Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 581 Murong Yan's new skill!

Chapter 581 Murong Yan's new skill!
Indian State, New Delhi.

Located in the center of the city, the Sony Family Courtyard covers an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters and is extremely magnificent.

At this time, in the lobby of the main hall, an old man in his fifties was standing with his hands behind his back facing the gate.

Behind him stood seven old monks wearing golden cassocks, all of them folded their hands and stood bowed.

The breath of these seven old monks is quite introverted, standing there quietly without showing the mountains or showing the water.

However, if there are martial arts masters present, you can definitely see a golden light shining outside each of their bodies.

It seems that the gods and Buddhas are alive, unmoving and majestic.

Vaguely, there was a suffocating aura.

They are the most proud helm of the Sony family for thousands of years, Rosie Sony.

There are also seven monks from the Soni family who protect the Dharma King Kong.

Turning around, Luo Xi slowly opened his eyes, and in those somewhat cloudy eyes, a great light suddenly burst out.

The aura of the superior was like Mount Tai pressing down on the top, shaking the air in the hall.

"Killing Jia Gedi, Aaron and my son Raj, this son deserves death!"

Luo Xi gritted his teeth, his tone full of anger and sadness.

The Sony family has been in India for thousands of years, and in recent decades it has been like a dragon coming out of the water, shocking the whole country.

How ever, someone dared to be disrespectful to the family!
Not to mention, within one day, he had three feuds with his family in a row!
Such actions are tantamount to declaring war on the Sony family in front of all Indians!

A current old monk named Helu said:
"Jia Gedi lost his life for a thousand years, insulting the prestige of the Supreme God and Buddha. The behavior of that Chinese man has seriously provoked the majesty of the Supreme God and Buddha."

"The seven of us, as believers of the Supreme God and Buddha, and the Dharma Protector of the family, must make him pay the price of his life to revive the prestige of my Supreme God and Buddha and the Sony family!"

"Please order the patriarch, I will go and capture him immediately!"

Just when Luo Xi was about to speak, a white-haired old man walked out beside him and said:
"Patriarch, our Sony family, as one of the three most prestigious families in our country, if we mobilize our forces to deal with that Huaxia boy like this, I'm afraid it will damage our reputation."

"After all, the young master has brought people there once before, if he goes to the door again this time, in the eyes of outsiders, wouldn't it be the same as a hooligan coming to seek revenge?"

Luo Xi thought for a while, and felt that what the butler said made some sense, so he asked:
"Then what do you think?"

The steward replied:

"A big family like ours should give that Huaxia boy a death order, and give him a day to come here to die by himself!"

"If you let the seven great monks go to him together, it would be too flattering to him!"

Rosie nodded and said:
"You make a lot of sense. Even the leaders of the country are not qualified to let us mobilize so many teachers."

"That Huaxia boy, I want him to die as humble as an ant."

"Let the whole country see that as long as he dares to offend our Sony family, no matter where he comes from, he can only die in a humble way in the end!"

He waved his hand and said loudly:

"Go and tell those Chinese people, let that kid come here before sunset tomorrow, if he doesn't show up, I will bloodbath the Chinese district in Injirabang!"

The butler hastily bowed:



Ye Yun, Yaya, and Ye Jingyao played at the Royal KTV until the afternoon before returning home.

When she was about to have dinner, Ye Jingyao looked for Ye Yun on WeChat.

Turn on the video call, and that pure and beautiful face immediately appeared in front of my eyes.

However, the beautiful and dark eyes were full of worries.

"Brother Yun, someone from the Sony family is here today."

Ye Yun asked:

"what's up?"

Ye Jingyao frowned and said:
"They said, give you one day to confess the crime, otherwise there will be no Chinese in Indira!"

"I heard that the seven great monks in their family are waiting for you to throw yourself into a trap. I'm afraid..."

Ye Yun interrupted her, smiled slightly and said:

"Girl, there is nothing to be afraid of."

"To me, all my opponents are just ants. There is no difference between one ant and many ants."

Seeing his confident expression, Ye Jingyao couldn't help laughing:

"I hope so."

"By the way, my dad said that tomorrow morning, he wants to invite you to come over early. He has something important to talk to you about."

Ye Yun guessed that Ye Wenyuan should be discussing the matter of the Sony family with him.

Although he didn't take the Sony family seriously at all, since Ye Wenyuan specially said hello, it doesn't matter if he goes there.

So he replied:
"okay, I get it."

Ye Jingyao nodded:
"See you tomorrow. You haven't had dinner yet, so I won't bother you."

Ye Yun nodded and quit the chat.

At this time, Murong Yan had already changed into a casual outfit and went downstairs. Seeing Ye Yun still holding the phone, she asked:

"Ye Yun, what's the matter with you?"

Ye Yun shook his head and smiled:


He took Murong Yan's slender hand to the table, and sat down with her:
"Let's eat. After eating, let's go shopping in the street together. I haven't been with you well in the past few nights."

Murong Yan showed a sweet and happy smile and said:
"That's because I've been busy recently. Seeing that the Tingzhou branch is about to open, I want to finish some things sooner."

Ye Yun scratched her nose and said:

"Yes, strong woman."

Murong Yan's pretty face flushed, and she said coquettishly:
"Dare to tease a strong woman like this, be careful I will beat you."

Seeing Xiao Nizi clenched her fist, Ye Yun couldn't help but pretend to be terrified:
"Woman, I was just joking just now, you don't remember the villain's mistakes, please spare your life!"

Murong Yan was amused by him and giggled:

"Isn't this a line for others to beg for mercy?"

"You stole other people's lines, be careful they sue you for piracy!"

Ye Yun laughed loudly, proudly said:

"Then they have to sue. So far, at least tens of thousands of people have begged me for mercy."

"If they line up to sue, they will have to wait for many years!"

Seeing his high spirits, Murong Yan could not help but give him a light thump:
"You, you're flying again."

"Hurry up and eat, otherwise the rice will be cold!"

After the meal, Ye Yun drove Murong Yan and Yaya to the edge of Jincheng city.

The three of them were walking hand in hand on the side of the road, and saw an aunt who was a sanitation worker in front of her, who was on the phone with her family, saying that she would go back to eat after the work was done.

Murong Yan couldn't help but couldn't bear it, so she dragged Ye Yun to the convenience store nearby:

"Let's buy some food for my aunt."

When I came to the convenience store, there were two young men standing in front of the cash register.

One of them still had a knife in his hand, and said to the boss impatiently:

"Hurry up and take out all the money, and be careful that I will chop your hands off!"

Seeing Murong Yan enter the door, the two couldn't help but their eyes lit up, and the young man with the knife said:
"This woman is so beautiful, she must be very rich!"

He pointed the knife at Murong Yan, and said viciously:

"Hurry up and take out the money, otherwise, I will be rude!"

They thought that Murong Yan would be frightened, but they didn't expect to see her smile indifferently:
"How much do you want?"

The young man snorted coldly and said:

"Of course the more the better!"

Murong Yan nodded, took out her mobile phone, opened the bank text message and put it in front of them:

"Is this much enough?"

The two young men immediately stretched out their heads and stared at her mobile phone screen, their faces turned pale with fright:

"1, 2, 3, 4... Fuck, why are there so many zeros!"

Both of them were blinded, and they couldn't count how many zeros there were.

For them, the wealth in the mobile phone is beyond their dreams.

"Meet a big shot!"

The two looked at each other, and both saw the terrified look in the other's eyes.

"I'm sorry, we only had the idea of ​​grabbing some money on impulse!"

The two young men's legs were already trembling with fright, and when they saw the series of terrifying numbers, they were terrified.

Murong Yan smiled:

"Go and surrender, you still have a long time to go, don't make the same mistakes again and again."

"Also, you can only control the wealth that belongs to you. If you want to live a good life, you have to work hard on your own."

The two young men were ashamed by what she said, and under her strong aura, they couldn't help but lower their heads:

"You're right, we know we're wrong."

Afterwards, the two took the initiative to call the police, waiting for the police to come and arrest themselves.

Ye Yun watched from behind the whole time, and after buying something, he couldn't help but joked:
"Honey, I discovered a new skill of yours."

Murong Yan asked curiously:

"What skill?"

Ye Yun said with a smile:


Murong Yan blushed immediately, and spat softly:
"How can I have!"

"I'm just... just... Huh? So that's what you call pretending?"

Ye Yun laughed loudly, rubbed her little head and said:
"Silly girl, what do you think?"

Murong Yan patted his hand off, and said coquettishly:

"It's annoying, I don't want to pretend to be that, I just want to remind them because they are young."

"You're not allowed to talk about me like that again, you know?"

Ye Yun nodded and smiled:

"As ordered!"

Seeing his mocking face, Murong Yan couldn't help stamping her feet and said:
"But you're still laughing at me!"

"I do not have it!"

"Then why are you still laughing?"

"I like you, can't I just smile when I see you?"

"Hee hee, glib!"

(End of this chapter)

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