Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 727 Barely qualified to be defeated by me!

Chapter 727 Barely qualified to be defeated by me!
"Little bitch, do you dare to hit me?"

"Do you know, this is the Ke Mansion! Our Ke family is one of the five major families in southern Xinjiang. You are courting death!"

Sister Hong, who got up from the ground in embarrassment, yelled at Luo Xuewei with her eyes tearing open.

Then he turned around and said to Ke Anbang:

"My lord, they are here to spoil the situation!"

"Our Ke family, we must not swallow our anger, we must have skinned this little bitch and got cramps!"

How angry you are, how much you hate.

As the chief housekeeper of the Ke family, Sister Hong has a hostile attitude that has been cultivated a long time ago.

In Ke's house, apart from Ke Anbang, who would dare to curse at her?
Not to mention, dare to do something to her!

Ke Anbang's face was gloomy at the moment, the muscles on his face were trembling all the time, he stared at Luo Xuewei coldly and said:

"Little girl, you are the first one who dares to attack our Ke residence!"

"Why don't you report your name so that I can know how confident you are!"

Luo Xuewei said contemptuously:

"No, we came here just to take the child away."

Ke Anbang laughed and said:

"It seems that you are just an unknown junior who can't even tell your own name. Do you have the guts to come here to make trouble?"

He glanced at the audience and proudly said:
"You don't even inquire about it, how does my Ke family exist in southern Xinjiang, and dare to rush in, it is really ignorant and fearless!"

As soon as he finished speaking, several people who were close to the Ke family said:
"The Ke family is not only one of the five major families in southern Xinjiang. Its industries involve major projects such as copper mines and silver mines. It is also a senior official in several top cities in Zhongtu, Jiangnan Province, and Zhonghai City in Zhonghai Province. Ten thousand ties."

"Not only that, the most fearful thing about the Ke family in southern Xinjiang is their close personal relationship with the Bai family, a big hermit family."

"Even if you are members of the other four major families in Southern Xinjiang, if you want to misbehave here, you will have to go around! Not to mention that you are just unknown juniors from Middle Earth!"

"That's right! If you're sensible, quickly kneel down to Patriarch Ke and beg for mercy. Today is a great day for the Ke family. Maybe Patriarch Ke will be lenient and let you go!"

Some people speak out to suppress, some people speak out to persuade.

In short, it's all about exalting the Ke family and belittling Luo Xuewei and Ye Yun.

Luo Xuewei said seriously:

"Even if your Ke family is a sea of ​​swords and flames, I will take the child away!"

With Ye Yun by her side, she felt full of security.

What's more, seeing Zhu Ling being ruined like this, she couldn't bear it very much.

When Ke Anbang heard the words, he was so angry that he shot the case and said:
"No one can take this child away today!"

"Stinky girl, if you don't take our Ke family seriously, neither of you husband and wife will leave today!"

His gaze swept across Ye Yun's face.

Up to now, it's all his wife who is in the early stage, and this little boy keeps silent, which is really useless!

Thinking of this, his expression became even more unscrupulous.

When Luo Xuewei saw that he said that she and Ye Yun were husband and wife, she couldn't help but blushed slightly.

But, now is not the time for children to love each other, she frowned and said:
"Then don't blame me for being rude!"

A bright blue light shone from her body, her posture was beautiful, but her momentum was extremely fierce.

Ke Anbang sneered and said:

"It's up to me to say that!"

"Give it to me!"

After the words fell, three hurricanes appeared.

Side by side, three men were already standing in front of Luo Xuewei.

"The Three Ghosts of Southern Border!"

Seeing the faces of the three of them clearly, everyone exclaimed.

These three people are the famous Three Ghosts of Southern Xinjiang in the central region of Southern Xinjiang.

The sky ghost Li Shun, the earth ghost Li Si, and the human ghost Li Zhao.

Rumor has it that the three of them are brothers and have practiced ghost art since childhood.

Today's cultivation has reached the peak state of transformation.

The three of them work together to penetrate the world and beat the innate masters.

However, the whereabouts of the three of them have been erratic, like ghosts, elusive.

Everyone didn't expect that they were hiding in Ke's mansion.

And it seems that they are all working for the Ke family.

Ke Anbang took a full view of everyone's astonishment, and smiled proudly:

"The three ghosts of southern Xinjiang have a deep connection with my Ke family. I am not afraid to tell you that the three brothers were recommended by the Patriarch of the Bai family."

When everyone heard it, they couldn't help but suddenly said:
"So that's it! I said that the three ghosts of southern Xinjiang acted eclecticly. How could they give their lives to the Ke family? It turned out that it was all because of the Bai family!"

"As expected of a family that has a close personal relationship with the Bai family, with their backing, it is indeed quite powerful!"

In the eyes of everyone, there was a little more awe for Ke Anbang.

Ke Anbang looked at Luo Xuewei coldly and said:
"Three ghosts in southern Xinjiang, you should deal with this stinky girl and her husband before the distinguished guests from the Bai family come!"


The three ghosts of Nanjiang nodded in unison, and without further ado, they turned into three black shadows and attacked Luo Xuewei.

"Ghost Killer!"

"Ghost Controlling Palm!"

"Ghost destroys the heart!"

Three gloomy voices resounded in the air.

Everyone felt a sudden chill all over their bodies, and three murderous auras gathered together, scaring the three or five Transformation Realm Grandmasters present into silence.

Among them, there was only one bald-headed monk with a leisurely expression on his face, eating meat and drinking heavily.

"Confinement Ice Dance Star!"

Luo Xuewei didn't give in, she used her supernatural powers with a coquettish shout.

Ka Ka Ka!
Then, the three shadows were all frozen.

With a light wave of her bare hand, she saw three groups of blue light emerging from the ice.

Bang bang bang!
After three beeps, the three southern border ghosts were all blown into powder.


"She actually killed the three ghosts of Southern Border!"

Luo Xuewei's attack completely overturned everyone's world view.

No one expected that this seemingly weak and beautiful girl would be so capable.

Even Ke Anbang couldn't help shrinking his pupils, showing a strong look of fear.

But Ke Haoxuan looked at Luo Xuewei with a smile, pointed at her and said:

"Dad, I want her to be my little wife! I want her to be my little wife!"

Even some people present couldn't help but frown at his stupid appearance.

Ke Anbang came back to his senses, full of killing intent and said:
"She wants to be your daughter-in-law now, but she will die!"

"If you dare to kill the people recommended by the Bai family, they will all die today!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a loud voice, deafening:
"Little girl, I'll meet you!"

It was the great monk who ate meat and drank wine and stood up from the crowd.

At this stop, everyone present gasped in shock.

"It's the Golden Elephant Master!"

"It turns out that Master Jinxiang is also here. According to this, he is going to support the Ke family!"

"Golden Elephant Master, that is the number one body refiner in southern Xinjiang, Megatron Huaxia, if he makes a move, no one can beat him!"

The eyes of everyone looking at Master Jinxiang were full of fear.

Luo Xuewei couldn't help being slightly surprised when she saw the faint metallic luster on Master Jinxiang's body.

This person is too powerful!
It is like a mountain of ten thousand zhang, just standing there, there is an imposing aura.

Although, Luo Xuewei is an innate master, and has supernatural powers to protect her body.

But at this moment, the little heart trembled slightly, feeling a little uncomfortable being stared at by Master Jinxiang.

"Stand back, this person is not something you can deal with."

Ye Yun's voice sounded faintly.

Luo Xuewei turned her head to the side, looked up at him, and stood obediently behind him.

Seeing this, Ke Anbang couldn't help shaking his head and laughing:

"Little boy, don't you think that Master Jinxiang is easier to deal with than the three ghosts of Southern Border?"

"What's the matter, I'm afraid that my wife will steal the limelight and lose face, so I want to come out and pretend to be aggressive?"

As soon as he said this, the audience burst into laughter.

In the eyes of everyone, Luo Xuewei had always been the one in charge, and Ye Yun was holding the child, very much like a couple with a strong woman and a weak man.

So at this time Ye Yun came out, in everyone's eyes, it was clear that he just wanted to show off.

In the eyes of everyone who is either disdainful, contemptuous, or gloating.

Ye Yun said calmly:
"I made the shot only because of him, barely qualified to be defeated by me."

(End of this chapter)

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