Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 585: Wolves Surrounded by Tigers!

Chapter 585: Wolves Surrounded by Tigers!


A sigh turned into a water-like air wave and spread across the entire square.

Everyone was shocked and quickly shut their mouths.

I saw the monk Helu lowered his head and shook his head a few times, mourning:

"Sumit is too careless, he died unjustly!"

Monk Varun nodded and said:
"He underestimated the enemy too much, and completely exposed his biggest life gate to the enemy. He didn't protect his head until the opponent made a move."

"He died unjustly, but he can only blame himself, too confident and careless!"

When everyone heard the words, they couldn't help but nodded secretly.

Relying on his golden body of immortality, Summitt went on a rampage just now, trying to kill Ye Yun in the most primitive and domineering way.

As everyone knows, his opponent is also a master of martial arts, and he opened his own life, completely exposing his weakness to the opponent.

Wouldn't it be suicide?

The Immortal Golden Body, although it claims to be immortal, is not invulnerable after all.

He still has huge weaknesses if he does not practice the supreme Dharma and becomes a god in the flesh.

However, the back of Summit's head is the most vulnerable part of his body.

But he didn't protect this weakness at all just now.

Therefore, in the eyes of Helu and the others, his death was somewhat unjust, but it was completely self-inflicted.

Ye Yun couldn't help smiling when he saw how sorry they were for Summitt.

Summer insects can't talk about ice.

Their vision is still too low.

Helu looked up and just saw Ye Yun laughing there, he couldn't help frowning and said:

"Summit lost to you, but it doesn't mean you are very good."

"You are starting to be complacent now, aren't you a little too impatient?"

Ye Yun said disdainfully:
"I laugh because you think you are very smart, as if you can definitely turn things around!"


Suddenly, with a cold snort, a divine monk named Hua Lun stood up, looked up at Ye Yun angrily and said:
"Summit's mistake, we will not make it again, and the next is the time to see the truth!"

As he spoke, he was about to attack Ye Yun.


Helu suddenly raised his hand to stop it.

"This time, the three of you, Warren, Rahal, and Pierre, will go together."

Warren frowned and said in disdain:
"Three against one, isn't that too flattering to him?"

Helu shook his head and said:
"Although Summitt has exposed his fate, it is not ordinary for the opponent to beat him to death with one hand."

"With the morality and deeds of the three of you, plus the power of faith of hundreds of millions of believers, you can kill him with one blow, leaving no future trouble!"

"If you go up one by one, I'm afraid that if you make a mistake, you will be plotted by him!"

The three of Hua Lun thought about it carefully and felt that this was the reason.

The three of them have only about 2000 years of Taoism, which is not the same as Helu.

If they want to be serious, they must at least call Helu Zu Zu Zu Shi Ye.

Now that Helu spoke, he had no choice but to obey his orders.

Furthermore, three-on-one, with a [-]% chance of winning and no risk, is indeed the best strategy.


"Okay! The three of us will give him face once and let him die with dignity!"

The three of Warren nodded emphatically.

Seeing that the three divine monks were about to attack together, the crowd couldn't help but look at Ye Yun with a look of pity.

"The three monks shot together, and even the monk Helu was a bit afraid. This time, that man is in a terrible situation. I'm afraid he will die if he can't last a round!"

"Since the monk Helu asked them to go together, it must have been carefully considered. It seems that the monk Helu was really angry this time. Let the three monks attack at the same time. It is clear that the man has no way to fight back. Strength!"

Hearing everyone's discussion, Harry felt relieved.

Make you crazy!
Now the three gods and monks are facing you together, that is a pack of wolves waiting for a tiger, even if you have great abilities, you can only die!
What kind of confidence do you have to be so arrogant!

Is it true that there is no one in our country of India?
The royal KTV scene greatly damaged Harry's self-esteem as a nobleman.

So he disliked Ye Yun very much, and he hoped that someone could teach this Chinese man a lesson.

And Wen Bohang shook his head and sighed again and again, glanced at Ye Wenyuan beside him and said:

"I don't think he can pass this level. I guess he will be finished once the other party makes a move."

"You said why is your little nephew so stubborn? Do you really think that he is the most capable in the whole world, and no one else can touch him?"

Thinking of Ye Yun's attitude towards him in the bar, he felt even more upset.

Marven Ye frowned and said impatiently:
"Speak less!"

"No matter what, I'm proud of him for making it this far!"

"Please don't say anything bad about him!"

After being scolded by him, Wen Bohang opened his mouth involuntarily. He was speechless for a long time, and when he recovered, he let out a cold snort.

If you don't say it, don't say it, anyway, he will soon become a dead person, and I am too lazy to waste my words!
He looked at Ye Yun with a very disdainful expression.

At the same time, Ye Jingyao and Bai Ying, the four girls, were already trembling with fright, unable to speak.

They had only one thought in their minds at the moment, and that was to pray that Ye Yun would escape quickly and not be surrounded by Hua Lun and the others.

Only Yaya kept her eyes open, looking at Papa in the sky.

There was a smile on the corner of the little girl's mouth.

Papa is a big mountain, no one can defeat him!

"Go ahead!"

Hua Lun and the three of them had already set up their postures, looking at Ye Yun with confidence.

"Mahayana bergamot!"

"Ten Elements Fortune Palm!"

"The Brahma Light Wheel casts down the curse!"

The three great monks shot at the same time, and all of them used special skills, what an amazing momentum!

I saw a [-]-meter-thick golden light rising into the sky like a sea wave, heading straight towards Xiaohan.

In the space with a radius of ten miles, there are all golden palm prints.

Tearing the air into shallow golden cracks, he went straight to Ye Yun.

However, at the same time, the entire city of New Delhi, more than 1400 square kilometers of land trembled.

Countless people, at this moment, felt that the ground under their feet was boiling, as if it would be torn apart at any moment.

"Oh my God, the blow of the three great monks will destroy the entire New Delhi!"

"Terrible! It's really terrifying! As expected of a divine monk, the power of this blow is definitely no less than an atomic bomb!"

Half of the people in the square are from the martial arts world in India, and they have never seen such a terrifying killing move.

For a moment, I only felt that my body and heart were trembling violently.

As the saying goes, there is sorrow in the heart, and the panic is endless.

However, the three of them, Helu, Warren, and Jiading, all backed away again and again at this moment, not daring to get too close to Hualun and the others.

Helu clasped his hands together, and said with a hint of fear in his expression:

"Although the three of Hua Lun's cultivation levels are not as good as mine, but the three of them have become tigers. This joint attack even makes me feel inferior. It's really admirable!"

Varen looked up at Ye Yun:
"I can only blame this Huaxia boy for being too arrogant. Now that he offends Fowei, he is purely suicidal!"

Jia Ding put his hands together, shook his head slightly and said:
"Amitabha, show me the power of Buddha, at this moment!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard Ye Yun in the sky laugh.

"Small bug ears!"

I saw that Ye Yun flipped his right hand in the air, and a white light exploded from the palm of his hand.

In an instant, an extremely terrifying air pressure came down, with an indescribably terrifying aura, colliding with the killing moves of the three great monks.

Like a mountain torrent erupting, it broke through all the ultimate moves of the three in one breath.


Then there was another bang.

The terrifying air pressure fell on the heads of the three of Hua Lun at the same time, instantly crushing them all into powder.

Ye Yun lowered his head, looked down at the three of Helu and said:
"It's your turn!"

(End of this chapter)

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