Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 706 Was Ye Yun Disliked?

Chapter 706 Was Ye Yun Disliked?

"My God! You..."

Qin Xuan was originally proud, but in the blink of an eye, he saw Pan Chongyang being killed by Ye Yun.

Such an astonishing transformation was completely unexpected!

too fast!

It’s too shocking!

Rao was the only son of the Qin family, so he was used to being arrogant and rebellious.

Seeing this scene, I was still so frightened that my heart almost stopped suddenly, and I trembled violently, falling from the chair to the ground.

That appearance, how embarrassing it is, how embarrassing it is!
However, Song Jingguo and others present were even more shocked from ear to ear.

All of them opened their mouths wide open, not knowing what words to use to express their horror at the moment.

Ye Yun, he is clearly a master!
Why, easily killed a gossip sage with a lifespan of more than 200 years?
Is it a coincidence?

Certainly not!

The only explanation is that Ye Yun's real strength has already surpassed the Chongyang Saint.

He is no longer a master!

Finally, the people in the hall came to their senses, and the only thing left was a heart-piercing exclamation.

Ye Yun glanced at Qin Xuan indifferently, and with a move of his right hand, he was sucked in front of him.

One foot stepped on his head, looking down like a giant beast:

"I remember, just now you said, if you kowtow ten times to you, you will let me go."

"Now, what are you going to do to let me let you go?"

Qin Xuan felt like his head was pressing down on a mountain, and his brain was about to burst from the pain. His eyes were about to burst and he said:
"I'll kowtow to you a hundred and a thousand times!"

"As long as you let me go, anything is fine!"

Seeing this, An Xinwei couldn't help shaking his head.

If I knew this earlier, why did I have to be so arrogant?
Obviously, this matter is not so serious, it has to go to such a degree.

If you really don't want to die, you won't die!
As for Song Shuqin and Song Jingguo, they all looked at Ye Yun in awe.

This man is really not to be messed with!

In the past year, it seemed that no matter who provoked him, the final result was miserable.

The Qin family, so what if they got close to the hidden royal family?
Their eldest son, Qin Xuan, was trampled under Ye Yun's feet like a dead dog.

This kind of thing will become a great shame and stain on the Qin family.

Never scrub clean!


While everyone was thinking about it, a sound of bone cracking made everyone's scalp go numb.

Ye Yun stomped off Qin Xuan's left hand.

Then, crush his right hand and two legs.

In the hall, Qin Xuan's screams were extremely sharp, which made people panic.

However, no one dared to make a sound.

It wasn't until he passed out that the hearts of everyone were relieved.

Ye Yun kicked Qin Xuan away, and looked at him like looking at garbage.

For a person like Qin Xuan, making him permanently disabled is far more cruel than killing him.

Are you not arrogant?

Are you not proud?

Well, crush your limbs, break your meridians, and let you live like a pile of mud for the rest of your life.

See how arrogant and proud you are!

Witnessing Ye Yun's brutal methods with their own eyes, Song Jingguo and the others were already trembling all over, their teeth chattering.

"Mr. Ye, please forgive me!"

Song Jingguo's voice was already hoarse, and his eyes were full of helplessness and fear.

An Xinwei scolded angrily:
"shut up!"

He then said to the two secretaries:
"What are you still doing in a daze? Go to a plenary meeting immediately!"

"By the way, everyone here must be thoroughly investigated. Once they find out that they have committed corruption and violated the law, they will be severely punished!"

"Yes, Mayor!"

The two secretaries hurried out the door.

An Xinwei sighed helplessly:

"I didn't expect Jincheng to have so many scumbags. If you really can't touch it, you will be shocked!"

He touched his forehead speechlessly, smiled bitterly at Ye Yun and said:

"Sitting in this position, I realize that there are thousands of difficulties, and nothing is as difficult as managing people."

"In the entire Jincheng, there are thousands of people in a leadership team, which is really overwhelming."

"I really don't know how my sister-in-law can manage such a big Murong Group well at such a young age!"

Ye Yun laughed and said:

"Your sister-in-law is a born business genius, and she is also good at managing people."

He patted An Xinwei on the shoulder and said:
"If you want to learn, she can teach you."

"It just so happens that you haven't been here for a long time, so come to my house for dinner tonight!"

After hearing this, An Xinwei immediately nodded and said with a smile:

"That's a good relationship! Let's have a few more drinks tonight!"

"no problem!"

Ye Yun picked up Yaya and prepared to leave.

An Xinwei hugged Yaya from his arms, and said dotingly:

"Yaya, I'm going to your house for dinner, do you welcome uncle?"

Yaya happily clapped her hands and said:

"Of course you are welcome! Uncle is welcome to visit my house!"

"It's so cute!"

An Xinwei kissed Yaya and held her high, making her giggle.

Before leaving, Ye Yun warned Song Jingguo not to mess around again, otherwise his life would be in danger.

Where did Song Jingguo dare to act recklessly, he quickly kowtowed to promise that he would sincerely repent and try his best to make up for the harm caused to Song Shuqin and their mother and daughter.

Seeing that the matter came to an end, Ye Yun and An Xinwei took Yaya home.

Not long after the three of them returned to Murong Villa, Murong Yan stepped on her high heels and walked in gracefully.

"Xinwei, you are here!"

She greeted An Xinwei warmly.

An Xinwei got up quickly and said:

"Hello, sister-in-law!"

Murong Yan nodded with a smile, put the bag on the cabinet, and then heard the sound of cutting vegetables from the kitchen.

She walked into the kitchen and saw Ye Yun was busy, so she rolled up her sleeves and washed her hands spotlessly.

Ye Yun looked back at her and asked:

"Honey, what are you doing?"

Murong Yan smiled and said:
"Of course I'll help you."

Ye Yun said speechlessly:
"Didn't I tell you not to go into the kitchen?"

Murong Yan quickly said:
"Don't worry, I won't make trouble for you, I'll just do some simple things."

She saw cut fruits on the cutting board beside her, so she took a plate and said:

"Let me pack the fruit for you."

Seeing Xiao Nizi's strong desire to express herself, Ye Yun nodded and said:

"Okay, remember to slow down."

"Know, when I was a child?"

Murong Yan smiled, and raised the cutting board confidently.

She poured all the fruits on the ground.


Ye Yun turned around and looked at her speechlessly.

Murong Yan's snow-white face was instantly dyed red, she lowered her head and said shyly:
"That... I... I thought I could... pour it into a plate."

Ye Yun patted his forehead speechlessly, sighed softly and said:

"The chopping board is so big, and you hold it so high, how can you put the fruit on the plate?"

"Hold the knife under the fruit, or grab it with your hands."

Murong Yan raised her hand shyly, brushed her temple hair, looked at Ye Yun nervously and said:
"Sorry, I was wrong."

Ye Yun shook his head and sighed, what else can he say about this little girl?

Seeing Ye Yun sigh, Murong Yan was so nervous that she could hardly breathe.

I'm so clumsy, did I get disgusted by Ye Yun?

She had never seen him sighing to herself, and her little heart was thumping with fright.

"Ye Yun, are you disappointed?"

She tentatively said.

Ye Yun nodded:


Murong Yan's eyes turned red, and she murmured:
"Sorry, I……"

Before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Ye Yun:
"I'm really disappointed... My wife is obviously a fairy more beautiful than a fairy. She was born to keep her fingers clear of the spring water, and never be contaminated by the turbidity of the world."

"She should be like a pearl, held in the palm of my hand, pampered and pampered. I should put her shining in the sun and shining in the moon, instead of letting her go into the kitchen and do these housework with me .”

"So, I'm disappointed in myself because I didn't do the things I said above."

Murong Yan's eyes instantly became moist.

She didn't expect Ye Yun to say that his mistake was his mistake.

Most importantly, what he said was so touching and beautiful!
Just like the most lingering words between lovers, it is very sad.

How can he be so bad?
How can he be so seductive?

"Ye Yun, you are the biggest and biggest villain!"

"But, I love you like crazy!"

With incomparable affection, Murong Yan threw herself into Ye Yun's arms

(End of this chapter)

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