Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 737 You dote on your wife so much!

Chapter 737 You dote on your wife so much!


At this moment, the entire altar was surprisingly quiet, and a needle could be heard.

A second ago, everyone was terrified, Emperor Miao turned into an ancient dragon, reborn with the blood of the dragon, fused with hundreds of millions of venom, with boundless power.

Unexpectedly, even so, he still couldn't even hurt Ye Yun's fur.

Not only could it not be hurt, but Ye Yun swallowed it lightly like drinking water.

This... is already an indescribable shock!

Who would have thought that a handsome man from Middle Earth would have such extraordinary abilities!

Even a dragon can devour it!
In this huge world, what else can he not eat!


A group of people from the Huadu Sect first had their legs go limp, and they knelt heavily on the ground.

Several people even made crying voices, pleading:

"Senior, I have never threatened the Murong family until now."

"Please spare our lives in front of us. In the future, I will be an ox and a horse for the seniors without any complaints!"

Hearing their begging, everyone present was in mourning.

The Flower Poison Sect is a prestigious and supreme-level sect in southern Xinjiang, and its true strength is definitely not much worse than that of the Hermit Family.

Even, on the territory of the Tongtian Mountain Range, the Flower Poison Sect relies on the right time and place, and is fully capable of crushing any hermit family.

Their leader, Emperor Miao, is a rare genius in the 500-year history of our sect, and he is proud of southern Xinjiang.

But, who would have thought that Emperor Miao was killed the second before, and the followers of the Huadu Cult began begging for mercy the next second.

This really ruined the prestige of the Flower Poison Sect!

But at this moment, everyone knows that the Flower Poison Sect is only begging for mercy!

Ye Yun killed Emperor Miao like killing a chicken, so the people taught by Huadu are not afraid.

Even Miao Jing's delicate body trembled violently, with a look of horror on her face.

"Ye Yun, why did you do this?"

"Since you have such strength, you can completely save my adoptive father's life and make him submit to you!"

"Why do you have to kill him?"

Miao Jing was puzzled.

Even though Emperor Miao made thousands of mistakes, in the final analysis, he did not cause any real harm to Ye Yun.

Why did Ye Yun have to kill him in public?
Ye Yun glanced at her lightly:
"I said earlier that anyone who wants to harm the Murong family will die!"

Miao Jing bit her red lips tightly and said:
"In the final analysis, whoever wants to harm your wife, no matter whether he does it or not, you will kill him, right?"


Ye Yun nodded without any hesitation in his eyes.

Miao Jing immediately fell silent and shook her head with tears in her eyes.

You dote on your wife so much.

But, you also broke the hearts of many people!

Ye Yun then glanced at the other sects present.



There was another knocking of knees.

"Senior, please spare our lives! We were only bewitched by Emperor Miao, and we have no intention of taking action against the Murong family!"

"Senior, our Shuiyue Palace is willing to surrender to senior, and hope that senior will be fulfilled!"

"Senior, we Blood Sword Sect are willing to exchange three treasures for the lives of all disciples!"


The begging was louder and louder, and some people even used the treasure at the bottom of the box to ask for Ye Yun's forgiveness.

However, Ye Yun was unmoved, instead showing a cold expression:
"It's too late to beg for mercy now!"


As soon as he said this, the audience gasped.

Everyone just felt that their hearts were falling into an infinite ice cellar, wanting to die.

If this evil spirit does something, at least 800 people will die on the scene.

More than half of the forces in southern Xinjiang will disappear overnight!

Some people think of this sadly, and feel that the biggest mistake in their life is to come to the Flower Poison Sect tonight.

Miao Jing had already collapsed powerlessly on the ground, her eyes dim with tears.

The people of the Flower Poison Sect are about to die, so what's the point of me being alive?
She is the saint of the Flower Poison Sect, no matter what, I dare not imagine the scene where the Flower Poison Sect was killed.

But, she has no way to stop Ye Yun!

Boom! ! !
Just when Miao Jing and everyone else were extremely desperate, the ground suddenly trembled.

The entire altar, like a super earthquake, crazily bumped up.

Some people with low cultivation bases were even overturned by the shock, vomited blood and passed out.

"God, what's going on?!"

Although there are many mountains in southern Xinjiang, there has never been an earthquake in the location where Huadu Sect is located.

Such a strong tremor was unprecedented.

It is said that there must be a demon when something abnormal happens, and the people of Huadu Sect have a faint feeling that something big is about to happen.

hold head high! ! !
With a terrifying roar, a huge black shadow broke through the ground and flew into the air.

When everyone looked at it intently, their pupils shrank sharply.

"Poison Venerable!!!"

Someone shouted out the name with a hoarse voice.

All I saw was a giant scorpion in the shape of a human, transformed from the shadows, and landed on the highest part of the altar.

He is more than one foot tall, with a huge poisonous hook on his long tail, which makes people shudder.

The Holy Maiden and a group of Huadu Sect quickly knelt down respectfully and said:
"Meet the Poison Lord!"

Under the stage, someone whispered:

"Poison Venerable, that is the founder of the Flower Poison Sect. It is said that he was born 3000 years ago. He was originally a martial arts master. Later, when he was approaching the age of [-], he stepped into the innate and became an earth immortal."

"After that, he was not satisfied with his existing cultivation, so he practiced even harder. Unexpectedly, because he was too eager for quick success, he became obsessed, and fell into the cave of ten thousand snakes from the cliff, and suffered from the snake's venom."

"Unexpectedly, instead of being poisoned to death, the Venerable Poison Venerable, instead of being poisoned to death, took a slanted sword because of this, and specialized in poisoning kung fu. In order to enhance his own kung fu, he did not hesitate to hand over half of his cultivation base, and a thousand-year-old female king cobra double cultivation .”

"In the end, he took the demon core of the king cobra, devoured all its cultivation, and then met a magic scorpion with tens of thousands of years by chance, melted the magic scorpion with his own snake venom, and ate it all , and finally turned into a half-human, half-scorpion monster!"

Some people who are not familiar with the allusion of Poison Lord immediately asked:

"What happened after that?"

Just now the man replied:

"Later, he proclaimed himself the Poison Master and began to wreak havoc in southern Xinjiang, killing the martial arts world in southern Xinjiang at that time.

"It wasn't until a few ancient gods who had been hiding for thousands of years in southern Xinjiang came out and forced him into the Tongtian Mountain Range."

"In order to avoid confrontation with those ancient great gods, Du Zun established the Flower Poison Sect and hid it underground, letting the Flower Poison Sect people release the news that he is dead."

"But right now, it seems that these are all his smoke bombs. If he hadn't been driven into a desperate situation, he would never show up tonight!"

As soon as the man finished speaking, someone next to him said:
"Based on that, the Poison Master's strength is even comparable to those ancient great gods!"

"Since he made a move, does it mean that that little boy is dead?"

A group of people naturally hated Ye Yun to the extreme.

Because they had begged for mercy, but Ye Yun still threatened to kill them.

But now the situation turned around, and the appearance of Poison Venerable gave them new hope.

"Of course! With the strength of Poison Master, killing this kid is as easy as pie!"

"As long as he's dead, we'll be fine!"

A group of people looked up at Ye Yun one after another, there was no fear in their eyes, but deep disdain.

(End of this chapter)

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