Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 712 Ye Yun!You are mine now!

Chapter 712 Ye Yun!You are mine now!

I see.

Wearing a red dress like fire.

A black hair like a waterfall.

Her white arms, like lotus roots carved from beautiful jade, shone brightly under the light of the fire.

The tight calf under the skirt is already polished and exquisite.

On her ivory-like smooth feet, she wore a pair of bright red high-heeled shoes, like a flame burning on her feet.

Very gorgeous!

Very charming!
"Wow, Yi Wanru tonight is so beautiful!"

At this moment, even though she was as beautiful as An Mengfan, she couldn't help exclaiming along with the crowd.


Everyone immediately frowned slightly.

Yi Wanru's temperament seems to be very unusual, there is an indescribable weirdness.

She has long black hair, a red dress, and a pair of red shoes, which makes people look a little panicked.

However, Yi Wanru smiled brightly like the sun, waved to the crowd and said:

"Everyone is here, thank you so much for coming!"

Following the gazes of many girls, she immediately saw Ye Yun who was surrounded by stars.

She immediately lifted the hem of her skirt, ran up to Ye Yun excitedly, and said with a charming smile:
"It turns out that handsome Ye Da is also here, what a surprise!"

Ye Yun glanced at her indifferently, but didn't speak to her.

Yi Wanru wasn't embarrassed either, she lowered her delicate body, and a strong fragrant wind blew out, and she sat down beside Ye Yun.

Only then did I notice An Mengfan and Wen Pingting beside Ye Yun, and asked with a smile:
"Are you coming too?"

An Mengfan and Wen Pingting nodded at the same time. It seemed that Yi Wanru didn't know what happened during the day.

Yi Wanru nodded, with a look of satisfaction in her eyes.

Then, pointing to a tent in the distance, he said to Ye Yun:

"Handsome Ye, since you're here, why don't we go there and have a chat?"

When the girls heard this, they couldn't help being slightly surprised.

I didn't expect Yi Wanru to be so straightforward, inviting Ye Yun and her to be alone.

As for what to do, you don't have to think about it.

Ye Yun shook his head and smiled:
"No, I'm just here to play with my daughter."

Yi Wanru smiled:

"Then do whatever you want, I'm not in a hurry."

An Mengfan felt that there was something in her words, but Ye Yun remained calm, so she couldn't say much.

Afterwards, a grand bonfire party began under the host of Yi Wanru.

These young and lively female students tried their best to surround Ye Yun, and they felt so happy that they were about to faint if they could talk to him more.

A few extroverts even wanted to have intimate physical contact with Ye Yun.

But Ye Yun had already blessed a small formation by his side, keeping all these female students aside.

Time flows like water.

In the blink of an eye, it was midnight.

Looking up, a dark cloud covered the moonlight, and the night was dark and windy.

A strange wind suddenly blew up.

The girls only felt a chill in their bodies, and goose bumps popped up all over their bodies.

Yi Wanru stared at Ye Yun with a pair of deep eyes and said:

"Handsome Ye, don't you want to chat with me about life?"

Ye Yun smiled slightly and said:

"If there is anything, just solve it here."

"You can really let go!"

Yi Wanru giggled coquettishly.

Suddenly his expression turned cold, and his originally fair skin, as if it had been frozen for a hundred years, instantly became extremely pale.

At the same time, a strong smell of blood rose into the sky.

In the air, countless streams of blood flowed into her body frantically, making a gurgling sound.

However, her body is also undergoing rapid changes.

She lowered her head with a horrible rattling from her neck!Voice.

Both hands and feet were extremely twisted, and after a full circle, they returned to their original positions.

Then, her head also turned around, and when she returned to the front, she suddenly clicked!With a sound, it fell on the chest.

Between the head and the body, there is only a thin muscle hanging.

The scarlet tongue, more than a meter long, was dragged out of her mouth, very scary.

At this moment, there is blood, a distorted body, a falling head, and a huge long tongue.

There is nowhere that is not terrifying.

How can Yi Wanru still look like before?
"Hisss! Ghost!"

"It's scary! What kind of ghost is this, why is it so scary!"

For a moment, all the girls were paralyzed to the ground in fright, feeling cold all over and unable to get up.

Yaya, on the other hand, opened her eyes wide and looked at Yi Wanru excitedly. She couldn't help clapping her hands and laughing:
"What a cute ghost!"

"Papa, can I pull her tongue?"

Ye Yun shook his head and smiled:

"Dirty, just look at it, don't touch it."

The little girl had no choice but to sigh helplessly, nodded and snuggled into Ye Yun's arms.


Yi Wanru's neck turned a big circle, a pair of eyeballs slowly rolled out of the eye sockets, looked at Ye Yun and said:
"Ye Yun, if you don't want to be a mandarin duck in the world with me, then be a ghost couple."

Ye Yun smiled disdainfully:
"A mere ghost king dares to be so presumptuous?"

Yi Wanru giggled and said:
"Since you know that I am the ghost king, why don't you just catch me with nothing?"

Ye Yun said lightly:
"You can't do it."


Yi Wanru sneered:
"I know you are a master of martial arts, but your cultivation is not worth mentioning in my eyes!"

"Since you took the initiative to send it tonight, I must make you my ghost husband!"

"You are doomed!"

After she finished speaking, she let out a growl, which was very sharp and unpleasant, like a sharp knife cutting across a stone.

I saw that she opened her mouth and spit out a thick stream of blood.

The blood flow then exploded in the air, turning into countless scarlet rays of light, falling on the crowd.

Only two or three seconds later, except for An Mengfan and Wen Pingting who were beside Ye Yun, the other girls screamed and got up from the ground with blood flowing from their bodies, which was extremely terrifying.

"Ye Yun, what happened to them?"

An Mengfan's eyes were red with fright, and his body kept shaking.

Ye Yun said lightly:
"They are all under control. Yi Wanru should have already started before we came."

"You're right!"

Yi Wanru sneered:
"I originally wanted to devour their souls in the middle of the night, and then take over their bodies, and live in their appearance."

"But now that you're here, I'll kill you first, and then I'll be a ghost couple with you in a different way every day."

"Ye Yun, men are half-hearted. They eat from the bowl and look at the pot. I change someone to be with you every day. You should be very happy, right?"


Her laugh was terrifying and sinister.

An Mengfan and Wen Pingting only felt the hairs all over their bodies suddenly stand up, and their whole bodies were extremely cold.

"It's terrible! She actually wanted to kill Ye Yun, and even with him..."

The madness and terror of this ghost king is really creepy.

Ye Yun just shook his head and smiled when he heard the words. This ghost king has a lot of ideas, but it's a pity that he found the wrong person.

"You are actually laughing, it seems that my thoughts have moved you very much!"

"Since that's the case, I won't show mercy!"

Yi Wanru gave a cold drink, and raised her hands high.

"Thousands of ghosts and souls!"

Hundreds of bloody lights shot up into the sky, and the huge blood-red mask immediately covered everyone tightly.

At the same time, crackling electric currents sounded in the photomask.

Countless blood-red lightning bolts flew in the air with a strong smell of blood.

"This formation lasts for 10 years. No matter whether you are a master or a congenital master, once the formation is completed, you will be doomed!"

"Ye Yun, you are mine now! Hehehe!"


The countless streaks of blood-colored lightning gathered together immediately, turning into a ten-meter-long blood sword, which was aimed at Ye Yun and struck down.

Seeing this, An Mengfan and Wen Pingting's eyes burst into tears and said:

"Ye Yun, get out of the way!"

How terrifying is the 10-year-old ancient formation?
An Mengfan and Wen Pingting felt a murderous aura more terrifying than the Phaseless God and Buddha at the same time.

They couldn't help worrying about Ye Yun.

However, he saw that Ye Yun held Yaya calmly and slowly raised his hand to face the blood sword.

"Aren't you hiding?"

Yi Wanru said in surprise.

Could it be that Ye Yun was really moved by himself?
That's fine too!

In order to keep his heart, I don't mind killing a few more young and beautiful girls, and being ghost couples with him for life and life.


A white light shot out from Ye Yun's fingertips, crushing the huge blood sword in an instant.

Then, that ray of white light shot forward, piercing the entire mask.

The ancient formation known as 10 years ago, the Thousand Ghosts Killing Soul Formation, is broken!

"how can that be?!"

Yi Wanru let out a loud cry, took two steps back, and accidentally tripped over her own tongue and fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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