Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 590 You are the crystallization of our love!

Chapter 590 You are the crystallization of our love!
Ye Yun said lightly:

"Fengshui is a mysterious art with a long history in China, also known as Qingwushu and Qingshoushu."

"Feng Shui is the power of nature and the magnetic field energy of the universe. Wind is the vitality and magnetic field energy, and water is the flow and change."

"It is a philosophy that studies the environment and the laws of the universe, and represents the supreme wisdom of the Chinese ancestors, so it includes the environment, not just the environment."

Andreas and the others thought about it for a long time before shaking their heads and laughing:
"This knowledge is so mysterious that it feels difficult to understand."

Ye Yun smiled slightly and said:

"Chinese culture is extensive and profound. Foreigners, if you want to understand and learn Chinese culture, you still have a long way to go."

Andreas nodded again and again:

"You're right, you've been taught!"

After finishing speaking, he bowed respectfully to Ye Yun.

Seeing this, Qian Dedao couldn't help giving Ye Yun a higher look.

This person, not only has superb skills, but also is so knowledgeable that even the winner of the Columbia Biology Prize bows his head. He is really awe-inspiring!
In Murong Yan's arms, Yaya raised her head proudly and said:
"Papa, to hear you say that, I am proud of being a Chinese!"

Ye Yun scratched the little girl's nose and said with a smile:

"Baby, Papa Mama is also proud of you."

Yaya asked curiously:
"For God's horse?"

Ye Yun said with eyes full of doting:
"Because you are the crystallization of our love, representing new hope."

Yaya Oh!With a cry, I feel so proud.

Murong Yan's pretty face flushed slightly.

The word "crystallization" made her think of the night five years ago, when Ye Yun planted the seed, and the two finally reaped Yaya.


He was led astray by Ye Yun again!

Murong Yan's eyes suddenly glowed, and she rolled her cute eyes at Ye Yun.

Ye Yun glanced at Murong Yan speechlessly, what does this little girl mean?
Andreas then looked at the blue light shrouded outside the base, and asked:
"Then sir, is this magical ray of light the Feng Shui you mentioned?"

Ye Yun shook his head:

"It's a formation."

Andreas looked like a curious baby:
"Array? What is that?"

Ye Yun didn't have the patience to explain to him, so he said:

"You don't even understand this."

Turning her head, she said to Murong Yan:

"My wife, this formation is called the Spirit Gathering Formation, which can gather the aura of heaven and earth at the edge of the East China Sea, and continuously provide all the nutrients needed for plant growth."

"In the future, there is no need to add any machines here to ensure that the plants grown can achieve perfect quality."

Murong Yan nodded:
"okay, I get it."

She then said to Qian Dedao:

"President Qian, I'm sorry this time, I made you spend so much money, and in the end you still won't be able to use these machines."

Qian Dedao quickly shook his head and said:

"No cost! I will contact the Forestry Bureau of this city immediately and donate the machine to them to improve the base conditions of ordinary growers."

Ye Yun said:

"Then move away as soon as possible. These machines have cut off the connection between the base and the East China Sea, and destroyed the Feng Shui here."

"Although with the blessing of the spirit gathering array, it will no longer affect the planting conditions of the base, but it is still not very beautiful after all."

Qian Dedao immediately agreed:
"Okay! I'll arrange for people to remove all the machines now!"

Ye Yun nodded, ready to go back to the city with Murong Yan.

Andreas followed up and said:
"Sir, I want to take you as my teacher and study Chinese Feng Shui!"

When Luca and the others heard this, they were shocked. The dignified Columbia Biology Prize winner actually wanted to worship this Chinese man as his teacher.

This is too crazy, too face-saving!

Ye Yun glanced at Andreas lightly:
"I don't accept disciples."

After hearing this, Andreas couldn't help being greatly disappointed, and lowered his head and sighed heavily.

He thought that he had reached the pinnacle of biology in the world when he won the Columbia Biology Prize.

I just realized today that I was really watching the sky from a well before.

In front of this man, the knowledge he has is just a drop in the ocean!

Unfortunately, he is not willing to impart more knowledge on himself!
"However, I have an unrevised "Book of Changes" here, you can study it slowly."

Ye Yun took out a copy of "Book of Changes" from the infinite space and threw it to Andreas.

He didn't want to dampen Andreas' thirst for knowledge too much, otherwise, it might have a bad influence on Yaya.

After all, Yaya is a cutie who also has a strong thirst for knowledge.

As a parent, we must not only give her the best conditions, but also pay attention to her mental health at all times.

Sure enough, the little girl happily said to Ye Yun:
"Papa, when I grow up, I must be as knowledgeable as you, be a teacher to others, and teach them a lot of knowledge!"

Ye Yun kissed the little girl and said with a smile:

"No problem, if you want, you can spread your knowledge to every corner of the universe in the future!"

Yaya hugged her hands together:
"Wow, I'm looking forward to it!"

Murong Yan looked at Ye Yun and Yaya happily.

It would be great if I could really travel to every corner of the universe with you!
Andreas looked at Ye Yun's leaving back, shaking with excitement, bowed to him and said:

"Although you refuse to accept me as an apprentice, in my heart, Andreas, you are my eternal mentor!"

As if he found a treasure, he carefully put away the "Book of Changes".


Ye Yun and the others returned to downtown Tingzhou, and after lunch, they came to Huatian Building.

At this time, colorful flags fluttered on the square in front of the building, and various blessing slogans were made into banners and hung from the roof of the building.

At the entrance of the hall on the first floor, a huge stage has long been set up.

The huge characters of Tingzhou Branch of Murong Group came into view impressively.

"This Murong Group is really amazing! This building is full of large enterprises, but no one has ever held such a grand opening ceremony!"

"Isn't it? I heard that this company has a great background, and even the president of our city chamber of commerce wants to curry favor with them!"

"Damn it! A company in Jiangbei Province actually asks the president of the local chamber of commerce to show his hospitality. This is too awesome!"


After Ye Yun and the others got off the car, they heard admiration from the crowd in the square.

Huang Lu saw Ye Yun and the others from a long distance away, and hurriedly stepped forward and said:
"President, sir, today Tingzhou city has come to support us with many big figures. They are waiting for you to come on stage and see your demeanor!"

Ye Yun glanced at Murong Yan and said:

"Go, wife."

Murong Yan took his hand, shook her head and said:
"No, this time we are together."

"This is the first company that the two of us have opened together. It means a lot to me, so you should go up too."

Ye Yun said with a smile:

"Okay, then the three of us will go up together!"

Murong Yan nodded happily.

The three of them then stepped onto the stage together under the eyes of the crowd.

At this time, on the side of the road opposite Huatian Building, a Mercedes-Benz Maybach parked there quietly.

On the back seat of the car, sat two young people in their early 20s, and they were staring closely at Ye Yun on the stage.

"Fuck, isn't that man Ye Yun?"

One of the men wearing platinum earrings frowned.

"That's right, it's him! This kid can do it, and he really became the son-in-law of the Murong family!"

The man next to him with dyed green hair said angrily.

The earring man said angrily:

"Damn, did Murong Yan's head twitch, she must hang out with this kid!"

"I have been secretly in love with her for five years since junior high school, and she has never even looked at me!"

"This tone, I can't bear it!"

The green-haired man asked tentatively:

"How about, let's make some trouble for that kid?"

The earring man sneered and said:

"This is possible!"

"Didn't Brother Sheng know a god-man from Russia? I'll ask him to invite that person to come forward and give Ye Yun and Murong Yan a big gift!"

(End of this chapter)

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