Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 716 Let's cheer for Papa together!

Chapter 716 Let's cheer for Papa together!
Jiangcheng, Luo family.

How does that exist?

The entire Jiangbei Province ranks among the top three top giants.

The number one martial arts family in Jiangcheng gathered all the talents of the previous Han and Li families.

Moreover, the relationship with the Jincheng Murong family is irreversible.

In addition, in the northern part of Jiangbei Province, Beihuai City, Qianyang City and other cities, there are also some big forces who have worshiped in the Luo family.

As a result, the Luo family is like a super aircraft carrier in the hearts of Jiangcheng people.

It's huge and powerful!

Who dares to match it?

Who dares to clamor with it?

Who dares to be presumptuous on it?

The answer: no!

Ever since the Li family evaporated overnight, the Luo family has been crushing the entire Jiangcheng like a dragon in the sky.

However, the Patriarch of the Luo family, Luo Xuewei, is the girl of heaven, the well-deserved queen in the hearts of the people of Jiangcheng.

Neither Wang Hui nor the security guards expected that she would come to the orphanage in person to stand up for a group of orphans.

Seeing Luo Xuewei's incomparably beautiful cheeks were full of anger, Wang Hui was so frightened that the hairs all over her body stood on end, and Tian Ling Gai shivered.


She was the first to fall to her knees, trembling, like a sheep being stared at by a lion.

However, the security guards also knelt down as soon as their knees gave way, their foreheads dripping with sweat, and their backs were drenched.

"Patriarch Luo! I just have a bad temper and can't control myself for a while, that's why I did such a stupid thing."

"Patriarch Luo, please be aware of the details. For the sake of my hard work and no credit, please forgive me!"

Wang Hui swallowed wildly, begging with tears in her eyes.

At that scene, the children on the side looked shocked.

In the eyes of these children, Wang Hui is a woman like a devil.

She even had a day when she knelt down and begged for mercy, crying bitterly!
Although, the children are young and don't understand the world.

However, Wang Hui's behavior still made these children feel that she was going to die!

My hard days are over!

Luo Xuewei was so angry that her eyes turned red, and she said coldly:
"Tell me, who is the backer behind you?"

Relying on one person alone, Wang Hui absolutely has no confidence in abusing children like this.

It's even more impossible to instruct these security guards at will and let them call me sister Hui.

She must have revealed to them who the big tree she was leaning against was.

Wang Hui shook her whole body, buried her head on the ground and said:

"I don't have a backer! I don't have a backer!"

"Patriarch Luo, this is all my momentary confusion, please enlighten me!"

Before the words fell, there was a chill in the scalp.

When she looked up, there was already a golden sword pointing at her embarrassingly.

Luo Xuewei's eyes were filled with tears, her lips trembled slightly and said:

"I've never wanted to kill a person so much, but now, I really, really want to kill you!"

She glanced at Zhang Ziheng whose teeth had been knocked out, the little boy whose whole body was purple from the beating, and the little girls whose faces had been torn with blood.

Her tears finally couldn't help dripping down.

"I run this orphanage just to give the children a bright future."

"But you, wantonly ruining their lives, you are their enemy and my enemy."

"I, Luo Xuewei, don't mind getting blood on my bare hands, I will send you to hell!"

After all, the tip of the sword flicked and pierced Wang Hui's shoulder blade.


This stream of blood spurted out.

Didn't scare the kids.

Instead, let their helpless and confused eyes rekindle a flame.

Finally, someone punished this demon!

Moreover, this person is the biggest person in Jiangcheng!
Be the owner of this orphanage!

It is the biggest backer for all children!
"Ah! Ah!"

Wang Hui was in so much pain that she couldn't stop screaming.

Luo Xuewei frowned and said:

"Let me ask you one last time, who is your backer?"

"Yes... it's Yan Hao, the director of the city's Security Department! He is my nephew, and I came to work here only on his recommendation!"

Feeling Luo Xuewei's killing intent, Wang Hui finally didn't dare to hide it anymore, and spit out all the backers behind her.

"Yan Hao!"

Luo Xuewei frowned, glaring at Dean Zhang Hongsheng and said:

"This court has clear rules and regulations, and it is not allowed to hire anyone based on personal relationships!"

"Please explain to me why people like Wang Hui can come in?"

Luo Xuewei customized high treatment for the New Hope Orphanage, the purpose is to let every staff here work without worry and serve the children wholeheartedly.

Therefore, she has very strict restrictions on the employment of personnel.

Unexpectedly, with a hundred secrets and a sparse one, the loophole was still taken advantage of.


Zhang Hongsheng's face was flushed with fright a long time ago, just now when Wang Hui confessed Yan Hao, he felt very bad.

At this time Luo Xuewei asked, he knelt down in fright, tears streaming down his face.

Seeing them kneeling down and begging for mercy, Qi Luoxia boldly said:

"Aunt Xuewei, Aunt Wang not only beats people, she also sells people!"

"Our Liu Zitao, Wang Xiaole, and Zhu Ling were all sold by her!"

Her words made the audience gasp.

Reselling children!

This is the death penalty of decapitation against the disgrace of the world!
"No! No! Patriarch Luo, she is talking nonsense!"

"A child doesn't understand anything, so don't listen to her!"

Wang Hui was so frightened that she screamed again and again, defending herself like crazy.

Luo Xuewei pressed the tip of the sword against Wang Hui's throat, and said coldly:

"Where did you sell them?"

Wang Hui has Yan Hao as his backer, and was recruited by the dean Zhang Hongsheng himself.

Well, for this kind of thing, they must be fully prepared.

The records about these three children must have been completely wiped out by them long ago.

Now, only by prying Wang Hui's mouth open can the specific whereabouts of the three children be obtained.

But seeing Wang Hui desperately shaking his head in denial:
"I don't know! I really don't know!"

"I didn't do anything, Patriarch Luo!"

"If you don't believe me, you can check the video surveillance and all the information, and you will know that I haven't said a single lie!"

Luo Xuewei smiled coldly, as expected!

Wang Hui would definitely not admit to such a serious crime easily.

Right now, Zhang Hongsheng can only be forced to tell some clues by killing chickens and monkeys, and finally confront Yan Hao to find the three children.

Thinking of this, she shook her jade hand and was about to stab the sword into Wang Hui's throat.

However, suddenly his wrist tightened, Ye Yun pinched her wrist with his fingers, looked at her lightly, shook his head and said:
"You want to make an example of others, but dealing with this kind of people may not be effective, and it may trap you in the vortex of public opinion."

"Since you are determined to run the orphanage well, then don't do it casually. I don't want Yaya to see that you have trapped yourself in it."

Yaya nodded and said:
"Papa is right, Aunt Xuewei, let my papa handle it."

"Let's cheer for Papa together!"

Luo Xuewei restrained her thoughts, nodded and said:
"You're right. I was so angry that I didn't think it through."

Then, he put away his sword and stepped back, standing behind Ye Yun, like a little daughter-in-law who made a mistake.

Seeing that Ye Yun was about to make a move, Wang Hui couldn't help but secretly sneered.

This little boy, if he doesn't let Luo Xuewei threaten him with his life, then he's afraid of a ball!
My old lady is the aunt of the chief of security, what kind of interrogation tactics have you never seen before?

If you want to use other methods to deal with my mother, go ahead and dream!
Originally, she was worried that Luo Xuewei would really kill herself.

But now, she is not afraid at all.

In this world, besides life, what else is there to fear?
Seeing her disdainful expression, Ye Yun couldn't help but sneer, and took out a toad with a full body of colors from the infinite space.

"When everyone is lying, his body releases an unusual hormone."

"Even if you can control your expression, tone of voice, body movements, and pretend to be calm, your body will still release this abnormal hormone because of lying."

He handed the colorful toad to Wang Hui, and said coldly:

"This toad is called Kongming Heart-eating Toad. Once it enters a person's body, every time the person tells a lie, it will bite the person's heart."

"Within five mouthfuls, you will be able to eat a whole heart."

"Now, let's see if you're lying or not."

After Ye Yun finished speaking, as soon as he moved his finger, Kongming Heartbite Toad cooed!After yelling twice, it turned into a beam of colored light and entered Wang Hui's body.

"'t scare me! I'm not scared too much!"

When Wang Hui thought of the toad entering her body, she couldn't help but feel a chill and her scalp went numb.

But, she didn't believe it, this toad was really so amazing!
The real world is not a fairy tale, so where are there so many weird monsters?

It must be this little boy, deceiving himself with magic tricks!
Ye Yun sneered and said:
"Let me ask you, were those three children sold by you?"


Wang Hui flatly rejected it.

But, a second later.


She suddenly covered her heart, and screamed with tears in her eyes.

It was visible to the naked eye that blood had overflowed from her eyeballs.

Obviously, the mouthful that Kongming Heartbite Toad took just now was very painful!

Ye Yun said lightly:
"Now, do you believe me?"

"I... I believe it! Please let it not bite me!"

"I'll do it! I'll do it all!"

Wang Hui's face was pale, and she looked at Ye Yun with infinite fear.

With one hand behind his back, Ye Yun smiled coldly and said:

"Well, tell me the whereabouts of all your accomplices and the three children."

"Remember, if you tell a lie, you need to make up hundreds of lies to make up for it."

"And now, you have no chance to tell lies."

Wang Hui asked in surprise:
"Didn't you say there are four more chances?"

Ye Yun smiled disdainfully and said:

"I have ordered Kongming Heart Eater Toad, if you tell another lie, it will eat your heart directly!"

(End of this chapter)

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