Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 717 I have clairvoyance!

Chapter 717 I have clairvoyance!

Ye Yun's words made Wang Hui feel ashamed instantly.

If you tell another lie, your whole heart will be eaten.

This is so cruel!
At this time, Wang Hui finally understood why Luo Xuewei obeyed this little boy.

It turned out that he was the scariest person.

Compared with Luo Xuewei's sword just now, his toad is the truly terrifying thing.

"I recruit! I promise, there will be no false words!"

"Please, don't let it eat me!"

"I'm afraid!"

Wang Hui, who was arrogant like a wolf before, was so scared that her crotch was wet at this moment.

That appearance, the more embarrassing it is, the more embarrassing it is.

However, seeing her terrified appearance, those children's eyes became brighter.

Ye Yun glanced at Luo Xuewei, and Luo Xuewei stepped forward and asked:

"Where did those three children get sold?"

Wang Hui quickly replied:

"Liu Zitao and Zhu Ling were sold to southern Xinjiang. As for the exact location, I don't know."

"That Wang Xiaole was sold to Haiya."

Luo Xuewei suppressed her killing intent and continued to ask:
"Then who exactly helped you sell three children?"

"Also, do you know who bought them and what to do with them?"

Wang Hui swallowed her saliva and said:

"Yes... it was my nephew Yan Hao who helped me."

"He is the director of the Security Department, and manages the household registration information of the entire Jiangcheng. Once someone finds out, he can easily delete all the household registration information of the three children without leaving any traces."

"As for the identity of the buyer, we don't know, because the transaction is based on online chat, and the buyer and seller do not need to meet in person."

Luo Xuewei's eyes were already red with anger, she glanced at Zhang Hongsheng and said:

"Was he involved?"

Wang Hui shook her head and said:
"No, he just looked at my nephew's face and agreed to let me in as an administrator."

Luo Xuewei frowned and said:

"Even if he didn't, he ignored the rules and regulations and recruited people in violation of the rules. He also bears an inescapable responsibility for this matter!"

Zhang Hongsheng was secretly glad that he was not involved in child trafficking.

However, when she heard Luo Xuewei's words, she was so frightened that she rolled her eyes and fell to the ground.

Luo Xuewei asked again:

"Who else is your accomplice?"

Wang Hui replied:

"Wang Lin, the director of the security department, he helped us eliminate all the video information in the orphanage, and promised not to find any clues."

After hearing this, Luo Xuewei shook her head and sighed:

"What an internal and external collusion! You really..."

"The crime deserves death!"

Her hands trembled, and her eyes turned red again.

Yaya quickly stepped forward to hug her and said:
"Aunt Xuewei, don't be angry, they are all big villains, and they will definitely be punished!"

That's the end of the story, all the questions that should be asked have been asked.

Luo Xuewei frowned immediately, and called Han Jinlong and Li Haolun at the same time, asking them to arrest Yan Hao and Wang Lin within 5 minutes.

Han and Li acted quickly, and within 3 minutes, they were all escorted over.

After confronting them separately, Luo Xuewei confirmed all the information that Wang Hui had said.

She then said to Ye Yun:

"These four people have committed a heinous crime. I want to execute them all. Do you think it's okay?"

Ye Yun nodded lightly:


With Ye Yun's consent, Luo Xuewei gave orders to Han Jinlong and Li Haolun without hesitation:

"Put the four of them to death immediately!"


Han Jinlong and Li Haolun showed murderous looks one after another.

Yan Hao was so frightened that he pissed off and said:
"Patriarch Luo, please spare my life!"

"I was always bewitched by this stinky woman, saying that no one cares about the children in the orphanage. One can be sold for hundreds of thousands, and if we sell a dozen or so a year, we will all get rich!"

"Patriarch Luo, everything is planned by her. I'm just an accomplice, and I'm not guilty of death!"

Seeing Yan Hao desperately trying to shirk responsibility, Wang Hui couldn't help saying angrily:

"Little bastard, you are obviously addicted to gambling. You owe people money and dare not go home to ask for it. You want to use your position to sell orphans. Do you still have the face to blame me?"

She bang bang bang!Knocking his head on the ground, he said:
"Patriarch Luo, he is the mastermind. I was threatened by him. You can't kill me!"

Luo Xuewei saw that they were still brazenly arguing for herself and shirking responsibility until now, so she couldn't help saying coldly:

"Take it off!"

Han Jinlong looked at Wang Hui and the others with contempt:

"The head of the family has worked so hard to open an orphanage to help these poor children."

"You guys actually do this kind of thing for your own selfish desires, it's not a pity to die!"

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand and dragged all four of them away with his subordinates.

Luo Xuewei then ordered a doctor to be called to treat the wounds of all the children.

After the children's emotions stabilized, she said to Ye Yun:
"The three children who were sold need to be found as soon as possible to prevent them from being harmed."

"But, if you call the police in the normal way, it will take too long. I'm worried that there will be many nights and dreams. Is there anything you can do?"

Ye Yun replied:

"The fastest way is to give me their photos. I will search the entire southern border and Haiya with my divine sense."

Luo Xuewei showed a hint of surprise and said:

"Can you search for Nanjiang and Haiya in such a far place?"

With her current innate peak cultivation base, if she let go of all her spiritual thoughts, at most half of Jiangcheng would be covered.

She couldn't imagine that Jiangcheng was thousands of miles away from Nanjiang and Haiya.

With such a large area, Ye Yun can actually search directly.

Ye Yun smiled lightly and said:

"of course can."

Luo Xuewei covered her mouth in surprise, and asked:

"Then how long will it take to find them?"

Ye Yun thought for a while and said:

"About half a day."

"So fast!"

Luo Xuewei couldn't help being extremely surprised.

Such a distance, such a large range.

Moreover, the southern border is vast, with many strange mountains and steep mountains, and the terrain is very complicated.

Haiya is surrounded by the sea on three sides, with a large population and dense forests, making the search more difficult.

Unexpectedly, it only took half a day to find them.

This is indeed fast enough, and it is so fast that it is abnormal!

"You are really amazing!"

Luo Xuewei's eyes trembled, she couldn't hide her admiration for her lover no matter what.

Yaya pulled Ye Yun and said:

"Papa, did you find them, and we will bring them back?"

Ye Yun nodded and smiled:

"Of course."

Yaya clapped her hands happily and said with a smile:

"Okay, let's pick them up then!"

Ye Yun smiled and nodded.

Luo Xuewei then ordered someone to retrieve the most original materials of the three children through the security office.

Print three photos at the same time and hand them to Ye Yundao:
"Yan Hao destroyed their existing files. Currently, they can only find relatively old photos, which are slightly different from real people. Is it okay?"

Ye Yun shook his head and said:
"It doesn't matter, my celestial eye can tell the difference between atoms directly."

"Their appearance has changed a little, and it doesn't bother me."

After hearing this, Luo Xuewei couldn't help but shook her head and smiled.

She knew that Ye Yun's ability was extraordinary, but this was the first time that she knew that he could actually distinguish the difference between atoms.

This is tens of millions of times more powerful than the most advanced microscope in the world!

Seeing that it was noon, she hugged Yaya and said:
"Then let's search while eating."

Yaya put her arms around her neck and said with a smile:

"Aunt Xuewei, I still want to eat the eight-treasure duck you made."

"Okay! Auntie will do it for you!"

Luo Xuewei pampered her little nose.

Ye Yun shook his head and smiled, so he had no choice but to let go of his spiritual thoughts and follow them to Luo's house.

(End of this chapter)

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