Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 582 I Bloom in the Slaughter, Like the Flowers of Dawn!

Chapter 582 I Bloom in the Slaughter, Like the Flowers of Dawn!

The next morning, Ye Yun took Yaya and teleported to India after Murong Yan finished her breakfast.

Ye Wenyuan had been waiting at the door of the bar early, and when he saw Ye Yun approaching, he hurriedly beckoned him to come in quickly.

Seeing Ye Wenyuan's frowning expression, Ye Yun asked:
"Second Uncle, what's the matter?"

Ye Wenyuan said:
"Xiaoyun, you can't go to the Sony family today. I heard that the seven guardians of the Sony family are very powerful."


He glanced at the Demon Blood Demon Ji and Qiao Qingyu standing beside him, and said:

"Let the Demon Girl and the others tell you."

The enchantress nodded and said:
"Master, yesterday, Qiao Qingyu and I specially bought people from the Sony family and inquired about the details of the seven great monks."

"After this question, both of us were taken aback."

A trace of panic floated on her fair face, and her blood-red eyes trembled involuntarily, and then she continued:
"Among the seven people, four of them are all Taoists around 2000, and their strength is much higher than that of Emperor Jia Ge."

"It is rumored that the four of them all practiced Buddhism and became holy, and they have long jumped out of the boundaries of mortals, and within the territory of the country, each of them is regarded as a living Buddha by several temples, and they are built into Buddha statues and placed in temples all year round. Enjoy the worship of believers and bathe in incense."

"So now, not only do they have a strong cultivation base, but they can also gather the power of faith of thousands of believers at any time. If the peak strength is measured by the realm of the Chinese martial arts world, it is invincible under the golden core!"

Qiao Qingyu nodded and added:
"As for the remaining three, their strength is even more terrifying!"

"The first is the monk Jia Ding. It is said that he has practiced Taoism for 3000 years. In the most famous tribal war of a million people at that time, he single-handedly killed nearly half of the soldiers and made them give up the cruel practice. war."

"Later, the leader of one of the tribes, because he hated him for quelling the war, sent someone to arrest him and killed him in a fit of anger."

"However, Divine Monk Jia Ding came back to life shortly after his death, and the leader killed him again. After his nine lives and nine deaths, he was finally influenced by him. Not only did he let him go, but he also vowed not to provoke a war in his life."

"Therefore, Divine Monk Jia Ding was also praised by the world as Divine Monk Phoenix, implying that he is the incarnation of the golden phoenix, immortal!"

After hearing this, Ye Wenyuan said quickly:
"Xiaoyun, did you hear that, this Phoenix monk alone can be called a real god in the world."

"Immortal! Who can be his opponent!"

After hearing this, Ye Yun couldn't help shaking his head and smiling:
"What is immortal? That's because I haven't met anyone who can destroy him."

Ye Wenyuan couldn't help shaking his head and gave a wry smile, Xiaoyun is really a completely different child from when he was a child.

His every word and every word is full of domineering and confident, which is very commendable, but...

"Don't worry, the next two will definitely surprise you!"

Qiao Qingyu continued:
"Next is the Varun monk. According to legend, this person was transformed from the relic of a disciple of the Supreme Buddha. After being reincarnated, he was born in a volcanic rock beside the Indian Ocean."

"It is said that when he was born, the volcano that had been covered in dust for nearly a hundred years suddenly erupted, and the flames shot up into the sky. The sea level of the entire Indian Ocean dropped by more than one meter."

"In the lava of fire that covered the sky, he walked out of the flames, and with a wave of his hand, he swallowed the flames of thousands of volcanoes in the entire Indian Ocean."

"Later, in order to restore the Indian Ocean to its original state, he uprooted hundreds of mountains and threw them into the Indian Ocean. He forcibly raised the sea level of the Indian Ocean by more than one meter."

As Qiao Qingyu spoke, he became agitated, clenched his fists tightly and said:

"Moving mountains and filling seas, this is the ability of a real god!"

After hearing this, Ye Wenyuan couldn't help trembling and said:
"Moving mountains and filling seas? Doesn't that mean that if he wants to overthrow a country, he can do it easily?"

Qiao Qingyu nodded and said:

"Of course! Monk Warren can pull down hundreds of mountains in one breath. If you throw all these mountains on the plain, think about the consequences!"


After Ye Wenyuan thought about it for a while, he was startled.

He had only heard about these seven monks from Qiao Qingyu and Yaoji before, but now that he heard them carefully, he didn't expect them to be so terrifying that he couldn't even imagine them.

After thinking about it, even the second-ranked Varun monk is so perverted, isn't the one who is the head of the seven great monks even more astonishing!
Qiao Qingyu swallowed, with an expression of awe on his face, he said:
"As for the most powerful monk Heru, his background is even greater!"

"What is known so far is that he has possessed more than 4000 years of Taoism, which was transformed from the life essence of the Supreme God and Buddha in the ancient battle between gods and demons in India. Humanoid."

"It is said that when he was born, the stars turned upside down and the sun and the moon appeared at the same time. Obviously, it was winter when he appeared, but the whole land was like spring, with thousands of flowers in full bloom and lush green grass. After seven to seven forty-nine days, back to normal.”

"Some people say that he already has the supernatural power of creation, can create something out of nothing, and turn something out of nothing. Even if the real god is alive, he should stay away when he sees him!"

After hearing this, Ye Wenyuan quickly grabbed Ye Yun's hand and said excitedly:

"Xiaoyun, it's not that Second Uncle intends to look down on you, it's really that these seven monks are too powerful."

"You heard it too. The monk Jia Ding, the monk Warren, and the monk Helu are simply invincible characters. The second uncle thinks that you are one-to-many, and the risk is too great!"

Yao Ji also nodded with worry on her face, and said in a soft voice:

"Master, you must think twice."

"Although the Sony family has spoken harshly, if you stay in Huaxia, they may not dare to do anything to you."

"And here we are, if they dare to slaughter Chinese people at will, they will definitely be condemned by the whole world, so you don't have to take such a risk just to win this breath."

Ye Yun nodded slightly.

From the perspective of Ye Wenyuan, Qiao Qingyu and Yao Ji, any one of these seven monks is powerful enough to shake Xingyu.

Their worries and fears are also reasonable.

However, they didn't know that the one sitting in front of them was the Supreme Killing God who was supreme in the universe.

I bloom in killing like the flower of dawn.

Heaven and earth are mortal but I am immortal, the sun and moon are annihilated and I am immortal.

Not to mention the mere seven great gods and monks, even if the supreme gods and Buddhas appear in the world, they are nothing but defeated!

Ye Yun then said:

"I have searched all over the world for a long time, hoping to be defeated, but all I encounter are defeated generals."

"Today, I will show you that I, Ye Yun, am undefeated!"

(End of this chapter)

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