 500 years ago, in order to educate all living beings, he was tied up and cut with a knife a total of 110 times."

"Until there was no piece of flesh to cut off from his body, no drop of blood to shed, he still didn't beg, in order to warn the world and persuade them to put down the butcher knife and turn around."

"Later, it is said that the Supreme Buddha of India was moved by his fearless spirit, and gave him a new body and mana, so that he could once again promote Buddhism in the world and save all sentient beings."

After hearing this, Yao Ji's eyes trembled, her beautiful eyes were full of awe:
"No wonder he is so powerful. It turns out that he has obtained the mana of the Supreme God and Buddha."

Seeing the awe-inspiring expressions of the two, Raj couldn't help but hold his head high and proud.

Jia Gedi Gujing looked at Ye Yun calmly, and said lightly:
"Raj is the only hope for the No. 19th generation of the Sony family, and there must be no damage."

"No one can touch him!"

His tone was flat, but the domineering meaning inside was very strong.

The irresistible light in his eyes was even more aggressive with an incomparable aura.

Qiao Qingyu and Yao Ji were all forced by his gaze to dare not look directly at them.

Only Ye Yun looked at him lightly and said:

"I'm just telling you, I want to kill him, and the Buddha blocks and kills the Buddha!"

After hearing this, Emperor Jia Ge turned cold:
"That's up to you, how capable you are!"

He clasped his hands together, and a golden light exploded from his body, shining for thousands of miles.

"The Buddha's light shines!"

With his shout, a round of golden sun suddenly appeared in midair, and when the light shone down, everything was silent.

In the air, Sanskrit mantras resounded.

It seems that tens of thousands of monks are chanting the Great Mercy and Great Compassion Mantra at the same time, with a magnificent momentum.

As the sound of the spell grew louder, a terrifying scene appeared.

I see.

The ground within a radius of one kilometer trembled violently, as if four sharp swords were cutting the ground at the same time.

Everyone only felt that the ground under their feet was trembling, and it might be turned into dust at any time, turning into a bottomless abyss.

However, in the air.

Hundreds of millions of golden rays slowly condensed into threads, turning into countless golden arrows, and aimed fiercely at everyone with a fierce aura.

At the same time, the pressure in the air increased a hundredfold.

In an instant, it seemed that there were hundreds of mountains pressing down on everyone's heads, making it impossible for people to resist.

The aura as vast as the Pacific Ocean makes people feel very small, humble, and vulnerable!
"God, this divine monk Jia Gedi is too fierce! Is he trying to kill all of us with one move?"

Qiao Qingyu's forehead was already dripping with sweat.

As a congenital master, he actually felt a trace of despair and fear.

He tried his best to support his legs and didn't want to kneel down, but in the end he couldn't bear the terrible pressure, his legs gave way, and he fell heavily on the ground.

As for the Demon Blood Demon Fairy, she was also so shocked that her face trembled wildly, the magic power on her body was dissolved by the terrifying pressure, and she couldn't release it at all.

At this time, she was even more fragile than an ordinary woman, with sweat dripping from her forehead and body.

"Master, can you deal with this powerful old monk?"

Yao Ji suddenly became agitated, and raised her eyes to look at Ye Yun in front of her.

But saw that Ye Yun smiled faintly, raised his foot and was about to walk forward.

Jia Gedi narrowed his eyes and said with a cold smile:

"Trapped by my formation, do you still want to leave?"

Ye Yun smiled disdainfully:
"But the chicken and the dog, how can you trap me!"

After speaking, he stepped out.

Boom!one sound.

When it landed, the world was shocked!
Like the Titans descending, mighty!
The whole planet seemed to shake.

The golden light arrows that filled the sky, crushed by Mount Tai, were instantly fragmented, and all of them vanished into nothingness.

However, the Divine Monk Jia Gedi, who had a look of contempt just now, screamed and was shocked to pieces.

Blood, torso, and organs, with a faint golden light, spilled all over the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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