Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 738 I am me, no one deserves to be compared with me!

Chapter 738 I am me, no one deserves to be compared with me!
Some even yelled:
"Ye Yun, in front of Poison Master, don't you kneel down and beg for mercy?"

"It's useless to beg for mercy! He killed Emperor Miao, ruining the reputation of the Hua Poison Cult. Now that the Poison Master is out, he must be killed to make an example to others!"

At this moment, everyone had no fear of Ye Yun at all.

With Poisonous Venerable sitting in the town, everyone's heart is full of confidence, and they don't take Ye Yun seriously anymore!
Bai Yun clapped her hands anxiously, and said to Luo Xuewei:
"Miss Luo, looking at this scene, this Poison Master is completely capable of taking down the heads of our three hidden families."

"And I'm afraid, his real strength is far more than that. I think you should make a plan. If Brother Ye can't escape, you have to take the child first."

"I'm worried that the Poison Master will hate Wu Jiwu and attack you and the child!"

After hearing this, Ji Feizhou nodded again and again:
"Brother Yunqing is right, Miss Luo, most of us in southern Xinjiang have heard of the reputation of Poison Lord, he is really terrifying."

"The way I see it, brother Ye is going to be in trouble tonight, you should get ready early!"

A trace of determination flashed in Luo Xuewei's eyes, she shook her head and said:
"I won't leave. If Ye Yun encounters danger, I will face it with him."

"As for the child...Mr. Bai, if any misfortune happens to the two of us, please send Yaya back to Jincheng."

Luo Xuewei is already at the peak of innateness, has survived ten catastrophes in a row, and has magical powers to protect her body.

However, the appearance of the Poison Master gave her a sense of fear.

Although she had confidence in Ye Yun, the Poison Master was too strong, and the aura he showed completely crushed Ye Yun.

This made her couldn't help worrying about Ye Yun.

However, no matter what, she knew that she would not leave Ye Yun.

Live, live with him.

Die, also die with him.

Use your life to protect the infatuation for him!
Seeing the resoluteness in Luo Xuewei's eyes, and the demeanor of seeing death as home for Ye Yun, Bai Yunqing was greatly moved, and said emotionally:

"Okay! I'm not the opponent of Poison Master, but if you encounter any accidents, I will send the child away even if I die!"

Seeing them discussing life and death, Yaya couldn't help shaking her head and laughing:
"Aunt Xuewei, Bai Shushu, my daddy will be fine, don't worry!"

Bai Yun nodded lightly with a smile and said:
"Yes, your father is the best, nothing will happen!"

His mouth was full of comfort, but his eyes darkened and he sighed softly.

Little girl, you don't know the horror of Poison Master!

Luo Xuewei looked at Yi Ren on the stage with a smile on her lips.

Ye Yun, I will always be with you!
at this time.

On the stage.

The Poison Venerable had a panoramic view of everyone's joy and fear.

His face was arrogant, and his eyes were full of complacency:

"Boy, thinking about the appearance of the three great god emperors back then, they couldn't succeed in burying me in the southern border!"

"Finally, under the protection of the deity, the Flower Poison Sect has stood for 2000 years and has been flourishing day by day. No one dares to violate it at will, and its power shakes the entire China."

"I didn't expect that you are so blind, you dare to come here to be presumptuous! I am going to kill chickens and monkeys today, so that people in southern Xinjiang can see that I will not violate the flower poison religion!"

A black light exploded in the air in a circular shape.

Everyone looked carefully, and saw tens of billions of black poisonous needles in the air, densely packed, extremely terrifying.

"What does Poison Venerable want to do? Are we going to kill all of us?"

The entire space was filled, and everyone couldn't help but worry.

Only Ye Yun remained indifferent, and said with a cold smile:

"How dare a scorpion honor me in front of me?"

"I'll let you see how humble and insignificant you are!"

Ye Yun spread out his palm, and transformed into a group of coquettish lotus flowers.

He flicked it casually, and the fire lotus screamed!With a sound, he shot at the Poison Master very quickly.

Suddenly, a mass of black light exploded.

The Poison Venerable who was face to face with Ye Yun suddenly disappeared.

However, at the same time, behind Ye Yun, a very arrogant voice sounded:

"Boy, you missed!"

"I want to kill your wife and daughter first, turn them all into poisonous water, and then kill you!"


When everyone heard this, they couldn't help being surprised.

So fast!

Poison Master actually rushed behind Luo Xuewei and Yaya before everyone could react.

Such a speed is terrifying to the extreme!

Bai Yunqing was so frightened that his eyes burst into tears, and he said in cold sweat:


"Miss Luo, quickly use your magical powers to block him!"

The distance between Luo Xuewei and Poison Venerable is too close, at this moment only Luo Xuewei's supernatural power can slow down Poison Venerable's speed.

Even for a second!
"Hahaha, want to stop this deity? Go ahead and dream!"

"All around you, tens of billions of poisonous thorns are clones of this deity, who of you can stop me!"

Poison Master's voice was extremely arrogant.

At the same time, his huge poisonous hook was aimed at Luo Xuewei's forehead.

Lightning fast!


However, when his poisonous hook was less than one centimeter away from Luo Xuewei, a huge force passed through his poisonous hook and blew his tail to pieces.

" is this possible!"

"Why are you so fast?"

When, after seeing the person in front of him clearly, Poison Venerable's pupils shrank sharply.

He never imagined that Ye Yun could move Luo Xuewei and Yaya away before he could make a move.

Moreover, it can make him defenseless and explode his poisonous hook.

This speed is beyond his imagination!
You know, he teleported from the stage to here in the blink of an eye.

However, if Ye Yun wanted to move over, he had to go through the obstruction of his tens of billions of clones.

Tens of billions of clones!
Every second that blocks Ye Yun is worth tens of billions of seconds!

However, this is not the case at all!

With so many clones, there was no threat to Ye Yun at all.

Moreover, Ye Yun's speed was faster than he imagined!

So much so that he didn't notice Ye Yun's arrival at all!


"too frightening!"

"Are you the incarnation of the God Emperor?"

Poison Venerable asked in horror.

Ye Yun smiled coldly and said:

"I am who I am, and no one deserves to be compared to me."

He looked around and said with a contemptuous smile:

"Actually, if it wasn't for your avatar, you wouldn't have had the chance to come here at all."

Poison Venerable looked around, and only then noticed that his tens of billions of clones had all disappeared without a trace.

Until this moment, he finally showed a look of incomparable horror:
"You actually killed all my clones?"

What frightened him was not that Ye Yun killed his clone, but that he didn't realize that Ye Yun did it!

Ye Yun said disdainfully:
"Did you really naively think that I just broke through the defenses of your clones and didn't kill them?"

As he said that, a group of fire lotus flowers had already appeared on the chest of the Poison Venerable.

Feeling the terrifying scorching sensation, Poison Venerable was so frightened that his head was sweating profusely, he knelt down and begged for mercy:

"Senior, please forgive me!"

"I have lived for more than 3000 years, and I have managed to accumulate this body of cultivation. I don't want to die!"

After he finished speaking, the purple flame on his chest became even more intense.

Just heard, a faint voice sounded.

"I don't like listening to enemies begging for mercy."

"I just like their screams before they die."

Immediately after...


The fire exploded.

A black smoke rose into the sky.

Back then, he killed all over the southern border, forcibly overthrew the three great god emperors, the supreme existence of the Flower Poison Sect, the Poison Venerable.

Pawn! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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