Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 708 You don't have to go anywhere!

Chapter 708 You don't have to go anywhere!

An Mengfan also saw Ye Yun and Yaya, those beautiful and bright eyes were full of surprise.

She hurried forward and said happily:

"Ye Yun, it turns out that Yaya is studying in Meiton!"

Ye Yun nodded and smiled:

Yaya asked curiously:
"Aunt Mengfan, aren't you a student? Why did you become a teacher in this school?"

An Mengfan pampered the little girl's head and said:
"The principal of this school is my dad's friend. I took advantage of the summer vacation to come here for an internship."

"Because of the course, I will stay here for another week before I can go back to school."

Yaya nodded and said:
"Oh, it turned out to be Jiang Zi."

"But I'm so happy to see you, Aunt Mengfan!"

An Mengfan kissed the little girl and said with a smile:
"I'm very happy too!"

She took Yaya's little hand and said to Ye Yun:

"Go in first, and when the morning activities are over, shall we go have dinner together?"

Ye Yun nodded indifferently, and followed her and Yaya into the kindergarten.

lunch time.

An Mengfan took Ye Yun and Yaya to a western restaurant located two streets away from Tomorrow Star International Kindergarten.

An Mengfan held up the red wine and said:

"Ye Yun, I haven't had time to thank you in person for what happened to the Yuan family last time."

"This glass of wine represents my gratitude to you!"

Since Zijin Dragon Emperor visited the Yuan family last time, the Yuan family never made things difficult for An's family and forced An Zhibang to marry An Mengfan over.

Therefore, An Mengfan has lived very comfortably recently.

Of course, the person who helped her was always lingering in her heart.

The more I see you, the more I miss you.

Helpless, Jun is married.

She could only bury this feeling deeply in her heart.

She was still shy like a girl, not daring to disturb his life.

I just hope that one day, it is a gift from God to be able to meet again.

Unexpectedly, I was able to meet him in Tomorrow Star Kindergarten.

So at this time, a glass of red wine is like her red heart, full of strong love and admiration.

Ye Yun smiled slightly and said:

"You are Welcome."

The glasses clink together.

An Mengfan could only feel his heart tremble.

Pursing her red lips, she drank the wine in the glass in a very elegant posture.

Da da da!
Just when An Mengfan was about to pour wine for Ye Yun, there was a sound of footsteps.

A fierce momentum rushed towards him.

Looking up, I saw a dozen tall and thick men in suits walking in from the door.

The first one saw An Mengfan, waved his hand immediately, and walked over here.

"Your name is An Mengfan?"

An Mengfan put down the wine bottle, Liu Mei frowned slightly and said:
"Yes, who are you?"

The man sneered and didn't answer, but waved his hand and said:
"Take her away!"

Immediately, two big men rushed forward aggressively, trying to catch An Mengfan.

Seeing this, Ye Yun threw a burst of Gang Qi, knocking the two into the air and said:

"Why arrest people?"

The leading man frowned, showing vigilance and saying:
"This kid knows martial arts, everyone show him!"

A dozen people all pulled out a gun from their waists, pointing at Ye Yun with a dark muzzle, with boundless murderous intent.

When the customers in the restaurant saw this, they all exclaimed, and they were so frightened that they ran away from the door.

The leading man sneered and said:

"Boy, I advise you to sit still. It's best not to worry about things that have nothing to do with you!"

"Otherwise, our bullets don't have eyes!"

Ye Yun glanced at him lightly and said:

"Draw your guns casually in broad daylight, you guys are so courageous."

"Why don't you tell me where you came from and let me hear?"

The man laughed loudly and said disdainfully:
"So what if I tell you!"

"We are from the Lu family in the magical city!"

"Now our second young master has taken a fancy to An Mengfan and wants to take her back. If you want to die, you can stop him!"

His words were very arrogant, and his reckless aura seemed to regard human life as nothing.


On the contrary, An Mengfan's face froze when he heard the name of the Lu family.

Ye Yun glanced at her lightly:
"The Lu family is very powerful?"

He has been to Shanghai several times, and he is already familiar with the major forces in Shanghai.

In the capital city, the Wang family led by Wang Zude was the first to take the lead.

Then there are Zhou family, Liu family, Yuan family and so on.

I've never heard of it, but there is also a Lu family.

When the leading man heard Ye Yun's question, he couldn't help showing disdain:

"Even our Lu family didn't know, it turned out to be a little red guy from other places!"

The group of people behind him also showed disdainful smiles.

An Mengfan said nervously:

"The Lu family wasn't originally among the four major families in Shanghai, but it was ranked sixth last year."

"However, since the decline of the Chen family and rumors that the Zhou family was abolished in one go, the three great magic gods, the Lu family jumped up and became the third largest family today, second only to the Liu family in strength."

After a pause, her throat was a little dry due to extreme nervousness, so she took a sip of water and continued:
"I have a classmate who is quite familiar with people from the Lu family. She once told me that the Lu family not only has a lot of connections in China's martial arts world, but also has very deep connections in China's military industry."

"In the past few years, relying on the cooperation with the military industry department, Lu Jiaguang has accumulated more than 700 billion assets, and his strength is terrifying!"

"Ye Yun, you... don't get involved, the problem this time is more difficult!"

She said, buried her head deeply.

She already knew who encouraged people from the Lu family to arrest her.

But what's the use of that?

Today's Lu family is much more vicious than the Yuan family.

She didn't want Ye Yun to get involved again, if he and Yaya were put in danger, she would never forgive herself!

Seeing her frightened and helpless look, the leading man couldn't help but proudly said:

"It's right to know that you are afraid!"

"Our Lu family is more than what you said, since you know how powerful we are, then come with us!"

He glanced at Ye Yun and said:

"It can be seen that you are interested in this little boy, so take the initiative, don't force us to take action, and be careful not to hurt your sweetheart!"

An Mengfan bit her lip and nodded, she had already made the worst plan in her heart.

Rather Stick to your guns!
But before the jade is broken, she wants to teach that bastard from the Lu family a lesson.

Let him understand that women in this world are not at his mercy!

But, just when she was about to get up, a faint voice sounded:

"You don't have to go anywhere, just have a good meal here."

"As for the Lu family, they are nothing more than chickens and dogs, so don't take it to heart."

Hearing this, the man in the lead was furious and said:

"Little boy, are you fucking looking for death?"

"Do you think I dare not shoot you? Huh?"

Say, click!With a sound, the bullet was loaded, and he was about to shoot at Ye Yun's knee.


Boom! ! !

A gust of wind pressed down from the top of their heads, and they all fell to the ground.

It can be seen with the naked eye that everyone's body seems to be broken at this time, and they can't even move their fingers.

An Mengfan watched this scene in horror, feeling his heart pounding.


Ye Yun made a move, the Lu family will not let him go!
(End of this chapter)

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