Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 577 I am Ye Yun, I am not afraid of any battle!

Chapter 577 I am Ye Yun, I am not afraid of any battle!

"how can that be?!"

In the air, the god monk Jia Gedi's soul, which was about to dissipate, let out an unwilling and shocked wail.

To him, it was not surprising that Ye Yun destroyed the ancient clock.

Breaking his Buddha light all-pervasive formation did not frighten him.

What really terrified him was that Ye Yun only stepped lightly, just like a giant descending on the ground.

That aura was much more subdued than the supreme gods and Buddhas he had seen with his own eyes.

The most important thing is that Ye Yun's kick not only broke the formation, but also instantly killed him!

A thousand years of cultivation, a thousand years of life, destroyed in one day!
This, makes him despair too much!
It scares him so much!

in those days.

He sat withered on the ground, allowing others to cut him 110 times with a knife, without saying a word, without any fear.

Only the Buddha Dharma is boundless, turn your head and be right.

His fearless spirit left him without any fear.

But now, this extremely handsome Chinese man, like a tyrannosaurus rex, destroyed all his self-confidence!

The deep fear made him feel extremely cold all over his body, and even his soul couldn't help shaking!
"Who are you, and why do you have this ability?"

Jia Gedi asked unwillingly.

Huaxia, how many years have there been such a perverted person!
Moreover, he is so young.

Even if he is a peerless evildoer, it is impossible to defeat him so easily, a divine monk with a thousand years of Taoism!
Ye Yun sneered and said:
"I'm someone you can't mess with."

After speaking, he waved his hand lightly.

The wisp of Emperor Jia Ge's divine monk, the super soul forged by the Supreme Divine Buddha himself, disappeared in an instant.

pat! !
Raj's body trembled, and he knelt heavily on the ground, panting heavily, and the fear in his eyes was about to boil.

Although the divine monk Jia Gedi is the weakest of the eight guardian vajras, it is only compared with the other seven divine monks.

If compared with other people in the Indian martial arts world, he is invincible!

Raj thought it would be more than enough to bring Jia Gedi to pretend to be aggressive.

Unexpectedly, a Chinese man was killed out of nowhere, and Jia Gedi was easily wiped out.

This... is simply a bible!
Just now, relying on his youthful vigor and prominent status, Raj, who had an arrogant and domineering face, was frightened to the point of tearing his liver and gallbladder.

Kneeling on the ground, his eyes were full of pleading looks, and there were even tears in his eyes:
"Uncle, please forgive me!"

"I promise, I won't dare to harass Ye Jingyao and Uncle Ye again, please see that I'm only a teenager, please forgive me!"

Boom boom boom!
Raj quickly kowtowed.

However, the dozens of attendants who followed him also knelt on the ground, begging Ye Yun to let Raj go.

Ye Yun smiled coldly:
"When you were arrogant just now, why didn't you say that you were a teenager?"

"It's too late to say this and beg for mercy."

After the words fell, a strange wind blew and gently blew past Raj.


Raj's head left his body in an instant, rolling on the ground several meters away.


"He killed the young master! He killed the young master!!"

A group of attendants were so frightened that their eyes were tearing apart, and they couldn't stop exclaiming.

One of them climbed up tremblingly, trembling his body and said:

"If you kill the young master, it will cause the Sony family to retaliate wildly!"

With one hand behind his back, Ye Yun said disdainfully:

"If the Sony family wants revenge, just let it go."

"I, Ye Yun, am not afraid of any battle!"

When everyone saw Ye Yun's domineering eyes, they were so frightened that they were sweating profusely.

Not daring to say any more, he quickly got up and took away the bodies of Raj and Jia Gedi.

After everyone in the Sony family had dispersed, Ye Yun thought that Yaya was still sitting on the table, so he glanced at Ye Wenyuan and Ye Jingyao and said:

"Let's continue to eat."

Although Ye Wenyuan and Qiao Qingyu were worried about the Sony family's revenge.

But Ye Yun didn't say anything, so they had no choice but to keep everything in their stomachs and walked in with him.

At this time, Yaya is sitting on a chair and eating happily.

Seeing how serious she was eating, Ye Jingyao, Bai Ying and the others couldn't help but stepped forward to rub her little head, and asked with a smile:

"Yaya, there were so many bad guys just now, why aren't you afraid at all?"

Yaya raised her head, her extremely delicate face was covered with oil stains, she smiled confidently:

"Because, my daddy is the number one lover in the universe!"

"I'm Papa's daughter, so I can't have no confidence in him. Just now I just ate to support my Papa!"

After the little girl finished speaking, everyone laughed.

This little girl is not only a cute snack, but also has a big heart!
Ye Yun hugged the girl in his arms with a full face of doting, took out the wet wipes specially designed for children, and carefully wiped off the oil stains on her face, and then began to eat.

After eating, Bai Ying said:
"Jingyao, before we came, we booked a private room in the KTV of Amisha's house, let's go sing and play together later!"

Xu Anna glanced at Ye Yun and said:
"Brother Ye, you can also take Yaya with us."

"Amisha's KTV is one of the best high-end places in India. In the private room we booked, we can also hold a special birthday party. When the time comes, let's celebrate Jingyao together. Do you agree?"

Ye Yun nodded indifferently:


Afterwards, Ye Yun took Yaya and set off with Ye Jingyao and the others to the Royal KTV in Mumbai.


As soon as they came out of the parking lot, they saw three young Indian men in their 20s walking towards this side together.

The current one is tall and handsome, with extraordinary temperament.

But there was a hint of arrogance and indifference between the brows, glanced at Ye Yun and Ye Jingyao, and couldn't help frowning:
"who are they?"

Seeing his haughty look, Amisha couldn't help frowning slightly and said:

"they are my friends."

The man snorted coldly and said disdainfully:
"You actually befriended the Huaxia people?"

"And, judging by their appearance, they are all Chinese civilians. How can you lower your status and be with them?"

Amisha saw the man belittle Ye Yun and the others so much, a trace of anger immediately appeared on her face, she stomped her feet and said:

"Harry, I'm not a kid anymore, don't worry about my affairs!"

"Also, all living beings are equal, you have no right to say that other people's status is low!"

"I just want to make friends with them, whether you like it or not, it has nothing to do with me!"

After speaking, he pulled Ye Jingyao, pushed Harry away and walked forward.

Ye Jingyao asked in surprise:

"Amisha, who is that person? Why does he care about your affairs?"

Emisha showed an unhappy expression and said:
"He is one of my cousins ​​and a member of the Brahmin family. He has always regarded himself highly and looked down on the common people."

Ye Jingyao and the others said unhappily after hearing this:
"That kind of person, let's ignore him!"

Harry, who was in the distance, stared at the backs of everyone, and said contemptuously:

"Amisha is really a disgrace to our family. It's really shameful to be with these civilians all day long!"

"If I find a chance, I must educate her well, and I must not make friends with these low-level people!"

"Because they are not worthy!"

The man behind him nodded and said:

"You are right, we are born noble, not those lowly people can climb high!"

"Amisha will understand this truth one day!"

Another man put his hand on their shoulders and said:

"Let's go, let's go in and have fun, don't waste your energy on those ordinary people!"

Saying that, the three of them showed a haughty look together and walked towards the Royal KTV with their heads held high.

(End of this chapter)

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