Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 715 How much background do you have, why not tell me!

Chapter 715 How much background do you have, why not tell me!

The little girl cried in horror, shook her head violently and said:

"I don't know! I can't tell! Nothing!"

Luo Xuewei squatted down, looked at her tenderly and said:

"What's the matter, can you tell Auntie?"

"Auntie will definitely help you, no matter who hits you, Auntie will teach him a lesson!"

The little girl saw Luo Xuewei being so caring, the tenderness in her eyes, a kind of maternal care, she gritted her teeth and nodded:

"Auntie, it was Aunt Wang who hit me."

Luo Xuewei frowned slightly:
"Which Aunt Wang?"

New Hope has two orphanages in total, and Luo Xuewei personally participated in formulating all the rules and regulations.

Although, she didn't come forward directly, and clarified all the requirements for all employees.

However, the deans of the two orphanages were all selected by her, and she was qualified only after undergoing strict training and assessment.

Logically speaking.

Every director will strictly follow the management system and require all employees in the entire orphanage to regulate their behavior.

Among them, not beating and humiliating any child is a red line.

Anyone who dares to offend will be punished severely!
Luo Xuewei did not expect that in broad daylight, someone would dare to beat a child like this.

Seeing that Luo Xuewei was a little angry, the little girl knew that she was on her side wholeheartedly, so she boldly said:
"It's our administrator, Aunt Wang. She is so fierce that she beats us every day."

"Just yesterday, she knocked out Zhang Ziheng's several teeth, bleeding all over the place, and she didn't stop."

When Luo Xuewei heard this, two blushes could not help but appear on her pretty face, and her jade hands trembled slightly, obviously very angry.

"What a administrator, Aunt Wang, her heart is more poisonous than snakes and scorpions!"

Orphanage administrators, to put it bluntly, are like kindergarten teachers.

In charge of a group of children's daily life, in every aspect, just like the children's mother.

Now, in such an important position, there is actually a femme fatale.

It is conceivable how much hardship the children have to face her every day.

Luo Xuewei lovingly picked up the little girl, turned her head and looked at Ye Yun with shame:
"Ye Yun, I..."

Ye Yun nodded lightly:
"I know, it's none of your business."

"Your starting point is good, but people's hearts are unpredictable. Not everyone will treat others as kindly as you do."

After hearing this, Luo Xuewei couldn't help but blushed, revealing a hint of joy:
"You don't blame me, but you still praise me?"

Ye Yun shook his head:

"I'm just teaching Yaya how to judge things, to clarify the concept of right and wrong."

Luo Xuewei couldn't help shaking her head and smiling, his heart is as hard as a rock, how could he change so easily?
However, anyway, if he said that he treats people kindly, that would be considered a boast of himself.

Luo Xuewei couldn't help feeling a little sweet in her heart.

The little girl looked at the two of them and said to Yaya:

"Little sister, I really envy you for having such good parents."

Luo Xuewei couldn't help but blushed and shook her head shyly.

Yaya hurriedly said:

"Sister, I'm Mama in Jincheng, and this is my Aunt Xuewei."

The little girl oh, and then said to Luo Xuewei:

"Aunt Xuewei, my name is Qi Luoxia. Some people say my name is very nice. It comes from a poem called 'Luoxia and the Lonely Bird Fly Together'."

Luo Xuewei nodded and said with a smile:

"It's indeed a nice name, Luoxia, Auntie will take you to teach that Auntie Wang a lesson now!"

The four of them then walked inside. During this period, Ye Yun gave Qi Luoxia a Bailing Pill, which healed all her injuries.

"Little bastard, are you blind? Who told you to pour your soup on your pants?"

"You still dare to cry? See if I don't beat you to death!"

"Don't hide! I'll warn you one last time. If you hide again, your clothes will be stripped tonight and sold to the northwest to break your legs and become a beggar!"


Ye Yun and the others had just walked for a while, when they heard a burst of cursing from the yard in front.

Just by hearing the sound, one could imagine that a tough shrew was brutally beating a poor child.

When Qi Luoxia heard this voice, she immediately trembled with fright, tears streaming down her face and said:

"Aunt Xuewei, that's her!"

"She's beating someone again, I'm so scared, woo woo woo!"

Luo Xuewei gently stroked her little head and comforted her:
"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, with Auntie here, you don't have to be afraid of anything."

Between the words, the four of them had entered the small courtyard.

I saw a dozen or so children standing in a row, all of them were so frightened that their legs were shaking and their tears were streaming down.

A few of them, afraid of crying out loud, actually bit their lips with their teeth, causing blood to flow out.

That scene was heartbreaking to see.

However, right in front of them.

A fat woman was holding a wooden stick with a thick wrist in her forehand, and she was looking at a little boy sitting on the ground ferociously.

The little boy's eyes were wide open, and his face was full of horror and tears.

However, the clothes on his body had been torn off long ago.

The exposed skin was full of shocking purple blood marks.

"Quickly tell me, I'm a little bastard! You little bastard! You must learn to eat like a human in the future!"

"Never pour soup on your clothes again!"

"Say it! Or I'll smash your mouth!"

Aunt Wang, whose real name is Wang Hui, roared viciously like an angry she-wolf.

The little boy was already frightened, how could he dare to speak?
He only opened a pair of terrified eyes and looked at Wang Hui helplessly.

"Little beast, you are courting death!"

As soon as Wang Hui stomped her feet, she raised the wooden stick high up, and was about to smash it down on the little boy's head.


Luo Xuewei was so angry that her tears were spinning, she stepped forward and slapped Wang Hui hard on the face.

She was merciful, but this angry slap still sent Wang Hui flying, and slammed into a nearby tree.

Seeing this, a group of children were all frightened.

Have they ever seen that such a fierce Aunt Wang would be beaten into a dead dog?

"Little bitch, do you dare to hit me?"

"I tell you, you are dead!"

"My mother has a great background, I can strip you off tonight and sell you to a kiln for thousands of people!"

The corners of Wang Hui's mouth were covered with blood, and she got up and roared extremely arrogantly and angrily.

Luo Xuewei was so angry that her delicate body trembled, she suppressed her killing intent and said:

"How much background do you have, why don't you tell me and let me hear."

"I really want to know who gave you the confidence to let you be inferior to a bunch of innocent children!"

Wang Hui sneered and said:

"Stinky bitch, I don't even bother to say it, lest I scare you to death!"

"However, you slapped me just now, and I must take revenge!"

After finishing speaking, she stomped heavily and roared:
"Come here, there is a bitch here who dares to beat me, you all come to help me!"

Brush brush!
As soon as she finished speaking, five or six security guards rushed in aggressively.

Wang Hui pointed to Luo Xuewei and said:

"You all, go and break her hand!"

"This little bitch has strength, you must not show mercy!"

She narrowed her eyes and smiled ferociously.

The eyes full of jealousy were fully revealed.

"What a stinky girl with no eyes, how dare you offend Sister Hui, you are really looking for death!"

The security guard who took the lead sneered, pulled out his baton and rushed up.

"Stop! Stop now!"

Just at this moment, there was a panicked voice at the door.

A bald middle-aged man rushed in desperately, kicked the security guard in the stomach, and kicked him more than one meter away.

"You blind bastards, who gave you the courage to attack the Luo family?"

The middle-aged man is Zhang Hongsheng, the director of this orphanage.

"Luo... Patriarch Luo!"

Hearing his words, Wang Hui and a group of security guards couldn't help shrinking their pupils and showing shock.

(End of this chapter)

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