Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 586 Blazing Golden Arhat!

Chapter 586 Blazing Golden Arhat!


The audience was shocked.

Everyone gasped.

I just felt my heart tremble, as if I was in the cold winter of March [-]th, and I was panicking.

The three great monks, Hua Lun, Lahar, and Peel, all have Taoism around 2000 years old.

The three joined forces to attack, even the monk Helu was very afraid.

Unexpectedly, their move that could subvert the entire New Delhi was actually broken by Ye Yunsheng.

Moreover, the three of them didn't even have time to hum, and they were turned into scum in seconds by Ye Yun.


"God! We underestimated this Chinese man, his ability has definitely surpassed that of the monk Helu!"

"It's scary! When did such an evildoer appear in China! He is so young, but so powerful, I am afraid that it will be difficult for our entire country to compete with him!"

"Sony's family is so huge that it would fall at the feet of this Chinese man. I can't even dream of it!"


All of a sudden, there was a thunderous exclamation.

In the eyes of everyone looking at Ye Yun, apart from being in awe, they are still in awe!

However, Harry opened his mouth wide and couldn't close it for a long time.

In just two moves, this person has killed four monks in a row, what kind of evil is he!

No wonder, no wonder he didn't take the Sony family so seriously.

His ability is enough to surpass any big family!

Thinking of this, Harry lowered his head heavily. At this time, his status as a Brahmin noble made him feel a little ashamed.

You know, from the very beginning, he looked down on Ye Yun because he was a Brahmin.

Now, this identity has become a tool to satirize himself.

He is in pain!
Ye Wenyuan turned his head, looked at Wen Bohang with a smile, and said:
"It seems that my little nephew is truly unbeatable!"

"Even the monk Helu is afraid of Hua Lun and the others' all-out attack, but Xiaoyun kills them instantly with one move. This kind of ability is enough to raise our country's prestige in China!"

He originally wanted to ask Wen Bohang to help Ye Yun, but who knew that this person was narrow-minded, looked down on Ye Yun everywhere, and wished that he would be beaten to death.

It's all right now, Ye Yun instantly killed the three great monks with one move, and slapped Wen Bohang hard, Ye Wenyuan felt so happy!

Wen Bohang lowered his head in shame, only feeling a burning sensation on his face.

However, Ye Jingyao and the others on the other side were all smiling.

The four girls have already regarded Ye Yun as the most perfect idol in their hearts.


Luo Xi looked at Ye Yun in fear, his expression was full of shock and unwillingness.

"Monk Helu, Monk Warren, Monk Jia Ding, you three masters have extraordinary skills, you must avenge Hua Lun and the others!"

Helu clasped his hands together, shook his head and said:
"Looking at the situation just now, even if the three of us work together, we can't deal with him."

"What did you say?!"

Rosie was taken aback when he heard that.

"how can that be?"

"You have the supernatural powers of good fortune, and your methods are comparable to the existence of a true god. The sacred monk of Warren moved mountains and filled the sea, and is omnipotent. The divine monk of Jia Ding, the golden phoenix, is immortal!"

"The three of you are living gods in the world. How can a mere Huaxia Shuzi be the opponent of the three of you?"

Monk Helu sighed softly:

"This person, with just two moves, even wiped out the four great monks. This ability is definitely above us!"

"If we make a move, it will be the three of us who hit the rock with the pebble and kill ourselves!"

Rosie stomped and said:
"Then, is it possible that our Sony family will be trampled down by Zhuzi today?"

He is unwilling!
The status achieved through decades of hard work will come to naught today.

Not to mention, the Sony family has a heritage of thousands of years, and it must not be buried in their own hands.

Monk Helu glanced at the other two monks and said:

"We can't deal with him, but there is one who can definitely catch him without a fight!"

Luo Xi's eyes lit up immediately, and said anxiously:


"Blazing Golden Arhat, Kano Kasyapa!"

Helu slowly said a name.

As soon as he finished speaking, the audience was in an uproar.

"My God, this is an Arhat that is older and fiercer than the Eighteen Arhats in ancient legends!"

"If he can be found, then even if this Chinese man has [-] lives, it's not enough to kill him!"

After everyone heard this name, their attitude towards Ye Yun changed from awe to worry in an instant.

To be precise, it is extremely pessimistic!
Because, in the legends of ancient India, the blazing golden arhat is really too strong!
Rumor has it that he came from the wilderness.

10 years ago, it was a blazing golden beast that could engulf mountains and overturn river beds. It was extremely ferocious.

Later, he was subdued by the Supreme God and Buddha, turned into a human form, and became an Arhat, guarding a pure land in the world.

His mana is boundless as the sea.

His body is indestructible.

His flames ignited the heavens and the earth.

He, subverting a country is no problem!

No one doubted that as long as he appeared, Ye Yun would definitely be defeated!

Luo Xi asked quite excitedly at this moment:

"Monk Helu, can you really invite the flaming golden arhat?"

Helu nodded and said:

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Varen and Jia Ding and said:
"The Buddha said, if I don't go to hell, whoever goes to hell."

"Today, we will give up our cultivation and invite Venerable Kano Kassapa to fight him!"

Both Varun and Jia Ding clasped their hands together, nodded and said:

"it is good!"

With the sound of Sanskrit singing, the sky suddenly filled with flames.

A huge cloud of fire descended from the sky and quickly turned into a huge human form.

At the same time, the three of Helu turned into a golden relic, and went straight to the figure in the sky.

After the figure swallowed three relics, hoo!With a bang, it multiplied several times.

Majestic and majestic, it turned into a strange person with a height of ten feet, a whole body of blazing flames, a pair of flame wings and a slender flame tail.


The ground trembled when the monster fell to the ground.

The fiery fire wave forced everyone to retreat hundreds of meters.

"Sure enough, it's the blazing golden arhat!"

Everyone's pupils constricted sharply, and they felt their hearts were about to explode, terrified.

call! !

As soon as the flaming golden arhat raised his head, two hundred-meter-long flames burst out from his nostrils, and the flames were scorching.

"Helu and the others gave up everything just to invite me to surrender you."

"You must pay for their death!"

He was originally transformed from a prehistoric ferocious beast, with an extremely violent temperament. At this moment, he was full of killing intent when he opened his mouth.

Ye Yun smiled lightly and said:

"You can't do it."

The blazing golden arhat roared violently, causing the world to change color:
"Empty words, let's see the truth with your fists!"

Bang! ! ! !

There was a burst.

He just punched, and there was an extremely surging wave of fire that exploded in the air.

In an instant, the air within a radius of ten miles suddenly heated up by more than ten degrees.

Within the range, all buildings, flowers and trees trembled.

The terrifying heat wave and the trembling ground made people feel like they were standing on the crater of a volcano, ready to die at any moment.

"As expected of an ancient arhat, this punch is really domineering. It is more than a hundred times stronger than the combined blow of Hua Lun and the other three monks!"

At this moment, no matter if they were ordinary audiences or people in martial arts, they all fled to the distance desperately.

If the punch of the blazing golden arhat exploded, it would definitely wipe out all life within a mile radius.

However, unlike everyone who ran for their lives in a hurry, Ye Yun remained calm and composed.

Seeing his calm look, Blazing Golden Arhat couldn't help snorting coldly:
"Do you dare to hide?"

If his fist hits the ground, it can definitely penetrate the power to the center of the earth.

Even the Supreme God and Buddha back then did not dare to resist his punch head-on.

He didn't believe it, but Ye Yun dared to accept it.

But I heard Ye Yun sneered and said:

"Hiding? No need!"

He slowly stretched out a finger, facing the fist of the blazing golden Arhat.

"You pick it up with one finger?"

The flaming Jinyan Arhat was shocked.

"To defeat you, one finger is enough!"

Word down!

Boom! ! !

Ye Yun's fair fingers, like a thin white light, pierced through the sky filled with flames, shattering the terrifying flames completely.

From the fist, it extended to the chest of the blazing golden arhat.


Bang! ! !
Another sound.

"This... this is impossible!"

"How can you be so strong?!"

After a scream, the flaming golden arhat exploded into a huge wave of fire.

They shrank together in the blink of an eye, turning into a black smoke and floating into the air.

"My God, the blazing golden Arhat is dead!"

When everyone turned their heads and saw this scene, they couldn't help but exclaimed, and they were all paralyzed to the ground in fright.

(End of this chapter)

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