Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 578 Arrogant!

Chapter 578 Arrogant!

Just as Ye Yun and the others walked into the KTV lobby, two gorgeously dressed waitresses walked over in front of them.

When the two saw Emisha, they immediately bowed and said:
"Hello, Miss Amisha!"

Emisha nodded and said to them:
"Wait and send the best drinks to the diamond private room on the third floor."

The two waitresses replied at the same time, and Amisha led Ye Yun and the others to the third floor.

"Hey beauty, have a drink with my buddies!"

As soon as he walked out of the elevator door, there were two tall Indian men walking over with wine bottles in their hands, putting their shoulders on each other and swaying.

They saw that Emisha was very beautiful, and there was a hint of obscenity in their eyes.

Emisha gave them a white look, ignored them, but smiled at Ye Yun and Ye Jingyao:
"Please come with me!"

The two Indian men glanced at each other with angry expressions in their eyes.

"Damn, this chick dares to roll her eyes at us!"

"I'm going to clean up this little girl tonight. I must stay on the bed and teach her to be a good person!"

"Haha, good idea! Let's teach her how to be a human together!"

When the two saw Aimisha and Ye Yun enter the diamond room, they staggered after them.

As soon as Amisha arranged for everyone to sit down, the door of the private room was kicked open.

The two men rushed in reeking of alcohol, their eyes fixed on Amisha.

"Chick, we talked to you just now, why didn't you answer?"

The man with high cheekbones on the left threw the wine bottle in his hand on the ground.

Clap!With a sound, the wine glass fell to the ground.

He was very arrogant, stepped on the coffee table next to him, pointed at Amisha and said:

"You, answer my words!"

Emisha frowned, this is her family's KTV, she didn't expect to encounter such a thing when she brought Ye Yun and Ye Jingyao here for the first time.

Although, in this kind of entertainment place, it is inevitable to encounter a few hooligans.

But, right now, she felt embarrassed.

So he turned around, looked apologetically at Ye Yun, Ye Jingyao, and Bai Ying and the others and said:

"Sorry, don't meddle, let me deal with it."

She walked up to the man with high cheekbones and said:

"You guys are drunk, please don't disturb my guests, or I'll call security."

The man with high cheekbones laughed out loud after hearing this, and said with disdain:
"Okay, you call! If you dare to call, I will deal with the security first, and then I will deal with you!"

The man behind him stepped forward, looked at Amisha ferociously and said:

"Believe it or not, the two of us gave you the wheel here?"

Emisha was taken aback by his wretched and vicious gaze, and quickly took a step back.

At this time, two security guards came over at the door, and Amisha waved and said:

"Come here and take these two drunks out!"

Two times in succession, the two security guards just walked in the door, and they were punched out by the two of them.

"Hahaha, this kind of rubbish is not enough for me to blow him away with one punch!"

"That's right, little girl, why don't you call a few more people over here! Let's see how I beat them!"

The two looked at Emisha very wildly.

The man with high cheekbones has already reached out his hand, and is about to grab Amisha's chest.

Seeing this, Ye Yun couldn't help frowning.

Originally, Amisha took the initiative to deal with these two drunks, and he didn't want to ask too much.

But now, these two people have done such obscene and indecent things in front of Yaya and a bunch of girls, so they can't be ignored.


"You bastard, stop me!"

Suddenly, a black figure rushed in from the door and kicked the man with high cheekbones on the back.

The man with high cheekbones suddenly exclaimed, his body flew two meters away, and slammed into the corner of the wall.

Harry walked up to Amisha, frowned and said:
"Are you OK?"

Emisha shook her head:

Harry glanced at Ye Yun and the others, and said with contempt:

"Look at what I said, you can't be with these inferior people!"

"You invite them to eat, drink and have fun, and treat them as friends, but when it comes to critical times, you can't count on them at all!"

"If I hadn't rushed over in time just now, you would have been bullied by these two bastards!"

Amisha originally wanted to thank him, but when she heard him belittle Ye Yun and the others, she couldn't help but shook her head and retorted;
"Harry, they are not what you said. I told them not to move just now. I thought this was my home's territory and could solve the problem."

She saw that Ye Yun was ready to make a move just now, and she had seen Ye Yun's ability.

It was simply impossible for those two drunks to think about what they would do to themselves in front of Ye Yun!

However, her explanation made Harry even more annoyed.

"Amisha, I think you are really stunned!"

"It's fine if you make some noble friends, but now you not only make friends with these people, but also protect them in this way. I must tell your parents about these things!"

After he finished speaking, he yelled at Ye Yun and the others unhappily:
"All you Chinese civilians, get out of here!"

"People like Amisha are not something you can climb up to!"

"get out!"

He was hoarse, with a look of disdain for everyone.

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt a sharp pain on the left side of his cheek.

It was the man with the high cheekbones who punched him in the face, sending him flying more than a meter away.

Another man pulled out a dagger from his waist, scanned the crowd with a ferocious expression, and said:
"Don't let anyone leave today!"

"If you dare to hit us, you will all suffer!"

Amisha was startled when she saw that they were going to use the knife, and said to Ye Yun quickly:

"Brother Ye, throw them out!"

When Harry heard this, he got up from the ground in anger, pushed Amisha aside, and angrily said:
"What can this Chinese man do to help?"

"Look at his appearance, can he beat these two?"

After finishing speaking, he glared at Ye Yun:
"It's none of your business here! It's not your turn to take care of our affairs!"

Then he turned around, stared angrily at the man with high cheekbones and said:

"You two, do you know who we are? Do you know whose territory this is?"

The man with high cheekbones glared at Harry arrogantly and said:

"Boy, you are so arrogant! Tell me, which family are you from?"

Harry said proudly:
"I belong to the Brahmin Khan family!"

The man with high cheekbones laughed disdainfully and said:
"It turned out to be a hybrid surname under Brahmin!"

"I'm telling you, I'm from the Kshatriya Soni family!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the eyes of Harry and the two men behind him trembled:
"Sony Family!"

Seeing their terrified expressions, the man with high cheekbones couldn't help saying triumphantly:

"Let me wait for you, none of you can escape today!"

(End of this chapter)

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