Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 713 His Murong Yan is so unforgettable!

Chapter 713 His Murong Yan is so unforgettable!
"You actually... broke my Thousand Ghosts Slaughtering Soul Formation?"

Yi Wanru's body was trembling, and the blood in her eyes, nostrils, and ears was flowing out desperately.

In the blink of an eye, her body was covered with blood stains, which was terrifying.

Ye Yun smiled lightly and said:

"A mere 10-year-old formation is nothing more than a chicken and a dog!"


Ye Yun's words made Yi Wanru's body tremble uncontrollably.

In the eyes of the women, she was extremely terrifying.

However, in her eyes, Ye Yun is the most terrifying person.

Even the 10-year-old ghost-slaying formation was shattered under his fingers.

Such ability, even King Yama can't match it!
"You... who are you?"

Yi Wanru asked nervously.

Ye Yun said lightly:
"The one who killed you."

After saying that, Yi Wanru opened her eyes and screamed, wanting to run away.

But, in front of Ye Yun, is there any way to escape?

Ye Yun moved his fingers, and a terrifying white light shot towards Yi Wanru.

"Ah! Don't kill me, please spare me!"

"I was also forced to be helpless! Until now, I have never killed anyone, woo woo woo!"

Yi Wanru was so frightened that she lay on the ground, her mouth was covered with purple-black blood, flowing outwards.

In the eyes, there were no tears, only blood kept flowing out.

The air was full of her incomparably stench.

Just listen to her sobbing:

"Ye Yun, please spare me! I'm just a lonely ghost. I have practiced casually for thousands of years before I reached the realm of ghost king."

"For so many years, my cultivation base has been increased by devouring little ghosts, and I have not harmed innocent humans!"

With Ye Yun's backing, An Mengfan was no longer so afraid, so he asked:

"You have killed so many girls, how dare you say that you didn't kill innocent people?"

Yi Wanru cried:

"It's all my fault. I have become greedy recently. I want to take their wonderful bodies and use their shells to survive!"

"But before this, I really hadn't done this kind of thing!"

Ye Yun nodded slightly.

He could tell that Yi Wanru's words were not watery.

An Mengfan asked:

"But you keep introducing female classmates to the rich kids in society, isn't that true?"

Yi Wanru lowered her head in shame, nodded and said:
"Yes, I do have sinister intentions towards some girls."

"That's because my obsession is at work. To tell you the truth, 1000 years ago, I was just a daughter of a poor family, but I fell in love with a rich boy and wanted to be with him for the rest of my life."

"But helplessly, we are not in the right family, this marriage was interfered with by their family, because I would not give up to the death, they paid for thugs, beat me to death, and threw me into the Yangtze River. "

"Since then, my soul has been unable to dissipate, but my resentment has become more and more serious. In the end, I did not enter the underworld, did not reincarnate, and became a lonely ghost."

An Mengfan heard her experience was so miserable, he couldn't help but shook his head and sighed:
"So, you keep encouraging female students to make friends with some wealthy disciples in order to dissipate your obsession, right?"

Yi Wanru said in shame:


An Mengfan stopped talking. As a woman, she also sympathized with this ghost king's experience.

Yaya also showed a trace of pity and said:
"Papa, so this ghost is very pitiful!"

After hearing this, Yi Wanru bowed her head to the ground and kowtowed repeatedly:

"Ye Yun, please let me go, from now on, I promise I will never do anything wrong again!"

Ye Yun said lightly:
"Your obsession has not disappeared, letting you go is tantamount to letting the tiger go back to the mountain."

Any evil spirit, all motives of TA come from obsession.

If the obsession is not eliminated, TA will keep doing the same thing until the obsession is eliminated, and then he will be freed.

Yaya pulled Ye Yun and said:

"Then Papa, can you tell her not to do bad things without killing her?"

Ye Yun smiled slightly:
"It's simple."

With a flick of his fingers, a small ball of bright golden light appeared, and he said:

"You have been tortured by resentment for thousands of years. Today, I will help you re-enter the avenue of reincarnation, reincarnate in the next life, and start a new life."

When Yi Wanru heard it, the blood in her eyes spurted out frantically:

"Thank you, Ye Yun!"

"I will definitely not drink Mengpo soup, and I will repay your great kindness in the next life!"

Ye Yun shook his head slightly:

"No need."

With a movement of the finger, golden light shot into Yi Wanru's forehead.

Then the air became extremely fresh, and the thick blood flow disappeared in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, the bodies of the manipulated female students all returned to their original state.

The dark clouds in the sky also dissipated, and the bright moonlight shone on the banks of the Green Willow Lake again.

An Mengfan and Wen Pingting hurried forward to help Yi Wanru who had fallen on the ground.

Seeing that she was breathing steadily and her expression was normal, she felt relieved.

"Ye Yun, you are really amazing!"

"Besides, you have done another great deed, saving a woman who has been tortured for thousands of years."

"You said, am I still...worthy to be your friend?"

An Mengfan's eyes trembled.

I thought that I would definitely die today, so I spoke out the love hidden in my heart.

Never thought about it, things turned around again and again, Ye Yun exceeded her imagination again and again.

Seeing that Ye Yun is so capable, and I am just an ordinary college student.

She was a little worried about whether she was worthy of being friends with him in the future.

Ye Yun shook his head and smiled:

"I don't need friends."

An Mengfan's eyes darkened.


People like him don't take themselves seriously.

"But Yaya needs it, so you can be friends with her."

Just when An Mengfan was extremely lost, Ye Yun's voice sounded again.

Looking up, he had already stood up holding Yaya.

The little girl waved her little hand at An Mengfan and said:

"Aunt Mengfan, we are home!"

"My dad is right, you will always be my friend, and you will never change at all!"

An Mengfan got up and smiled speechlessly.

There were tears of joy in his eyes.

All I want is this simple relationship!


After Ye Yun and Yaya left, about a quarter of an hour later, Yi Wanru woke up.

She bowed to the girls with guilt on her face:

"I'm sorry students, I almost hurt you."

Everyone shook their heads, Wen Pingting said:
"Forget it Wanru, you are also a victim, and we don't blame you."

Yi Wanru bit her lip, lowered her head and said:
"Actually, it's also my fault that I love vanity too much. I always rely on my good looks and imagine that I can meet some rich kids and fly on the branches and become a phoenix."

"But the appearance of Ye Yun made me realize how shallow and insignificant I am."

She raised her head slightly, her eyes trembling and said:
"Actually, it's good that I didn't meet him. It's really sad for a woman to see a man like him."

"Because, in our whole life, we will never meet a man like him again."

Although she is controlled by the ghost king, is the ghost king's words not from her heart?
For a moment, she even hoped that the ghost king could really defeat Ye Yun, so that she could live together with him.

However, the reality told her that this was impossible!

She will never, ever be worthy of a man like Ye Yun!

In front of him, the mere ghost king is as insignificant as an ant!

When An Mengfan and the other girls heard this, they all showed a hint of lamentation.

Many of them are innocent female college students, living in the ivory tower on the university campus, full of fantasies about love.

Ye Yun's appearance satisfied all their fantasies.


I hate to meet each other, when I was not married.

Even if we meet, there is only one sigh.

Just because, his Murong Yan was too outstanding and beautiful, which made him unforgettable.

Who can replace Murong Yan and make him fascinated?
A group of girls, because of Ye Yun, felt melancholy like a broken love at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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