Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 728 I Decided Not to Give You Such an Opportunity!

Chapter 728 I Decided Not to Give You Such an Opportunity!
What is madness?
That is, facing the number one horizontal training saint in southern Xinjiang, Megatron Huaxia's body training super master Jinxiang Master.

But Ye Yun said that he was barely qualified and was defeated by himself.

This, in the eyes of everyone, is madness!
Boundless madness!

However, as he landed, the audience erupted.

"This little boy dares to say such wild words. He doesn't really think that Master Jinxiang is easier to deal with than the three ghosts of Southern Border?"

"Even a congenital master would not dare to underestimate the existence of Master Jinxiang. It is even said that Master Jinxiang's ability is enough to make congenital masters quite afraid. This kid, when he obviously speaks, he has no brains! "

"The ignorant are fearless! Really the ignorant are fearless! If you dare to say that about Master Jin Xiang, I think he definitely has a problem with his IQ!"

The voices of the crowd were full of contempt.

If it is said that several patriarchs of the hermit family in southern Xinjiang were present, they could barely justify what they said to Master Jinxiang.

A pretty boy who appeared out of nowhere, was so arrogant the moment he opened his mouth, isn't that a joke?
To be the number one body-training master in the Vajra Temple is to gain a false name?

However, Ke Anbang sneered even more when he heard the words.

This little boy's IQ is not as good as my son's!

At least, my son still knows who is strong and who is weak.

Fortunately, he said that Master Jin Xiang was worthless as soon as he opened his mouth.

Really stupid!

Seeing the cynicism and sarcasm of everyone present, the disdainful eyes flooded over like a tide.

Luo Xuewei and Yaya, one big and one young, were two girls with calm and proud expressions on their faces.

They knew that Ye Yun's words were the truth!

No matter what he says or does, as long as you support him unconditionally, that's enough!

Luo Xuewei's tender eyes wandered on Ye Yun's face like autumn water.

"As soon as these people open their mouths, they say that he and I are husband and wife. Do we really have a little bit of husband and wife?"

Luo Xuewei couldn't help her heart beating like a deer, touched her slightly red and hot face, and thought shyly.

Although, this is just someone else's misunderstanding.

But it was enough to make her happy and proud.

How proud it is to be able to call himself his woman!

A cold snort awakened Luo Xuewei from her charming imagination.

However, he saw that Master Jin Xiang stepped forward.

Boom!one sound.

The entire Ke family compound was shaken.

Everyone couldn't help but tremble, just walking one step, with such momentum, this Golden Elephant Master, is it really a Tyrannosaurus rex?
"Boy, if a capable person talks big, that's called madness!"

"People who have no ability speak big words, that's called stupid!"

Master Jinxiang glanced at Ye Yun contemptuously, and said:
"And you, you are so stupid!"

"I'll give you a chance. Kneel down and beg me for mercy. If you yell three times that you're blind, I'll cut off your arm and spare you."

"Otherwise, don't blame me, the golden elephant, for asking you to die!"

He landed with a sound, and a bright metallic luster shone from the top of his smooth head.

That majestic aura is even more astonishing than a giant steel dragon.

Ye Yun shook his head and smiled coldly:
"It's always been others who kowtow to me and beg for mercy."

"As for you, I decided not to give you such a chance."

After saying those words, he slowly withdrew his right fist, put his body in a full-strung posture, drew his bow and set his arrows, and aimed at the Golden Elephant Master.

Master Jinxiang couldn't help but sneered and said:

"Do you really dare to attack me?"

Ke Anbang couldn't help but shook his head and said:

"Pretentious, no matter how good your posture is, you won't be able to withstand the roar of Master Jinxiang!"

Ke Haoxuan kept clapping his hands and laughing:
"Hurry up and kill that man, I want his little wife! Hehehe! Hahaha!"

Everyone shook their heads again and again.

With such a small body, he still wants to attack Master Jinxiang, it's too much life!
"The kingly way of killing punches, the first punch, shaking the sky and thunder!"

Amidst the ridicule of the crowd, Ye Yun's voice sounded.

His body popped out in an extremely elegant posture.

This movement is very slow, so that everyone can see his punching path clearly.

"What kind of bullshit boxing, the name is quite bluffing, but this movement is too slow!"

"Exactly! The old lady is like crossing the road, not to mention fighting against the Golden Elephant, even killing a sparrow would take a lot of effort!"

Everyone shook their heads and sighed.

Ye Yun's punch really disappointed everyone.

As for Master Jinxiang, he sneered even more:
"Come on, come on, I'll let you punch me first, I promise you won't dodge or dodge!"

He patted his chest, fearing that Ye Yun might not make the same decision.

However, when Ye Yun's fist touched his body, his expression changed instantly.

" did this happen?"

He felt that Ye Yun's woman-like fist seemed careless.

But when it really touched his body, there was a force of billions, which was extremely terrifying.

not only.

In the fist wind, there was also an extremely terrifying electric current, which penetrated his skin and bones like a copper wall and reached his whole body.

It made him feel like being grabbed and torn apart by ten tyrannosaurs.

It hurts so much!

Extremely oppressive!

"Stop! Stop it!"

Immediately afterwards, Master Golden Elephant couldn't help roaring.

He saw a bright red light shining on Ye Yun's fist.

It was this red light that penetrated his entire body in an instant, piercing into every blood vessel in him, so desperate to die!


However, Ye Yun didn't stop, all he got in exchange was his boundless screams.

Bang! ! !
With an explosion, everyone's eyes were tearing open.

What did they all see?
They saw that the impregnable Golden Elephant Master had been pulverized by Ye Yun's punch.

To be more precise, the second became air!

"God! This boxing too terrifying!"

"Is this a nuclear bomb? Otherwise, how could he kill the golden elephant master at the saint level?!"

"My God! This man is a monster! He is definitely a monster!"

At this moment, everyone felt that their mouths were dry and their whole bodies were shaking violently.

It was because Ye Yun's punch was beyond everyone's imagination!
Even when they were beaten to death, they would never have imagined that such a slow-moving punch would turn out to be Master Golden Elephant in an instant!

In the deep fear of everyone, Ye Yun withdrew his hand, took a tissue from the table lightly, and wiped the back of his hand.

Then, he beckoned to Zhu Ling gently and said:
"come here."


Just as Zhu Ling was about to walk towards him, Ke Anbang stood up and yelled.

He stared at Ye Yun with red eyes, trembling body and said:
"Master Golden Elephant, you have a close friendship with the Patriarch of the Bai family. You killed the three ghosts of Southern Border and Master Golden Elephant in a row, making my Ke family faceless. Such a big enmity, the Bai family will never let you go!"

"The Patriarch of the Bai family will come over soon. If you have something, just wait here!"

"If you don't have it, you can take the little girl and leave! But let me tell you, with the strength of the Bai family, no matter how far you flee to the ends of the earth, you will only die!"

After he finished speaking, everyone present also secretly nodded in agreement.

Don't look at Ye Yun killing Master Jinxiang, but in everyone's heart, people at the level of the Patriarch of the Bai family are truly invincible.

Right now, among the three ghosts in southern Xinjiang, Master Jinxiang was killed one after another.

With the majesty of the Bai family, they will never expose this matter easily.

Therefore, the real challenge is far from coming.

It depends on whether this handsome and beautiful couple has the guts to wait!
Ye Yun had a panoramic view of everyone's expressions, carried Yaya from Luo Xuewei's arms, sat down calmly, and said:
"Okay, then I'll wait and see what the Bai family will say when they come over."

(End of this chapter)

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