Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 580 Those who offend me will be punished even if they are far away!

Chapter 580 Those who offend me will be punished even if they are far away!

The man in martial arts uniform is one of the Sony family's offerings, named Galawa.

He followed Raj and Jia Gedi to Ye Wenyuan's bar today, and witnessed the scene where Ye Yun crushed Jia Gedi with one kick and cut off Raj's head with one move.

That scene at that time has been lingering in his mind, and the more he thinks about it, the more frightened he becomes.

A Chinese man, on the territory of India, facing the Sony family, one of the three giant families in India, not only has no fear at all, but also dares to kill people.

The one who killed was the sole heir of the No.19 generation of the Sony family.

Such courage is really awe-inspiring!

Gao Lawa didn't expect that when he came to the Royal KTV entertainment with Brother Long tonight, he would meet this Huaxia man again.

However, Brother Long was so frightened that his legs couldn't help shaking.

Although he was crazy, he didn't dare to show any disrespect to the Sony family.

Although he is powerful, compared with the Sony family, he is nothing more than a drop in the ocean.

However, the Chinese man in front of him killed Jia Gedi and Raj in a row.

Such ability and courage are by no means comparable to Brother Long's.

Dare to shoot at such a man, he, Brother Long, is the one who hit the gun!
He'd wager that if he pulled the trigger, he'd have to die here tonight.

Right now, it is wise to be a turtle!
So Brother Long quickly pulled Gao Lawa and said:

"Let's go, let's forget about today's business!"

Harry, Robin and the others all showed extremely shocked expressions when they saw that Brother Long, who was famous in Mumbai, was scared out of the stage by Gaurawa's words.

Several people set their eyes on Ye Yun, full of awe.

Especially Harry, at the beginning, he looked down on Ye Yun because he was a Brahmin nobleman.

I never thought that it was the Chinese commoner whom I looked down upon, who frightened Brother Long so much that he ran away in a hurry when he showed up for the first time.

If Ye Yun hadn't been here, I'm afraid he, Robin, and Amisha would not be able to escape Brother Long's clutches today.

Thinking of this, Harry felt a burst of heat on his cheeks, and wiped the sweat from his forehead with his hands, feeling sorry for him.

On the other side, Brother Long and Gao Lawa had already turned around and were about to go out.

After Ye Yun fed Yaya another peanut, he frowned slightly and said:
"I let you go?"


Brother Long, Gao Lawa and a group of people were all taken aback by his fright.

The foot that had been lifted up, just didn't step out of the door.

It wasn't Ye Yun who controlled them.

Rather, they dare not!
Not to mention stepping out the door, even if they move now, they dare not.

In this way, it lasted for more than half a minute, and none of them dared to put their feet on the ground.

It wasn't until they couldn't take it anymore that they all shook and collapsed on the ground.

Brother Long wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and because his hands were shaking all the time, he accidentally knocked off his sunglasses to the ground.

"This matter is over, what else do you want to do?"

Brother Long asked in a hoarse voice.

Ye Yun said lightly:
"I said, I'll give you three seconds to go out, if you exceed one second, I'll cut off your finger."

Brother Long was taken aback, his eyes were about to burst and he said:
" dare!"

"I am the Lord of Bombay! I am the nephew of the patriarch of the Sony family! I am a member of Congress!"

"If you dare to touch me, the whole country of India will never die with you!"

He got up, looked at Ye Yun angrily and said:
"If you dare to move a finger of mine, I swear, I will definitely kill you!"

The dog jumps over the wall in a hurry.

Brother Long was forced into a corner by Ye Yun, and he simply released all his hostility, regained his arrogant and domineering appearance, and threatened Ye Yundao with boundless killing intent.

Ye Yun smiled lightly and said:

"But right now, I don't want your fingers."

Brother Long thought that Ye Yun was frightened by what he said just now, so he laughed loudly and said:

"Count you acquainted!"

"The whole city is my territory, if you really dare to touch me, the consequences are not something you can bear!"

"Since you took the initiative to take back your words, I won't argue with you this time, let's go!"

Brother Long was in a good mood immediately. In order to avoid another conflict, he decided to leave as soon as possible.


"I want you to die!"

Ye Yun's voice sounded again.

This sentence, like a match, completely ignited the fuse of the powder keg.

Brother Long turned around, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and shouted:
"You want to kill me? You want to kill me?"

"I'm a member of the Sony family! If you want to kill me, even if the Sony family chases China, they will kill you without a place to bury you!"

Gaurava stepped forward to persuade:
"Friend, you killed two people in the family today, and you have formed an indissoluble hatred with the Sony family."

"Now if you kill Aaron again, I'm afraid the patriarch will spread his boundless anger on the Chinese in the entire Indian country!"

"You have to be clear, the whole country can't bear the anger of the Sony family! Your mere flesh and blood body is completely vulnerable to the Sony family!"

Robin hurriedly ran to Ye Yun, and said with a look of panic:

"Sir, Brother Long has let go of his words and will not pursue it. I think this matter will stop here."

"You are from Huaxia. You don't know the horror of the Sony family. Stay on the front line in everything. I really want to see you in the future. Please think twice!"

Seeing that Ye Yun was unmoved, he quickly pulled Amy Sha over and said:

"Amisha, please persuade your friend to stop quickly!"

Robin's voice was already trembling extremely, and his back was dripping with sweat.

He has never encountered such a thing, and now he only hopes that Ye Yun can nod and let Brother Long go.

Before Amisha could speak, Ye Yun raised his hand, signaling them all to shut up.

Then he looked at Brother Long coldly, and said:

"When you pointed a gun at me, you were doomed."

"Those who offend me will be punished no matter how far away they are!"

The words fall.

A cloud of black light suddenly burst out from Long Ge's body, and in the blink of an eye, he completely disappeared from everyone's sight.

Seeing this, Gao Lawa couldn't help shrinking his pupils:
"You are... supernatural powers!"

His cultivation base is at the level of a master in Huaxia, so he naturally knows what Ye Yun's move just now means.

Silently, killing at the speed of light.

This, for a master like him, is a godlike method!


Gao Lawan only felt his heart twitching violently.

However, thinking of the Sony family behind him, he couldn't help but say:

"Friend, you have already killed two close relatives of the patriarch."

"You, think clearly about the consequences you will suffer!"

Hearing this, Ye Yun smiled disdainfully and said:
"Since I do it, I am not afraid of a fight!"

"If the Sony family wants to kill themselves, I welcome them anytime!"

When he spoke, his expression was indifferent, but the confident brilliance in his eyes was as dazzling as a thousand zhangs of light.

Gorat was so forced by his gaze that he didn't dare to look directly, he lowered his head and gasped for several breaths.

In order to protect himself, he didn't dare to say another word, and rushed out of the private room with a group of people as if fleeing for their lives.

In the private room, Robin and Harry were all standing there, looking into Ye Yun's eyes...

Only, awe!
(End of this chapter)

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