Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 714 Yaya Shows Love!

Chapter 714 Yaya Shows Love!
After returning from the devil's capital, time was as quiet as water, but unconsciously, it flowed for a long time.

On Saturday morning, the sky is bright and clear, and the wind is smooth.

In Murong Villa, Yaya is sitting on the sofa watching TV.

Suddenly, on Zhonghai Children's TV Station, a public service advertisement was inserted, which made the little girl's eyes shine.

A beautiful person, with an angelic smile, said to the camera:
"Every child is an angel bestowed upon us by God, and the smile of a child is the most dazzling sunshine in the world."

"Let us dedicate our love, care for all orphans and widows, and use our love to light the candles of their smiles."

"Please pay attention to Jiangcheng New Hope Orphanage, and give the seedlings of the motherland the wings to fly!"

After the slogan ended, several photos of the New Hope Orphanage and the bright smiling faces of the orphans were shown below.

Yaya was very moved when she saw it.

He hurriedly pulled Ye Yun to sit on the sofa and said:

"Papa, look, this is the orphanage built by Aunt Xuewei, it's really big!"

Ye Yun nodded slightly.

Chen Yajing said before that Luo Xuewei has been busy with the construction of Jiangcheng Orphanage recently.

Looking at the situation, the two orphanages are now on the right track.

She recorded a public service advertisement on Zhonghai Children's Channel, hoping to attract widespread attention from the society.

After all, no matter how big the orphanage is, the number of children that can be rescued is limited.

Only by attracting the attention of the whole society and calling for the love of all, can these orphans be helped to the greatest extent.

"Papa, I want to help those children like Aunt Xuewei!"

After the commercial was over, Yaya jumped to the ground.

She rolled her beautiful big eyeballs and said:

"I want to dedicate some old clothes, toys and books at home to Aunt Xuewei's orphanage."

"Papa, can you help me tidy up together?"

The little girl wants to show her love, of course Ye Yun is willing to help, so he nodded and said:

"it is good!"

The little girl showed a happy smile, and hurriedly dragged Ye Yun to her room.

The two of them worked hard for a full two hours, and finally sorted out three big bags of clothes, toys, books, and some delicious snacks.

"Papa, let's go now!"

The little girl couldn't wait to deliver the things to those orphans, and then she used Ye Yun's mobile phone to send a voice message to Luo Xuewei:
"Aunt Xuewei, Papa and I are going to Jiangcheng, guess what we are going to do?"

Immediately, a sweet and slightly hoarse and charming voice replied:
"Auntie guesses, you want to eat the meal made by Auntie, right?"

"Haha, you guessed wrong!"

Yaya smiled triumphantly:
"You'll know when we get there!"

Luo Xuewei replied with a smile:

"Okay, I'll wait for you to come over!"

When Ye Yun brought Yaya to Luo's house in Jiangcheng.

Luo Xuewei, still like a noble and beautiful swan, waited eagerly.

Her ponytail is gently rippling in the breeze, like a girl's tender heart floating in a lover's river of love.

An emerald green chiffon dress complemented her extremely fair skin, solidifying the years.

Let her look like a young girl in the jade age.

"Baby, can you tell auntie now, what are you going to do?"

Luo Xuewei moved lightly with lotus steps, came to the side of the car with incomparable joy, gave Ye Yun a soft look, then hugged Yaya out of the car and asked.

Yaya led her to the trunk, opened it, pointed to the package inside and smiled:
"I want to show my love!"

"Aunt Xuewei, I saw your advertisement on Zhonghai TV, and I want to help those children like you!"

Luo Xuewei pampered her little nose and said with a smile:
"What a caring ghost, auntie thank you on behalf of the children!"

"No thanks no thanks!"

Yaya said urgently:

"Then let's go to the orphanage now!"

The little girl was always in a hurry, which made Luo Xuewei dumbfounded.

After getting into the car, Luo Xuewei glanced at Ye Yun affectionately, and said:
"Ye Yun, recently I heard rumors that the Flower Poison Sect in southern Xinjiang has sent people to investigate the reason for the collapse of the Jiangcheng branch."

"I think they will find you soon."

Ye Yun smiled indifferently:
"It's okay."

Luo Xuewei shook her head and said:

"These little guys, of course don't care."

"But I heard that the leader of the Flower Poison Sect is an extraordinary existence with great supernatural powers."

"Furthermore, the Flower Poison Sect is located in southern Xinjiang. It is good at using thousands of kinds of strange poisons. It is said that it is easy to hide with open guns, but hard to guard against hidden arrows. If their leader uses tricks secretly, I am afraid that you will suffer."

Naturally, she would not worry that Ye Yun's life would be in danger.

However, those people taught by Huadu, all kinds of covert methods are hard to guard against.

She couldn't bear to hurt Ye Yun even a little bit.

Ye Yun looked like he didn't take it seriously, and smiled:
"Talk about the earth, even in the whole universe, there are no people who can make me suffer."

Seeing his indifferent expression, Luo Xuewei could only smile and said:

"Okay, then let's ignore this and go and see the children."

Yaya said with a smile:

"Aunt Xuewei, you like children so much, you must have more siblings in the future."

Luo Xuewei blushed, bit her lip and shook her head:

"Auntie...hasn't thought about this yet."

She glanced at Ye Yun faintly.

On that day, I was almost humiliated by Li Wenxing, but fortunately Ye Yun came in time to stay innocent.

I thought, give myself to him, so that there will be no regrets in this life.

Unexpectedly, he was still the same and refused without hesitation.

This made her completely understand that this man's state of mind is definitely beyond her imagination.

But, for her, love is love.

All his life, he was always on his mind.

In her father's words, she has gone crazy and can't turn back.

Only wait.

Wait endlessly.

I hope that one day, with sincerity and sincerity, gold and stone are the same, so that he can give him a little chance.

Even if there is no regret in this life.

As for having a child, she doesn't even dare to hope now.

Her eyes were gloomy, but she saw Ye Yun turn his head indifferently.

Immediately, he couldn't help but blushed, lowered his head shyly, glanced ahead and said:


The three got out of the car afterwards, and because she didn't want to make a big show, Luo Xuewei didn't call anyone over, but went to the trunk by herself to get something.

Ye Yun said lightly:
"Let me do it."

Luo Xuewei had no choice but to hold Yaya and follow behind him.

After the three of them entered the orphanage, Yaya was stunned by the sight in front of her.

As an orphanage built under the personal supervision of Luo Xuewei, New Hope's hardware facilities and environmental facilities are all super first-class.

It is no exaggeration to say that the entire orphanage looks like a five-star resort hotel at first glance.

Although, Yaya has seen a few photos on TV.

However, compared with what I saw with my own eyes, there is still a world of difference.

"Aunt Xuewei, you are really amazing!"

The little girl couldn't help giving Luo Xuewei a thumbs up.

Luo Xuewei smiled slightly and said:

"In the end, you should still praise your papa."

"I wouldn't be able to do this without him."

Yaya naturally remembered that it was her papa who helped Aunt Xuewei get to where she is today, so she nodded and said:
"That's right, never forget, my most beloved daddy in the universe!"

Ye Yun and Luo Xuewei shook their heads and smiled, this little girl can really speak!


Suddenly there was a burst of crying from the side of the road, which broke the joy and laughter of the three.

Luo Xuewei and Yaya couldn't help frowning.

Yaya quickly followed the sound and ran over, only to see a little girl shivering shivering in the grass.

"Sister, what's the matter with you?"

Yaya asked with concern.

Just when she approached the little girl, she was dumbfounded by the scene before her.

I saw that on the little girl's exposed arm, there were more than a dozen purple-red scars as thick as thumbs.


Yaya couldn't help but gasped, and exclaimed:
"Sister, who beat you like this?"

(End of this chapter)

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