Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 707 Are you willing to be the queen's man?

Chapter 707 Are you willing to be the queen's man?

The two of them lingered for half an hour, until Yaya walked to the door of the kitchen, and Murong Yan broke free from Ye Yun's arms.

Blushing, biting his lip and slipping away.

She didn't come down until Ye Yun finished cooking.

On that fair and glowing face, she still couldn't hide the blush of happiness.

Seeing this, An Xinwei couldn't help but secretly smiled.

My cousin and sister-in-law are worthy of being a model couple passed down by everyone in Jincheng.

The degree of this affection is even stronger than those lovers who are passionately in love.


An Xinwei asked respectfully:

"Sister-in-law, I'm here today mainly to ask you how to manage a group of people under your command?"

He sighed slightly:

"Since I became the mayor, I have realized how difficult it is to manage people."

"There are hundreds of large and small departments in the entire Jincheng, and there are 6000 to [-] civil servants in office. The management is even more complicated and exhausting!"

"The most important thing is that I think the city does not have enough restraint on them, which has led to many people receiving state salaries to do things that have nothing to do with their jobs, and even damage the official image."

Murong Yan smiled lightly and said:

"I don't know much about your political affairs, but if you want to manage people, I think it should be good to adopt a graded assessment system."

When An Xinwei heard it, his eyes lit up, and he said quickly:
"Sister-in-law, please explain clearly."

Murong Yan continued:
"According to my idea, you can formulate a whole set of assessment system, which is applicable to civil servants in all departments of the city."

"Then, set up an assessment team to conduct a layer-by-layer assessment of all departments below the city government on a quarterly or annual basis. The leader of each department is responsible for the supervision and assessment of the people in the department, and the leaders above him are responsible for their own assessment. assessment."

"In this way, start from the most grassroots civil servants, supervise layer by layer, until you set up a supervision team. String every administrative department into a thread from bottom to top, and you are the one who grabs all the threads."

An Xinwei savors the taste carefully:

"That is to say, in each department, the big leaders are responsible for assessing the middle-level leaders, the middle-level leaders are responsible for assessing the grassroots leaders, and the grassroots leaders are responsible for assessing all the civil servants below, right?"

Murong Yan nodded and said:

"Well, that's what it means. This method is similar to the assessment system of various departments of our group."

"To put it bluntly, it's like a performance appraisal. The person who reads the report card at the end is you."

Upon hearing this, An Xinwei immediately clapped his hands and praised:
"Wonderful! Really wonderful!"

"Using the way of shopping malls to manage the administrative department is indeed very thoughtful!"

Murong Yan smiled and said:

"Of course, because of the large number of people, it is inevitable that there will be overstaffing."

"In order to minimize this problem, when the time comes, you can also adopt the method of mutual supervision and competition at the same level, so as to add some competition atmosphere between departments at the same level."

After hearing this, An Xinwei suddenly became enlightened, nodded one after another and said:

"Okay, okay! Just do it according to your sister-in-law!"

He then filled a glass of wine, stood up and respectfully raised his glass and said:
"Sister-in-law, without your guidance and support, I, An Xinwei, wouldn't be able to get to where I am today!"

"Let me toast you first to express my thanks!"

After speaking, he boldly drank a whole glass of white wine.

Murong Yan quickly stretched out her hand to signal him to sit down and said:
"It's all a family, don't be so polite."

An Xinwei nodded and smiled:
"It should be, it should be!"

Ye Yun looked at Murong Yan with admiration and said:

"My wife, with your talent, if you want to enter politics, you will definitely become a female leader of the country like Teresa and Merle."

Murong Yan shyly said:

"How can I be so powerful?"

Ye Yun nodded seriously:
"I say there is!"

"You'll be fine even if you're a queen!"

After hearing this, Murong Yan felt sweet in her heart, she cast a wink at Ye Yun and said:

"Then... are you willing to be the queen's man?"

Ye Yun nodded and smiled:

"Of course! In my heart, you are like a queen."

There was happiness in Murong Yan's eyes, and she smiled blushingly.

Just when he wanted to continue teasing Ye Yun, he saw An Xinwei and Yaya looking at them.

Immediately, he couldn't help but lowered his head in shame, glanced at Ye Yun and said:

"Don't talk about these messes, it's better... let's eat first."

An Xinwei quickly turned his head and said:

"Sister-in-law, you continue, just pretend that I don't exist!"

Yaya also said:

"That's right! When Papa and Mama fall in love, we will automatically become invisible!"

It was fine if the two of them didn't talk, but when they talked, Murong Yan was so ashamed that she almost felt ashamed.

She coughed and said shyly:
"I...I still have some things I haven't done just now, you guys eat first!"

After finishing speaking, he lowered his head and ran upstairs.

An Xinwei smiled and gave Ye Yun a thumbs up:


"I can digest this dog food for at least a month."

Ye Yun held up his wine glass quite complacently and said:

"Calm down, this is just a daily operation."

Afterwards, he stuffed a piece of lean meat into Yaya's mouth with a doting face, and said with a smile:
"Eat more, baby, and behave well in the devil's capital tomorrow."

Yaya's little mouth was stuffed, and she made an OK gesture:
"There is a problem with rice!"


the next morning.

Ye Yun took Yaya to Meidun International Kindergarten, followed the school bus to Shanghai.

This time I went to Shanghai, mainly under the organization of Meidun International Kindergarten. Parents accompanied their children to learn and communicate with the small class students of Tomorrow Star International Kindergarten in Shanghai.

Such activities are indispensable at the beginning of each semester in aristocratic kindergartens like Meidun.

Moreover, Yaya thought that there are still many interesting places in Shanghai, so she naturally seemed very happy.

Along the way, the little girl and Tang Zhizhen chatted and laughed, the crisp, sweet and childish laughter, like the singing of an angel, was very moving.

About three hours later, the school bus arrived at the parking lot of Tomorrow Star International Kindergarten.

Outside the parking lot, a group of teachers and students had already put up welcome signs to welcome the children and parents of Meiton’s small class.

After Ye Yun and Yaya got off the car, they unexpectedly saw a familiar figure standing among the crowd of Ming Ri Xing.

She wore double ponytails and a slightly professional suit.

That originally petite body was outlined with a strong sense of fullness.

But see.

The autumn wind is blowing, and the maple leaves are like fire.

That flaming red floated past her fair-skinned Shengyu's arm, exuding a breathtaking beauty.

In the swaying breeze, the strands of blue hair swayed gently, just like her soft and affectionate eyes, shining with a hint of surprise.

Yaya pointed at her with surprise and said:

"Papa, look, it's Aunt Mengfan!"

(End of this chapter)

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