Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 591 Are You Here To Show Your Superiority?

Chapter 591 Are You Here To Show Your Superiority?
Ye Yun, Murong Yan, together with Yaya, a family of three addressed the opening ceremony together on the stage.

Half an hour later, the three stepped down to warm applause.

"Hey, it's really Young Master Ye! I haven't seen you for a few years, and he looks more and more handsome. At first glance, I thought I had plastic surgery in Korea!"

"Ha ha!"

Two malicious sneers sounded behind Ye Yun and the others.

Ye Yun and Murong Yan all looked back, only to see a man wearing platinum earrings walking over with a smile.

Beside him was a young man with green hair.

Both of them are very fashionable in their clothes, with luxury brands all over their bodies, and they seem to be from a very wealthy family.

"Shen Junyun! Yang Yuze!"

Ye Yun and Murong Yan pronounced the two names at the same time.

These two have been classmates with Murong Yan since junior high school.

In the first year of junior high school, Chen Junyun began to have a crush on Murong Yan.

He also tried to find a way to ask the girls he had a good relationship with to send Murong Yan a love letter.

However, because Murong Yan is so beautiful, there are countless suitors.

At that time, Shen Junyun was not too outstanding regardless of his family background or personal conditions.

So naturally he couldn't get into Murong Yan's eyes.

Not even a ranking number.

When Murong Yan dropped out of high school, Chen Junyun was still studying. Murong Yan didn't expect that he also came to Tingzhou.

However, Yang Yu is Shen Junyun's childhood friend, and the relationship between the two has always been very good.

Murong Yan did not expect that he would appear here with Chen Junyun.

As for Shen Junyun and Yang Yuze, why did they know Ye Yun.

that is because.

They had friends who were studying at No. [-] High School in Jincheng, where Ye Yun was, and they often went to No. [-] Middle School of the city to play. Over time, they knew Ye Yun's name.

At that time, Ye Yun was notoriously down and out, and was known as a soft persimmon in the city's No. [-] Middle School.

But if anyone is upset, they can bully him a few times.

Both Shen Junyun and Yang Yuze were not good enemies, and they also followed their friends to bully Ye Yun.

Therefore, in their hearts, they were very impressed with Ye Yun.

At that time, the city's No. [-] Middle School's evaluation of Ye Yun was that God rewarded him with a face that eats food, but he is no better than a beggar.

Who knows later.

Suddenly it was revealed that Ye Yun had a relationship with the eldest daughter of the Murong family, the largest family in Jincheng, and Murong Yan had a relationship, which forced Murong Yan to drop out of school and leave the family.

This heavy news not only caused an uproar in most of Jincheng, but also in the whole city No. [-] Middle School.

After Shen Junyun heard the news, he almost lost his breath in shock.

I sighed again and again that God has no eyes, and a flower was stuck on the cow dung.

From then on, he hated Ye Yun very much.

If it wasn't for his father and his family moving to Tingzhou, he would have thought of a way to trouble Ye Yun.

Unexpectedly, Yuanjia Road is narrow, and after five years, they can still meet in Tingzhou.

When he saw Ye Yun for the first time just now, the jealousy and anger in his heart were suddenly aroused.

So just now, there was a strong sense of hostility in the words.

Shen Junyun stepped forward, put his hands on his chest and said:
"I didn't expect Young Master Ye to still remember me, what a great honor!"

"I thought that after I kicked you twice back then, you would hold grudges and pretend you didn't know me!"

Yang Yu showed a sly smile and said:
"It's not two feet, it's three feet plus two slaps."

"I remember, at that time, Young Master Ye wanted to bury his head in the straw pile, but he didn't expect that there were many branches piled up inside, which pierced his nose, and he was bleeding all over. That scene..."

"Tsk tsk, I will never forget it in my life!"

When Murong Yan saw that they brought up the matter of bullying Ye Yun when they came up, she couldn't help frowning and said:

"Are you two here to show off your superiority?"

"If so, I ask you to leave now!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Qian Dedao walked over with the district chief and other people.

Qian Dedao glanced at Chen Junyun and the others, and asked Murong Yan:
"President Murong, do you know each other?"

Murong Yan frowned and nodded:
"Yes, I used to be a classmate."

Shen Junyun smiled and nodded to Qian Dedao:
"President Qian, hello!"

Qian Dedao nodded slightly and said:

"Shen Jinkang, Xiaoshen's father, has grown bigger and bigger in Tingzhou in recent years. He already has two investment guarantee companies, a real estate brokerage company, and a Maserati 4S store under his name. His assets have exceeded tens of billions. .”

"Our deputy mayor of Tingzhou, as well as the head of the security department, are said to have a close relationship with their Shen family. Unexpectedly, it turns out that President Murong also has a relationship with them."

Murong Yan was slightly surprised, she didn't expect Shen Jinkang to have accumulated so much assets in just a few years in Tingzhou after only a few years in Jincheng.

No wonder, Shen Junyun dared to be so unscrupulous, laughing at Ye Yun in front of him.

Murong Yan remembered that when Chen Junyun asked a girl in his class to send her a love letter, she didn't even dare to write her name on it.

Thinking of this, Murong Yan couldn't help showing disdain.

People like Shen Junyun have extremely low self-esteem when they are not in power.

Once you gain power, you will be crazy.

It will never be on the stage!

Seeing the disdain in Murong Yan's eyes, Chen Junyun couldn't help being annoyed, and looked at Ye Yun playfully and said:

"Our Shen family's assets are simply incomparable with the Murong Group."

"Even the Ye family in Jincheng is more important than our Shen family!"

After Qian Dedao came into contact with Ye Yun, he specially got to know some high-class people in Jincheng, but he had never heard of a big family with the surname Ye.

Can't help but ask curiously:

"Is there any big family named Ye in Jincheng?"

Shen Junyun nodded quickly and said:

"Of course, Ye Yun's family used to be an amazing big family!"

Yang Yu added jokingly:
"About four or fifty years ago, the Ye family was a big and famous family in Jincheng."

"That's why Ye Yun has always been honored as Young Master Ye! Hehehe!"

Only then did Qian Dedao come to his senses. It turned out that these two boys were taking the opportunity to laugh at Ye Yun.

Murong Yan saw them taunting Ye Yun twice and three times, and talking about his family background, finally said with a trace of anger:
"Shen Junyun! Yang Yuze! I'll say it one last time, please shut up and get out of here!"

Ye Yun quickly comforted her and said:

"Honey, today is a happy day for the opening of the branch, don't be angry with them, it's not worth it."

If it wasn't for this special day, Ye Yun would have let them die or be disabled long ago, how could he let them be so embarrassing!

However, his words changed in the ears of Shen Junyun and Yang Yuze.

"Murong Yan, look, Ye Yun's temper is still as good as before. He is worthy of being the son-in-law of the Murong family. He can bear it!"

Yang Yu laughed and said:
"For Ye Yun's good temper, you must accept Jun Yun's gift today!"

While speaking, there was a burst of exclamation from the side of the road.

Everyone followed the sound and looked over.

I saw a big red-haired foreigner about two meters tall, holding a huge three-meter-high copper lion in each of his left and right hands, walking towards him with the pace of dragons and tigers.

Every time he took a step, the ground outside the building shook.

Everyone couldn't help but shrink their pupils and exclaimed:
"Such a big copper lion must be at least 10 tons. He can lift it with one hand. It's too scary!"

However, Chen Junyun turned his head, raised his eyebrows at Ye Yun and Murong Yan and said with a smile:

"The gift has arrived!"

(End of this chapter)

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